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Posts posted by Borkvah

  1. Chapter 3

    They had been running for half an hour, dodging through the labyrinth of corridors and rooms that the mercury vault consisted of, dispatching entire squads of grineer they came across. These skirmishes were very much an education for L’dael, having never been able to closely observe the abilities of a Nyx before. He watched as Eleha tore through the minds of grineer lancers, causing them to turn on their fellows and saving L’dael the precious little ammo he had recovered for his Lex. Whilst having stunning mental abilities, Eleha’s use of her glaive was impressive, first using it to slice the throat of one grineer before smoothly spinning and sending it whirring into the chest of another some meters away; L’dael just used the methods he was expert with, lobbing energy javelins and blowing brains all over the walls. Between the skirmishes Eleha had explained to L’dael that her friends were waiting at a junction just in front of the corridor leading to the landing pad where their ship was landed, she also explained that the voice that he had heard when he was released, and during his brief spate in captivity, was a Tenno solely known as the Lotus. A mysterious figure that lead the Tenno and acted as operations controller for all teams operating in the field, quite how she managed this was a question far beyond the both of them - nor did they particularly care – as long as she could do it and keep everyone on the ball.


    “Okay” Eleha said. They had come to a stop outside a door after sprinting for about five minutes. “We need to take the door on the right hand side of the room, past that should be the corridor where my friends are.” She activated the controls and the door slid open, much to her surprise, there were three grineer scorpions waiting inside. “You have our quarry.” The middle one hissed, which l’dael assumed to be the leader of the trio. The other two scorpions stepped forward the one on the right shouted “Hand him over, and we may ju-.” The scorpion was cut short by the bark of L’daels pistol, also taking Eleha by surprise - nobody had seen him move but all of a sudden he was ahead of her, pistol level. The bullet struck her in the throat and sent her down in a gurgling scream. Switching targets, L’dael shot again, catching the other one in the middle of her pallid forehead – she went down without a sound, head whipping backwards as her brains splattered through the back of her skull. The leader remained; shocked by the quick evolution of a situation she thought she was in control of. “You bastard” she howled as she raised her arm and fired the hook, eager to avenge her sisters. Sloppy ,L’dael thought as he span out of the way. Never attack out of anger, L’dael, your movements become uncontrolled and wild – making them easy to counter and in turn making you easier to kill. The words of his master shortly after becoming an initiate of his towns’ clan resonated strongly in his mind. He sliced through the cable that trailed the hook, drawing an enraged scream from the lips of the scorpion as she brought up her pistol. There was no more sound, no bark of pistol shots or enraged screams, just silence that can be only found when all the guns on a battlefield have fallen silent and the electricity of action has defused from the air. L’dael stood on the far side of the scorpion, his skana was held roughly where the stomach of the scorpion would be. Slowly, he stood up from his lowered position and returned his skana to the magnetic locks on his back. The scorpion looked confused; she did not realise what had happened, one moment the Tenno bastard was in front of her, the next he stood behind her. The scorpion fell in two halves from the waist, the confused expression permanently etched on her pallid features.  L’dael turned and looked at Eleha, who stood with her weapons ready. The entire ordeal had taken under thirty seconds. Slowly Eleha lowered her bow and walked over to the door on her right. “For a guy that’s been asleep for a few centuries, you don’t at all move or act like it” she remarked as she activated the next door. L’dael just shrugged and followed her through the open door, jogging a few steps so he could take point. The corridor ran straight for about twenty meters and then turned right. Just before the corner L’dael thought he heard Eleha mutter something, about to ask her as he rounded the corner, he turned and stared straight down the gaping maw of a gorgon machine gun. L’dael yelled in surprise and stumbled back a step, bringing up his Lex in the process, but before he could drop the hammer a new voice crackled to life in his helmet. “Easy there brother” said a deep voice. The gorgon lowered from L’daels face, revealing the wielder as a big man in a green and orange Vauban frame. “You must be the one” the big man offered his hand to shake “My name is Credeas.” L’dael lowered his pistol and shook Credeas’s hand. “L’dael” he said in introduction as he released his grip. “Where’s Shelwe?” Eleha asked Credeas. “Just ahead, she’s holding off the decaying ones in the eastern corridor.” Was his reply “I’m on point.”  With that he brought his gorgon up, turned and ran down the corridor, Eleha and L’dael close in tow.

    The trio arrived at the door that the Tenno known as Shelwe was apparently beyond. The sound of gunfire was worryingly loud. “Shelwe, come in.” Eleha said over the link “We found our guy, time to pull out.”

    “Sorry El” replied a female voice with a broad English accent “I’m a little occupied”, an explosion was heard muffled by the door but clearly through the link.

    “We’re coming in” Eleha reported, cutting the link so Shelwe couldn’t object. Opening the door, L’dael saw a dark blue and red banshee hugging the corner of a wall as bullets poured past her. Once again he was reacting before anyone else had time to take in the situation. Stacking up behind the banshee, L’dael grabbed her by the shoulder. “What th-.” Shelwe began but before she could get any further L’dael had dragged her away from the corner and stood in her place. “Move. Now.” He told her as he popped out of cover and shot three times, two grineer went down screaming. He slid back into cover and ejected the empty magazine before slamming another one home and racking the slide. L’dael left the cover, not wanting to spend any more time than he had to close to the grineer gun-line. Shelwe still stood behind him, slightly shocked. She snapped out of it and ran with L’dael back to the door. Eleha shut it behind them, sealing the door by shooting the control panel with her Barton. “That’ll buy us a few minutes” Eleha said as she backed away from the door. “Shel, you okay?” she asked, turning to Shelwe.

    “I’m...fine.” she seemed a little shaken by the speed L’dael had moved, turning to face him, Shelwe looked him up and down before saying “…not bad new guy, thank you.”

    “I’m L’dael, try not to get bogged down like that, those situations tend to end far worse.” He said matter-of-factly.

    “Well we better get going.” Eleha said. With that the four of them took off; Eleha leading, then L’dael, then Credeas and finally Shelwe. They darted up a long corridor they had passed on the way to get Shelwe and stopped just outside the door leading to the landing pad. L’dael cocked his head; he could hear a distant rumbling, undoubtedly the grineer were charging after them. “Grineer incoming.” He said simply, his mind was now completely focused on the fight. “You go and get the ship running, I’ll hold them off. “ They stepped through the door; l’dael took cover on the left hand side

    “I’m with you.” Credeas responded, taking cover opposite him. The two girls ran to the ship and up the ramp as Credeas mowed down the first rank of grineer to come charging down the corridor. L’dael just popped in and out of cover, shooting what he could hit. Credeas on the other hand let the lead find its own target. Bodies clogged the corridor and L’dael dropped back to reload when he heard Eleha’s voice on the link. “L’dael, Credeas, engines are primed, get on board.”

    “Copy that.” L’dael replied, calling over to Credeas “That’s us; you move first I’ll cover.” He left cover to kill another three grineer lancers, covering Credeas as he sprinted to the bottom of the ships boarding ramp before turning to cover L’dael. L’dael had just stepped back out of cover to fire another volley of rounds when a red light caught his eyes.

    Time Froze. STALKER! The enraged voice in his mind screamed. And then a gunshot. Two. L’dael fell backwards. He could hear nothing but an angry ringing in his ears and finally darkness claimed him once more...


    Voila, number three, enjoy.

  2. Chapter 2


    Slowly, the darkness rescinded, opening the channels for a dull ache to cover his entire body. Groaning, L’dael raised his still spinning head to inspect his current situation. First he checked his Bio readout. He had two cracked ribs, thankfully that was all the damage done. Yet. he thought, all the damage done yet, still got a long way to go. He was being dragged along a corridor by two grineer, a dozen man squad of lancers followed close behind. “Fantastic, this is gonna be difficult” he murmured to himself, letting out a resigned sigh, L’dael began thinking through the various ways he could possibly un-F*** the situation. Deep in thought, a voice into his mind. “Tenno! Are you alright?” the voice asked, calm tone now tinged with worry.

    “Juuust peachy” grumbled L’dael, hoping his captors didn't notice his return to consciousness  “How far away are those reinforcements?”

    “Not far, they landed half an hour ago, just hang on” with that the voice left his helmet in silence.


    While he was compelled to hold tight to be rescued, L’dael wasn’t hedging his bets on the extraction teams ability to find him. He glanced up at the suit abilities in the top right of the HUD, noting that one in particular was highlighted. Casting a glance to the grineer that were carrying him, the one on the left was carrying his skana, intending to keep it as a trophy no doubt. L’dael didn't see any sign of his Braton or Lato, what he did see however that his left hand was just a few inches above the lancers Lex heavy pistol. A wide grin crossed his helmeted face. Bringing his legs up underneath him so he was walking in time with the grineer, he waited for the right moment. The lancer to his left coughed, setting him out of pace, that was his moment. L’dael snatched the Lex from its holster as he sprang into the air, charging the nova-light device with the last of his suits ability energy reservoir. His right arm raised, the corridor was bathed in super bright light, searing the eyes of all who were looking. Light fading, L’dael landed and kneed the lancer - who was now clutching his face in agony - in the stomach, doubling him over. Grabbing his skana, he ended the soldiers life with a shot from his new Lex, splattering gore across the floor. Pistol raised and skana swinging, L’dael killed. Heads exploding, guts spilling, no grineer would survive.


    Soon, the last one toppled; two smoking holes in his chest and his left leg missing below the knee. As L’dael sheathed his skana the door in front of him slid open. Four lancers, weapons raised, stood in a line, blocking the doorway entirely. “ This isn’t...” L’dael began but paused to look around the bloodied corridor. “Okay, yeah this is exactly what it looks like” he said almost apologetically. Swinging the Lex up once more he checked the ammo readout. Four rounds, it’ll be enough as long as i don't miss he thought as he leveled the gun and peered down the sights. Trigger almost fully pulled, the four lancers collapsed on the floor.

    “What the-” a confused L’dael muttered as he lowered the Lex. Looking up from where the unmoving grineer lay he saw a figure standing there.

    A Nyx of purple and yellow stood with her hands on her hips, head cocked slightly to the left as she inspected L’dael and his handiwork

    “Well this is a surprise” the Nyx mused, stepping over the bodies of dead grineer. “ I could've sworn we were told that someone needed to be rescued”

    L’dael shrugged. “I try not to rely on others to haul my &#! out of the fire” was his reply, looking for spare pistol mags on the dead grineer.

    “I can understand that, but still, you owe me...” she counted the dead grineer in the corridor, “ twelve kills” she announced triumphantly.

    “Whatever” laughed L’dael “I take it the rest of your team are distracting the rest of the grineer?”

    “More like keeping the extraction secure, neither of them are exactly good with subtlety.” The Nyx explained as she turned and began walking back the way she came. “Names Eleha by the way” she called over her shoulder.

    “L’dael” was all he said, following close behind Eleha

    “So L’dael, you coming?” with that she took off at a sprint, L’dael keeping pace. It was time to leave.



    The chapters will be bigger from this point onward, mwuahahah, fixed the colour problems

  3. So i got inspired by everyone writing their own stories and decided to give it a go my self, please feel free to offer your opinions ^_^




    Chapter 1

    -Ejection sequence initiated-

    -Vital signs…stable and rising-

    -Beginning ejection-


    The cryo-pod was suspended ten meters above the floor of the room, and angled as such that when the pod opened the occupants would fall when the pod was disengaged. This, the nausea brought on from the post hibernation daze and the bright lights of the rooms in which such pods were kept, made for a terribly rude awakening. L’dael found this out as he regained consciousness about two meters before he, in his blue and white Excalibur armour, clattered face first into the hard metal floor. Groaning, he pushed himself up onto his knees. “Nothing quite like a rude awakening” he grunted as he stood up, stretching limbs tired from centuries of sleep. Surveying his surroundings, L’dael found the room to be small, about ten meters across by twenty meters long, on the far wall was the door that led to the rest of the cryo vault on Mercury, and to his left a bank of computers that he remembered using to lower the pod and begin his sleep. Suddenly, his helmet comm link burst into life. “Welcome back to the land of the living, Tenno” said a female voice in his ear. The voice was strangely soothing; the kind a mother uses to calm a whaling infant. L’dael new better than to speak, if she could override the cryo-sleep protocols and release him, she was indeed the leader – the current leader – of himself and his siblings. “You’re lucky” the voice continued  “the grineer are almost here, I don’t have time to give you answers to the questions you may have, you have to hold them off for a while, I have dispatched a team to extract you, good luck Tenno.”


    The link went dead, leaving L’dael’s helmet eerily quiet apart from his own soft breathing.  Knowing that time was short he set about checking his gear; Skana, Lato and Braton. In turn he loaded his pistol and rifle, checked his blade and readied for his return to glorious combat.


    Five minutes had passed; L’dael was kneeling, meditating and waiting for his first foe to make himself known to him. Sooner than he thought, he heard a clunk on the door, rising to his feet, he drew his rifle and set his stance. He counted the seconds, when he reached ten, the door was blown inwards by a breaching explosive, wasting no time, l’dael dropped to a crouch and let fly with the trigger, rifle bucking against his experienced grip, he compensated, stitching smoking holes across the torso’s of the three grineer marines that were first through the door. Alarmed shouts rang out as the rest of the grineer piled into the room, all of them firing. L’dael rolled left, ducking behind the bank of computers, risking a peak, he realised the true nature of his situation; there were now a dozen marine lancers at the far end of the room, he couldn’t see how many were outside of the room, ready to surge in and capture their prize. His cover quickly deteriorating, L’dael drew his pistol and decided to go down swinging. He stood from his cover, pistol in one hand, Braton in the other, firing on the move. He charged towards the grineer ranks, noting that his shields were already low, he slid across the floor, killing another six grineer as he went. His slide had left him within a meter of the grineer, he switched his rifle out for his skana and leapt forth, slicing through stomachs and arms. His plan to break through to the outer hallway, however, was all too soon destroyed. As l’dael sliced through their ranks, a bold marine stepped forward swinging his rifle like a bat and caught him on the side of the head, knocking L’dael to the floor. As he tried to rise again he was surrounded, the grineer mercilessly pounding him with rifle butts and fists. L’dael tried but in the end it was futile, the darkness would claim him far before he managed to fight back, and claim him it did. A darkness that rested him better than the grey limbo of stasis, a darkness that he welcomed…  


    Chapter Two is ready, hope you guys enjoy


  4. -transmission sent to all Grinner forces within the origin system after the death of captain Vor-


    -date unkown-


    -location of transmission unkown-


    This is a message to the leaders of the Grinner military.


    You know us not by name but by the legacy we left before, before the old war, before you began your dominance with your ever decaying legions.


    The Orokin, our honoured ancestors, equipped us with our sacred gear for a purpose. Over time our memories faded and our purpose was lost to us, so we slept. Hibernating in the dark, until we were given purpose once more.


    And now you, the ever decaying Grinner, have given new purpose to me and my siblings.


    I am Borkvah, ice-sight, one of the many favoured sons and daughters of the Orokin. We are the Tenno


    And We. Will. Reclaim.


    -transmission ends-


    opinions please, also thinking about making a longer story type thing :)

  5. Hi, i got warframe three days ago after hearing about it off of youtube and friends, safe to say i am completely and utterly in love with it! i look forward to the many sleepless nights spent within the Origin System :)

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