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Posts posted by (PSN)EyeGodZA

  1. Per the subject line! Have done all the quests outside of Fortuna, and am headed that way shortly in between running Cetus bounties and gearing up on that side.

    I'm in a clan that's almost fully researched, but nobody's ever online and feels like I'm wasting my time.

    I've contacted a number of recruiters on here, but never get any responses to my PMs, so if anybody out there is in a large enough clan that has activity most (if not all of) the time, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

  2. God, RNG really kills my mood and desire to do bounties. I just wanted to start a thread about this very topic, but I thought let me search first and found this one.

    On 2019-02-04 at 4:45 AM, CazadorDeWulf said:

    Has anyone else experienced the dreaded "you can't have anything worth jack now" mechanic kick in or am I insane? Because with how many bounties I farm this is just, ridiculous. I do them solo and public, same rewards every time. That means my teammates might be cursed if I join them.


    I'm farming relics for Ember and Frost Primes, but I've not had a single one drop. Instead, tons of endo, lame mods I already have, an incessant Gara and Revenant BPs/parts, sometimes even dupes in the same bounty! 😡 And, to answer the OP, yes, I've found it to be way worse since the unvaulting. In fact, right before the unvaulting I was farming Mag and Nova Prime relics and I got a fair amount, so it really is peculiar.

    I know the game is free and I shouldn't complain and all that (and I really, really, love it; this game got me back into MP gaming for the first time in forever), and I'm still fairly new and all that, but I have dropped money on this game, I'm willing to drop money on this game, but it should also be fair to some extent, no?

    I don't mind grinding if there's at least some kind of reward to the grind, but right now it's just breaking me.

    I've not yet experienced Fortuna at all; would my luck turn better there at all? So demotivating.

  3. 10 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    You didnt say MR but if its low its not easy to gain standing with such a low daily cap,  but is easy to max out and work on lots of different things at once.   Just have clear goals you are working towards.  If you dont have goals ask for advice.


    But limiting your growth serves no purpose.  I think what you and others try to do is learn the game yourself by stumbling around.   Thats fine but super slow!!!  You need a clanmate, mentor, or some random offering to help noobs to show you what to work on/towards and answer questions.  Then u can run instead of crawl.  You will get stronger faster and just have more of the game to enjoy.


    So thats my advice.   Do it all,  get some1 to help you with information.


    My MR is 12, but I've put breaks on that for the while to just grind the things listed above; just running Excalibur Umbra (isn't that a bit of a cliché? But it's such a beautiful frame and I've found my groove with it in such a good way! 😛 ) right now so I can achieve the goals listed above.

    I've got a friend who's been giving me very sound advice: he got me hooked on running with an Arca Plasmor and it's been really hard to use any other primary since - any tips? That said, I'm always looking for advice from others also.

  4. 14 hours ago, (PS4)Agent_CHAR said:

    Warframe is a grind game all about acquiring things (crafting BP's, resources, mods, etc).  You always play whatever content that drops the thing you prioritize getting most.  If that thing comes from PoE then play PoE.  If that thing is on Orb Vallis then you play there instead.  Zaws vs kitguns is a simple example.

    The bottom line is we can't tell you which place you want to play and what you want to get out of playing in that place.  Both are valid choices, just different.

    Right now I'm running Ostron Bounties to grind out relics for Mag and Nova Prime before they're both vaulted tomorrow, so that's a very clear goal.

    Another is to push my Quills standing to the point where I can finally unlock that quest of theirs.

    But I think once that's done I'll take on the last few quests I've got going before hitting Fortuna hard; very excited to check it out, and I really want a K-Drive! 😉 

  5. 42 minutes ago, Mysticwoolie said:

    That is exactly what i have been doing 🙂

    Both BBKDragoon and iFlynn helped me get over the first puzzling few hours and all the more reason I am so hooked into warframe.

    Thanks for all your inputs fellow Tenno, I think i will cave and grab Nova Prime.

    Much love!


    Good for you, bud!

  6. Fellow Tenno,

    Per the subject line, I'm finally coming to terms with the Plains now, and slowly but surely advancing my standing with the Ostron and Quills.

    My goals have been to complete as many quests (if not all of them, but honestly, screw you The Jordas Precept! 😛) before I advance... But I feel like there's still so much to do on the Plains, and with the new update out soon, along with all of the new features added with Fortuna, will my time not be better spent coming to terms with the Orb Vallis?

    To date, I've yet to really come to terms with the Operator, Focus, Lenses, etc., and beyond that, I've never hunted an Eidolon or Tridolon or whatever... So, to reiterate, should I hit Fortuna since PoE ain't going anywhere anytime soon?

  7. My 2c as a relatively new player that has found his stride:

    If Nova Prime appeals to you and you've not yet ground out the relics (Bounties on Cetus or the Void for you right now, which you're likely not close to at all) required to build her yourself, now is the time to buy her as - mentioned by others above - she'll be vaulted in two days along with Mag Prime.

    If you're concerned that it may make things too easy for you, you just don't have to play with her until you feel like you've "earned" it. I've done this with Trinity Prime: I got her via the Twitch Prime promotion, but have yet to even play with her! My reasoning was that I should farm and build at least one Prime frame before I could access a giveaway - on a very personal level this just seemed to easy for me, which is super subjective.

    The upside of purchasing Nova Prime is that you'll also have some Plat that you can use to buy cosmetics or other items, and know that you're supporting DE in the process.

    On an aside - and I'm sure some haters will come at me for this - but do check out starter guides online and on YouTube if you need some guidance from time to time. While I didn't follow them step by step, I found BBKDRAGOON and iFlynn's starter guides to be particularly helpful. What I didn't learn from them, I learned myself or from other friends I've made playing the game.

    Good luck to you, Tenno!

    EDIT: Also remember that once Nova's vaulted, Frost and Ember Prime will become available. I personally really enjoyed vanilla Ember and Frost is one of my favourites (but perhaps a bit of a cliché for old hands! 😉) so I'll definitely be grinding for them. Point is, your money may be better spent on one of these unless you're dead set on getting Nova, which I'm pretty sure many will recommend over Ember and Frost Prime.

  8. On 2019-01-27 at 9:08 AM, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    All weapons are decent, completely depends on you gameplay.Those are Primes, their Stats are slightly better then regular ones and it’s some kind, let’s say, Prestige to own them. If nothing then for MR or spare their parts for future trades, unfortunately this idea has majority of playerbase, so you can’t expect megamilions of Plat for them even after they will be Vaulted again.

    Thanks, mate; I ran some bounties yesterday and got some of the relics I needed; already had a few of them in the bag from before, and also have some Nova Prime parts already built, so it's good I've some time to try and bag a few more.

    Re plat, though, I don't particularly care about selling on the market, at least not yet. It's more about getting unvaulted frames and/or weapons, for me.

  9. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    Welcome back, dude. Slow down, all Relics are Bounties drops, so I recommend to run Cetus Bounties to get Relics, Standings and Resources to be able fight Eidolons.

    Thank you, sir! In the process of wiki'ng now, but are you basically saying Mag and Nova Prime relics drop during Cetus Bounties? Cos I'd be more than happy to do those: upping Standing and exploring PoE, which is on my agenda.

    EDIT: Okay, never mind; this link (https://www.gamepur.com/guide/38354-warframe-mag-prime-and-nova-prime.html) seemed to clear it all up:

    • Lith M2 – Cetus Tier 2/Fortuna Tier 2/Hespit in the Void.
    • Mose B3 – Cetus Tier 3/Fortuna Tier 3/Ukko in the Void.
    • Neo N9 – Cetus Tier 4/Fortuna Tier 4/Ukko in the Void.
    • Axi S4 – Cetus Tier 5/Fortuna Tier 5

    Which is perfect, because I can now setup a number of clear goals to to both gain Standing and get the Relics... And then eventually move onto Eidolons, hopefully after Maskf of the Revenant.

    One more question, though: are any of the weapons from the accessory packs really worth grinding for?

  10. Greetings Tenno,

    Full disclosure: I love this game, so much so that I forced myself to take a break after what had become a mild addiction around Xmas time last year.

    I hopped back in today and was enjoying it, but I'm feeling a bit of pressure to drop everything and just farm relics for the frames and gear that's about to be vaulted.

    One of the things holding me back is this aversion to having to research which relics to farm, and where. For fear of being called lazy and told to "wiki it," I'll say that I'll have a look at it tomorrow when my mind is slightly clearer (almost bedtime here). But - for what it's worth - are there any handy resources one can access that just summarises the most economical way to make sure you maximise getting the relics before the gear is vaulted?

    Also, should I feel pressured to grind for this gear? I kinda dislike regular Nova... Mag I can barely remember playing with, so it's maybe not worth it, is it? Or do I just wanna hit it for MR fodder anyway? And what about the weapons that came with the accessory packs?

    Lastly, I've made good progress with the Star Chart (basically complete save for a few boss battles that require nav coordinates) and Quests (only a few more remaining, particularly The Mask of the Revenant, whose grind is breaking my balls if I'm to be honest).

    Should I be focusing energies on these quests and progressing with standing for the Quills and the Red Veil (have reached General with SM), or should I be farming relics and grinding them for BPs? Should I be grinding Hydron for MR with all the unranked gear waiting in my foundry? Should I be upgrading my Operator? Should I be hunting Eidolons? (I haven't even done a hunt yet!) Or should I just drop everything and hit Fortuna (been saving it until I feel like I've attained some kind of mastery over PoE)?

    If you've read this far (thank you), I'm sure you can identify my dilemma; I would therefore appreciate any and all thoughts!


  11. 13 minutes ago, degrida said:

    I think it's high time for DE to show us something better and grander than what they have now because Bungie has just become independent and there is a good chance that if Warframe doesn't secure its place as THE best sci-fi mmolite game, Destiny will step up to the plate and claim that spot.

    Hmmm... DE has won the hearts and minds of its fans and - in my admittedly limited view, as I've only played Destiny 1 + DLCs - they've created a far more rewarding and content-rich game world with one of the friendliest and generous communities I've come across in my life. That, and I didn't have to pay a cent for anything, don't have to pay for a PS+ membership, and despite having invested over 300+ hours, still feel like I've barely scratched the surface. This, on a game that was released back in 2013, that still gets regular and great content updates that in many ways revolutionise its gameplay mechanics in ways that Bungie can only dream of doing with Destiny, two games down the line.

    I had to literally tear myself away from Warframe at the backend of the 2018 Xmas holiday because I was seriously addicted, and yet, here I am, just chomping at the bit to get back in. I don't think DE will lose any of its loyal fan base to Bungie and beyond that, they've done so much reputational damage to their name and the Destiny brand under Activision, it's gonna take some time for them to restore faith from the public, save from their die-hard fans.

    If anything, you may find some Warframe fans dabbling in whatever Bungie does next - or Bioware, for that matter, with Anthem - but I don't think anyone who's committed themselves and seriously invested time into Warframe will abandon it outright. I bet Bungie and Bioware are seriously cribbing notes from DE so as to ensure they can win people over as DE has done with their IP; DE has done with Warframe what Bungie promised to do with Destiny - create a game you'd play for ten years (and it's only six in now) - and yet they're already wasting away with Destiny 2 and there are already whisperings of Destiny 3... Nah, I think DE and Warframe are pretty safe and secure.

    Tl;dr: DE and Warframe's pretty safe.

    • Like 1
  12. And it seems like I'm not the only person having trouble with this quest:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ybj54q6ng89od0b/Screen Shot 2018-12-16 at 12.16.46 PM.png?dl=0

    Lotus tells me to build the BP, but it's nowhere to be found in my foundry... I definitely didn't sell it, but now I can't do squat.

    Short of issuing a support ticket, any advice from others who may have experienced this?

    (I haven't verified download cache; have to figure out how to do that.)

  13. My man! THIS:

    On 2018-11-08 at 11:21 PM, Dalan_K said:

    The Second Dream made me love the game even more with the twist, turning this into almost Herbert-level sci-fi. If you've read 'Dune,' then you know what I mean. Playing the game made me want to go out and learn more about the lore, and the more I found out the more I loved this game.


    Maybe it's cos I'm rereading Dune right now (ahead of Denis Villeneuve's adaptation; so psyched for it!) while I'm discovering Warframe for the first time... But I just finished The Second Dream and The War Within over the last couple of days, and I couldn't shake the Dune/Herbert feeling I got from it! Glad I'm not the only one, and would be curious to see if the devs were as influenced by Dune as I think they were/are...

    Can't believe this thread hasn't gotten more love, though! Update the title and put "Dune" in it! 😉 

  14. 18 hours ago, SastusBulbas said:

    Everything remains available, simple terms is the quicker you get a higher percentage earning Sigil the quicker you earn, so always go Sigil.


    Awesome, thanks!

    Now, what about other Syndicates I may want things from but are now opposed to... If I spend standing with SM does it improved negative standing with other Syndicates... And is there value in doing this, or should I just start working with Syndicates that are aligned with SM?

  15. Per the title, you know what I wanna know.

    I'm kinda cut up about spending 500k credits, but I've got the Zephyr Prime Chassis building, so I guess I might as well do it... Question is, what reward do I pick?

    I know some people recommend sigils, as I imagine this allows you to regain standing after spending far quicker, but is there anything else I should be looking at?

    Currently running Frost (just the strongest, and has helped me clear almost all of the Star Chart) with Plasmor, Atomos and Atterax with Helios Prime. Will soon work my way through all the post-Second Dream quests, so starting PoE and moving onto Fortuna after that.

    Any advice welcome and appreciated!

  16. 2 hours ago, Kebast said:

    I think you're misunderstanding about chroma. Those relics don't get vaulted this month. Just the prime package goes away. There's still plenty of time to get chroma relics

    Ah, I see!

    So, Chroma Prime will remain, except for these, then?

    "Entering the Vault 
    On December 18, the following items and their respective Relics will enter the Vault. These items will no longer be available in-game:

    - Banshee Prime 
    - Helios Prime 
    Euphona Prime

    If these Prime Weapons and Warframes (or their Blueprints/Components and Relics) are already in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting."

    Per this link: https://www.warframe.com/news/chroma-prime-access-ends-december-18

    Meaning, if I wanna farm anything it should be relics for Banshee and Euphone Prime? (I've already got Helios Prime! 💪😎)

  17. Per the subject line, trying to do this before Chroma Prime vaulting.

    I've found this:

    and this:


    and this:


    But I'm still not winning. Have done round upon round on Io, Jupiter, but unfortunately, I haven't yet unlocked Xini, Eris, which seems to be the best bet as it drops Neos too.

    I've read elsewhere that Cetus Bounties are also a pretty good bet, but this is getting frustrating and even a little boring.

    Is it worth trying to see this through, or am I wasting my time? I literally only need Chassis and Systems, which makes it ever so slightly frustrating...

    And, finally, should I even bother with Banshee Prime?

    Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

  18. Greetings Tenno,

    I'm based in South Africa, so my timezone makes it a bit tricky unless other players are in the EU (UTC+2).

    I'm in a clan at present, but they're barely active and it's just not fun.

    Currently, I'm MR8 and still clearing the Star Chart; just hit The Second Dream quest and busy with Neptune.

    I'm playing quite frequently at present and would like to get into the deeper nitty-gritty of the game: cracking relics, PoE, etc. The kind of stuff I basically don't know anything about right now. Also wanna get set up for Fortuna when it drops on PS4.

    Finally, while I'm totally open to doing the clan thing and playing frequently with regulars, I also enjoy doing my own thing and playing solo - especially narrative-based quests like The Second Dream - so I just don't want to feel pressured to always partake in clan activities, or be made to feel guilty should I just want to do my own thing.

    Hit me up if I fit the bill!

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