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Posts posted by Borkvah



    So I'm finally done with the helmetless Nekros. Despite the fact he was heavily inspired by Julian Richings, I'm quite satisfied with the result :)
    Nekros, is a blind necromancer that uses his moths(the souls of the fallen) to "see", which is described as seeing everything in black&white, where people's souls are shown as shadowy silhouettes. As for the cybernetics on his right side of the skull,  I will leave it to your imagination. (more fun that way)



    This....this is beautiful...

  2. Chapter 3

    L'dael slid down the inner wall of the small room. He had been led there by the Lotus and her entourage following the strange questioning she gave him. Clasping his hands behind his head he slumped forwards whilst taking a few deep breaths, trying to force the memories from so long ago back into his subconscious mind. He remained like this for five minutes, drawing long shuddering breaths, before he heard the door a meter to his left slid open with a ghostly hiss.

    "Now now, being questioned by the Lotus isn't that bad." The voice counselled, it was Eleha. L'dael rose his head slightly. She was out of armour and now only wore the body suit that everyone had under their frame, only differences being that Eleha's had no sleeves - revealing well toned arms - and complimented her figure quite well.

    "And even if you had a hard time, it pays to remember where a ladies eyes are, L'dael."

    The humour in her voice made him smile to himself. He rose his head further to meet her ruby red eyes.

    "It wasn't that bad. I'm still just a little worn from the cryo fatigue." A blatant lie, but L’dael couldn’t reveal his past, not yet if ever.

    "Hmmmm...okay. Anyways, I've been chosen as your liaison for the day."

    "Alright." He said as he rose to his feet and finally cast a glance around the room he was in. He had been leaning against the same wall that the door was on, the room extended five meters ahead of him and another three to his left. At the back was an armour stand and weapon mount, against the right wall was a desk - upon which eleha now sat - with some sort of access terminal and to the left was a small sofa. Also in the room was a man sized locker. L’dael set himself to unpacking, which solely consisted of setting his armour and weapons to the appropriate racks. Eleha sat on the desk, swinging her legs back and forth like a young child.

    “So, Hunter of the tireless stalkers huh?”

    L’dael was fiddling around with the helmet, it just wasn’t sitting right on the stand. “Hm?” He said not having really heard what Eleha said.

    “You’re a hunter of the tireless stalkers?” She said louder, this time L’dael was able to conceal any reaction he might of had. He continued to fiddle with the helmet.


    “It’s strange, i’ve never really heard about them, apart from the odd rumor.” Her thoughtful tone made L’dael stop what he was doing.


    “Yep, like how there were only a hundred of you at any given point and how only a pair of your warriors could level an entire base.” There was a moments silence, and then L’dael started to chuckle quietly.

    “I’m guessing this is you asking me to tell you about my Clan?” He held his helmet in his hands and stared down at it before turning and walking to the small sofa opposite Eleha. L’dael undid his undersuit again and let it fall to his waist before massaging his right shoulder.

    “My clan my clan my clan...well...there isn’t much to say about it, i suppose we were what we were.” He looked at his helmet, underneath the paintwork where many scratches had been buffed out, though something remained. There was a rut that ran from one side to the other at eye height, it was almost unnoticeable. L’dael raised a hand to his face, thumb and forefinger going to the sides of his head close to his eyes and gently rubbed the scars that ran from ear to eye on either side. He stood up and placed the helmet on the stand, it slotted in perfectly this time. “Aww” Eleha said with a pout. “That wasn’t good at all.” L’dael chuckled again before picking up the empty bag that had held his armour. He walked over to the locker and keyed it open. He stopped dead. On the top shelf was a small black box, about twenty inches long by ten wide. L’dael put the bag in the bottom of the locker and picked up the box. “Where was this found.” He asked quietly.

    “What?” Eleha noticed that he was holding the box. “Oh...that...” She looked away. “Well...you hadn’t mentioned it up until this point...but...everyone knows that - sorry, thought that - the entirety of the Tireless Stalkers were wiped out...I don’t know much about the box other than it’s yours...”

    “I see.” He replaced the box, closed the locker and walked back to the sofa.

    “I don’t mean to pry...but what’s inside it?”

    L’dael stayed quiet for a long moment. “Memories.” He said simply, offering no further elaboration. The silence lingered for a moment longer. “Alright, liaison, I believe we have to attend to some things.” Eleha got up off the desk and cleared her throat, saving the questions she had for another time. “Very well, If you will follow me please, we will begin your orientation.”

    sorry about the wait, but here's Welcome to Kor; Chapter three. Another short one but i promise the next one will be longer ^_^
  3. probably turkey, then the christmas roast , then butts again, then new years, then more butts, then a minor discussion about boobs, then butts, then summer, then butts in thongs, then butts in yoga pants, then ugg boots, then butts, then back to pumpkins and the whole cycle repeats


    lather, rinse, repeat

  4. Do share.


    Berserkers are commonly big buff people who smash there way through anything and eat tank shells for breakfast etc. I think what the devs have gone for is the idea that - while she can't eat tankshells - if she gets into a group of enemies, she can rip through them like they were paper. They went for sleek, agile and devastating. Not for huge, slow and tanky. Well, that's my opinion at least.

  5. Well you didn't think this thread would just die, did you?


    You think me that simple minded?


    Nah, i was just thinking about how truly awesome and creative people are and how entire forums of people give them the encouragement to continue doing what others, such as myself, cannot dream of doing even with years of practice :)

  6. Chapter 2

    L’dael remained on the bench with his head in his hands for those final fifteen minutes aboard the attack craft, desperately trying to push the memory of that day into the furthest recesses of his mind with the rest of them. The others had left him be for the most part. Credeas sat on the opposite side of the small compartment with his helmet on his lap, arms resting on top of it, eyes closed - probably deep in thought - he struck L’dael as that kind of person. Shelwe was sitting with her feet up, back up against the cockpit wall, also appearing to be deep in thought but probably just resting. “Alright lady and gentlemen.” Boomed Eleha’s voice across the intercom, Credeas and Shelwe opened their eyes, L’dael’s head remained firmly planted in his hands. “Touchdown in two minutes, pack stuff and prepare for the hand off.” Now that raised L’dael’s head. Hand off?  He thought. Credeas had put his helmet back on, a soft hissing sound as his suit re-compressed could be heard. Shelwe had moved past L’dael to the rear of the compartment and was standing by the boarding ramp, her Boltor was cradled in her arms like a baby. L’dael stood from the bench and pulled his undersuit up over his torso but the nano-pack encasing his shoulder prevented it from being done up completely, leaving a slash of scarred flesh visible. He looked up and found the large duffle bag in which his armour and skana had been stowed. He pulled it down and slung it across his left shoulder, turning to join Credeas and Shelwe at the ramp, he noticed his Lex still lay on the floor where he dropped it. He thought about it for a moment before deciding to attach it to one of the mag strips on his undersuits thigh, which was more commonly used to secure his armour so it was more than capable of holding the weight of the bulky pistol in place. L’dael momentarily felt twice as heavy as the artificial gravity of the attack craft and wherever they were overlapped before deactivating. They swayed slightly as the craft came to a static hover above the hangar floor. The engines slowly powered down, making for a feather soft landing. The engines cut off, leaving the compartment eerily quiet. A silence that was soon filled with clacking footsteps as Eleha made her way from the cockpit and joined the rest of them. “Got your stuff?” She asked L’dael. He just nodded, not yet ready to talk again. “Then off we go.” With that, Eleha pushed a button on the small control panel beside the ramp. It descended with a loud hiss. The moment it had touched down on the floor Eleha was walking down it, followed by L’dael, then Shelwe and Credeas. L’dael took a moment to survey the hangar. The roof was at least another fifty meters above his head and was fifty meters long to the left and right of him. They had landed along what L’daels best guess was the center line of the hangar, the door leading away from it directly in front of them. “Alright people, form up. Locust will be here any moment.” Eleha said, slinging her bow across her back, then clasping her hands in the small of her back and widening her stance. L’dael put the duffle bag down and followed suit, he stood to Eleha’s right, with Shelwe standing beside him and Credeas standing on the other side of Eleha. Moments later the door they stood twenty meters from split open with a pneumatic hiss. The first people to emerge through the door were two jet black Rhino frames, they stepped through and took up positions on beside of the door, aiming to either side. Then a woman appeared, she wore a strange head dress that left only her mouth visible and an equally strange dress which was dark purple much like her head dress. “Squad squad ‘tion.” Eleha barked, bring her arms to her side and feet together as the same time as the others, filling the silent hangar with a loud thunk. The hangar almost fell silent but the shoes the woman wore produced a loud clacking as she and another two black Rhino’s closed the twenty meter gap swiftly and stopped five meters in front of the four of them. “At ease.” The woman said in a calm and calculated voice, L’dael guessed instantly that this was the Lotus. “All present and accounted for, ma’am, plus one of course.” Eleha said, a humorous tone in her voice.

    “Very good.” The Lotus remarked, not reacting to the humor. She turned to L’dael. “You must be our lost brother.” Her voice betrayed no emotion apart from that incredibly calming tone. L’dael brought his right arm across his chest and rested his clenched fist on his heart in salute. “Yes ma’am.” Was all he said before returning to ease. At this she nodded before turning back to face Eleha. “You and your team are dismissed for the next two days.” Lotus said before adding. “You did well on this one, Eleha, you’ve earned it.”

    “Thank you, ma’am.” Eleha saluted in the same fashion as L’dael had before she and the other two broke from formation and walked toward the door. Lotus waited before the trio had left before speaking again. “So, you are the Tenno of black ink.” She said as she jestured the other two Rhino’s that were still beside the door to join her. The hairs on the back of L’daels neck prickled. “Sorry ma’am, I am afraid I don’t follow.” He said in confusion.

    “During your escape I looked into your service record. It was standard to a point, but then almost every other entry is redacted under tier 10 classification. The codes for unlocking that tier no longer exist.” She said as if expecting L’dael to offer an explanation to what was behind all the classification. L’dael looked straight into the point of light that was in the middle of the head dress and at about eye height.

    “It is classified for a reason.” L’dael said slowly, fighting back the memories that the mention of the classification dredged up. The hangar fell silent, the two of them were staring at each other. The silence lasted thirty seconds before the Lotus turned and began toward the door again. “Come, i’ll show you to your preparation room.” she said simply as her guards formed on her again. L’dael grabbed the bag and slung it over his left shoulder again before following the Lotus and her entourage out of the hangar, still confused over the solitary question that the lotus had asked, and why go to such lengths just to ask it.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ another short one; i know and i'm sorry. Also sorry for the late upload. These were both due in part for me not having time to edit or write and also having a hangover this morning.

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