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Posts posted by Pendragon1951

  1. Personally I never do the quests to get the new Warframe, I save my plat when I know a new one is coming and just buy it, that way there is no stress about completing the quest to get the Warframe. If they release it fine if not no big deal I have World of Warships, Battletech and Cloud Pirates to keep me occupied:) 

  2. I tend to be in the same boat as the OP I log in take a look around maybe play a exterminate then log off, but for me it's the why are we doing what we are doing are we the good guys or the bad guys, are there any results for killing every enemy on the ship, did we capture the ship? In a way I feel every battle we do is like that movie Sahara with Humphrey Bogart. A tank crew after a defeat retreats and picks up a few soldiers and try to make their way back to their lines when they find a waterhole. They encounter a small scout troop and capture them and find out a battalion is on the way. They decide with their eight soldiers and tank to stay and delay and defend the waterhole. It's a great movie with a good ending but they are so far removed from the main war, did delaying that battalion have any significant effect, we are never told and that is what Warframe feels like to me. I want to do a exterminate on a ship kill everyone and actually capture the ship and have a prize crew come on board and take it to a friendly port. Things like that would make it more fun and actually give me a purpose for playing the game other than just mindless slaughter, not that mindless slaughter can be fun when the mood strikes you:)  

  3. I've been playing for four years now, and I along with others are in that sign in mode, so much so that I've had 2000 Plat just sitting because their has not been anything that interested me. So I decide today I'd go to trade chat to see how Oberon Prime is selling. I have always acquired my primes this way and they usually range anywhere from 350 to 400 a set, but today was strange, I acquired the entire set for 210 plat?? The old adage went off in my head, "If it's too good to be true it probably is". Makes a person wonder why they were dumping the  parts so cheap? So did I get a lemon lol?

  4. @[DE]DrewI was thinking since it is still in it's early stages if I might make a suggestion, why not let it be both First Person and 3rd Person like Warframe and let the player select which he wants to play in, this way your sure to get a even bigger player base, because like myself as soon as I see a game is first person I don't even bother with the game. Just a thought:)

  5. If your talking about what we would do in our current real life world, that would be difficult because first off when you get right down to it, we are killing machines plain and simple, none of our powers no matter who you would choose would really not benefit mankind at large. Just like in the comics people would either start to fear us or the Government would use us to their own selfish ends.

  6. I'm assuming they will make an attempt with this assassination thing they have cooking, but if your not getting a challenge of stealth in the game the answer is simple, don't take a frame that goes invisible.

  7. 3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    this will give Smite more punch when facing lower level enemies.

    So your basically saying with that statement that Oberon should not be used with anything but lower tier enemies, which is the entire problem to begin with, you've put Oberon in a box which regulates him to only lower tier.

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