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Everything posted by Entitropy

  1. Oh yeah, that's true. Having it wider based on range stat would be better. I was thinking for it to play like Wisp's 4 "Sol Gate"? Like a toggle where you just turn it on and you can turn it off whenever. (Although to be fair, Wisp 4 sucks more in terms of damage) But overall, her 4 plays more comfortably in my opinion. Definitely a good augment if it changes 1 and 4 to go through walls.
  2. Qorvex is so fun but he's so weak with how his kit is clunky and awkward. If DE ever does something for Qorvex, either a buff or an augment, these are my suggestions: Passive: is crap, it has no relation to his entire kit at all! And if the reasoning for it is for his signature weapon, then it's even worse! Not only does his sig weapon already weak since it's an archgun, it's also mainly impact! So why not change it into something that actually fits his kit? How about "Gain 0.5 energy when proccing radiation" So it gives him some energy sustain for his abilities since he consumes so much. 1st ability: is so bad because a small box could literally stop his 1 from doing anything when an enemy is behind it. So why not make it just go through walls? The game is already filled with clutter, why make Qorvex suffer by having him only be useful in some open areas? 2nd ability: is so awkward with how its parallel walls, they could make it be a cone so it actually works better with it's wider range. 3rd ability: is fine, itd be nice if it gave some armor but either way its decent 4th ability: is clunky, why did they not make this into a channel ability? Just make it a channeled ability so it's easier and smoother to use. A good buff or augment for this is to also make this go through walls. Like come on, Gara exists and already nukes entire rooms, why can't Qorvex abilities not go through walls to help him out? Qorvex's kit is decent, an ability frame that uses a rare element, but what sets him back away from the good nuke frames is because he's so uncomfortable and so unsmooth. His 4 especially, it REALLY needs to be a channeled ability. I hope ya'll can agree on some parts about these so maybe DE could maybe take some of these suggestions. If ya'll have better ideas and such, I'd like to read about them! It'll help brainstorm a good fix for Qorvex
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