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Posts posted by Godmur

  1. Wukong and Nezha are already finished, Archer is the one that needs to be readied for update 18. They hadn't even colored in her Ingame model yet when they spoke of her last week.

    Yeah because its too hard to do that (its more like today Founders vote for the name, not cuz the colours)

  2. I literally almost never played as Sayrn because her abilities ain't make sense. Spore spread isn't even strengthen by stretch. But she suppose to cause desease on the battlefield. Contagion felt like it did nothing. Her reworked Toxic Lash guarentee toxin proc on contact. Thats how I thought it acted in the first place from her description box. Her 4th literally everyone used as a nuke. I almost hated when someone brung in a Sayrn in a Ext. I try to beat her in kills half the time. Her rework is exactly how I hope she will be. This is the longest I ever waited for a rework. Lol XD

    Well with the rework, you have to build her as +duration and strenght, instead of the -duration and strenght build, and ppl on PC compleains cuz they still using the same build and deal low to no damage.

  3. Ehh I rather have just 1 relay. This way at least we know where void trader is without asking n chat

    then let all the relays to be destroyed but 1, and whenever u dont expect it, ppl will want to know what happens when all relay are destroyed, and you will loose that relay too... then back to U15.5


    Also It was long time ago confirmed that there will be a possibility where previously destroyed relays will be rebuilt, with a different look and Warframe statues based on components dropped.


    So we've gotta wait, and you should think Warframe is still on Beta, and in this last 2 years there has been so much content added, i sometimes even forget that it is still in Beta...

    So remember this, if there isnt many events, or much end game content, is because the game is long from complete (just think that we still have to achieve rank 30, so start calculating how many more years we need, i say at least another 2 years the least, and 3 the most, till the game is fully develop, to the point we will be getting monthly events, that would be pretty cool, actually, and sure will open end game to some ppl, or who knows maybe a gamemode with no end so addictive you cant stop playing it... like a Last stand where u are allowed resources to build barricades and HORDES of grinner and or corpsus come in rushing the palce taking it everything down, and at som point everyone will perish in an epic battle to the last breath... i have to stop watching alien v predator)

  4. I dunno i spend most of the time on chat helping people, or just talking, waiting for the next update, or i dunno i just go get some resources, just in case, you never know when the urge to build a weapon again and learning how to use it, can come... like i did with akmagnus... or just hang out on the Dojo, build a room for yourself, well that is of course if your clan is not too big, and you are allowed to do so...

  5. Hey its not our fault, if we dont want to loose our high level relays... though if MR0 relay gets destroyed we wont be sad (PC relay)


    Also if it is just 1 Formorian ship, its not of a surprise everyone will go at it full force, and get rid of it in less than 2-3 hours, its like when an invasion gives a Reactor, it will take less than 1 hour to be finished, when invasion have catalyst as reward, it may be around more time, but thats just cuz Catalyst are more common than Reactors

  6. I just want my Sayrn reworked. I forma'd her ever since I saw her rework & just wonna prepare. Now she's just waiting to spread her toxin on foes.

    You dont really miss too much with the rework, most probably you will find it like a nerf, till you get how to really use Saryn again, then you will talk about how op it is

  7. Now, now, we've been hearing "End of November" for a while, and while this is amazing news to find out, December 2nd, is in fact the "Beginning of December".


    In the spirit of the whiny child that demands a cookie, I suggest DE release the new Rhino Skin next week to tide over the enormous wave of hype and anticipation that has been going on since the first Sentient Trailer.


    If these demands are not met, there will be foot stamping, and holding my breath for short periods.



    Went to do some research, and while U18 may not come this next week, Rhino skin and Rework, should be coming next week... 


    Does someone else feels like the Mios, and Rhino Rework and skin probably this next week, are kind of like a Hang in there treat for the community?


    because i feel like im just getting patting because we have to wait more time for U18... it helps with the wait, but i dont like it.

    After the first gacetes i did this, took me some time checking Devstream 63 more patiently.

    Man ppl doesnt read anything

    Re-reposting again this crap


    They already said at Devstream 63, U18 wont come in november, BUT Rhino rework and skin SHOULD still be given to us before november ends

  9. Went to do some research, and while U18 may not come this next week, Rhino skin and Rework, should be coming next week... 


    Does someone else feels like the Mios, and Rhino Rework and skin probably this next week, are kind of like a Hang in there treat for the community?


    because i feel like im just getting patting because we have to wait more time for U18... it helps with the wait, but i dont like it.

    After the first gacetes i did this, took me some time checking Devstream 63 more patiently.

    Man ppl doesnt read anything

  10. What i just dont understand is why are they so top secret policy on U18, but they give leaks to gaming news websites? it just doesnt make sense...


    And i pitty the fool, who believes they have said everything we could expect with U18, since this update brings more than you think, and more than what we've been presented (no wonders they are kicking the ball, would expect it to be kicked again)

  11. Vauban's blueprints do a run through the hole week usually (i was lucky to get him in 2 days... but that's cuz universe love me) so usually all blueprints do show up at some point during a week, if u miss one alert, then you will ahve to wait for the next one... it is not a hard way to get it, but you just needs tons of patience

  12. Went to do some research, and while U18 may not come this next week but Rhino skin and Rework, should be coming next week... 


    Does someone else feels like the Mios, and Rhino Rework and skin probably this next week, are kind of like a Hang in there treat for the community?


    because i feel like im just getting patting because we have to wait more time for U18... it helps with the wait, but i dont like it.

  13. Not seeing anyone around here rioting. If you want to believe DE, go ahead. No one said you have to believe the site.


    Personally I don't see any reason why they'd make something like this up.

    Then you just dont have the same rotten way of thinking as i do... 


    And if were the author of this sites i would have do it, just to get attetion, and some extra cash.


    Most probably 1 of the 2 sites just copy the content from the other.

  14. Every time info leaks like this it turns out to be true. Only 2 or so leaks have turned out to be fake since I've started fact checking. When it comes to updates like these there's no reason to lie lol. 

    No reason to lie, except that something like this is a free piece of cake, like France is right now for the Tv news.


    Again why would DE tell to someone else about it, to get the people hyped when they just need to post 1 thread on their own page, to make the notice go viral, over the hole community.


    I see your point, but you must also see mine... i do not expect DE to give me an exact date with something like this, but again i didnt expected anything the past week, and they gave us the Mios, when it was suposed to be coming with U18, or after it...


    So why should i bet now for them to not updating till the last moment, wish it will be the next week. but im already expecting it to be monday 30... and lately DE havent done anything to make us doubt about their judgement, not to say they even told us this week they wont update anything at all on PC, so may this point out that we will get update next week, to me its like hiding candy from me, and you say you dont have any, while you have the mouth full of it

  15. They don't have to "calculate" every single possible delay, DE tends to release rough estimations of when we can expect the update. And that's exactly why we shouldn't nail the date down to that statement. If they say November, always take the possibility into account that it's going to happen in December. Heck, if everything goes super smooth (which is rare in game development) it could even be released earlier than expected. It's impossible to take every possible delay into account, especially in such a large game. Change one thing and break two others.


    I'm not saying you should trust the site, but where would they get info for a new PvP map? I doubt they'd think of something like that by themselves. Everything else we know lines up with the article and it's not like the date is unreasonable or anything.


    As for giving a date to someone else, it's PR. As I've already said, random no-name gaming sites released articles about upcoming weekend events multiple days in advance of an official statement. Why wouldn't they try to get as much publicity as possible for their biggest update this year?


    Also take into account that they'd want to avoid another debacle like U13, which is why Dec. 2nd sounds reasonable. They might be able to roughly finish it next week, but they wouldn't want to give us a release date for next week in case something does happen. So they rather give themselves a secure timeframe in which they are sure to finish it.

    They dont want a debacle, they want to be burned alive, they dont tell their fans throught the official forums, U18 will be delayed to December... instead they gave that information to a gaming gacete, DE must have been paid a good amount of money to say it... oh wait nvm, they say it for free, to someone, so he tells us, so we get crazy, so we end up making a riot and flooding the forums.


    Seems legit... Logic

  16. except he has a couple things flawed, DE never said specifically when U18 would hit. they just said november. They've also given news sites info before even letting us know. (like all the special weekend stuff and the halloween event). Not saying we should believe the sites post but DE wouldn't release an update without a hype site as of lately.

    Go and check the Devstreams, DE said U18 will be coming Before November ends for sure.


    Which proofs do you have DE have told this sites when will it be all ready?, halloween event, was pretty much know when would it be coming before hand, aswell as the Special weekend, they comunicated this things here on this forums, and the front page, or leave clear when they would come on a devstream...


    And they have told when U18 will be around on the Devstreams already... so why the hell must i believe a site that i've never seen or know about, that doesnt even tells you form were they got the data?


    If DE wanted to get people hyped, they would have tease, or announce it already here on Warframe.com, there is no place where you can call the attetion more than from this place...

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