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Posts posted by (NSW)360Seppuku

  1. Railjack is completely #*!%ed (like it has been for months now) with the same issue except now it includes a complete soft lock. My booster I spent plat on for the affinity weekend is getting wasted on loading screens and restarting so that’s pretty cool I guess 😂👌👌👌 I can’t be surprised anymore. November huh? That’s tuff 

  2. 1 hour ago, [DE]Helen said:

    We're aware that some Nintenno have been experiencing kill code and black screen bugs during the first Murex Wave. Both should be fixed when the next wave begins at 4:40 PM ET! I'll let you know here when we've hotdropped the coming fixes

    I just did 2 full 17 wave ground runs on the wave which was supposed to fix this issue, flotilla has made 0 progress, space team still not receiving kill codes. Not that I’m surprised but hopefully de isn’t either to hear this.. 

  3. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Hasuga said:

    27.3.8? A bunch of hotfixes missing for consoles again, that'll be fun. Killcodes not arriving for Space teams gonna be the shiet especially with such a small playerbase. Hope ya'll enjoy the operation lmao

    Ah so to be clear we aren’t even getting the most recent patch and we get to play the event still broken even after weeks of beta testing on pc? that’s cool I guess. 

    • Like 2
  4. On 2020-03-25 at 11:20 AM, (NSW)C4ffy said:

    I agree with you to some extent.
    The info update the Event is related to PC version so I see no reason why they should announce status for other platforms in PC topic. Have patience and the desired info will come pre-update. We still got time.

    You realize you’re commenting on a switch status thread that has been up since March 24th? No one said anything about the pc thread. 

  5. On 2020-04-05 at 2:41 AM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

    Hey there @[DE]Helen, Gamer-Steve here. I've been looking forward to when Scarlet Spear comes to the consoles in the future (No serious rush for that though I think, Health & Safety of ourselves is important too!).

    I mainly had one question about the event though;

    To help make sure people could get everything they need from the event, will Scarlet Spear be able to happen more than once? Not as often as the Buried Debts' thermia fractures of course, but somewhere between that amount of time and how often Operation Plague Star happens, as an example.

    I think that it could be a good idea, unless that might impede the storyline of Warframe or The New War somehow. If it were to be recurring, even a month on and a month off (Coincidentally with COVID-19 happening it'll help provide everyone with a significant thing to try taking part in while staying indoors, though COVID-19 isn't why I thought of all this), it likely will help all the players feel less tension about rushing to get Scarlet Credits before the Consoles' given end date for the event, alleviating more stress if there is any.

    If Scarlet Spear will be a one-time-only sort of event, then I suppose it makes sense. Though, all things considered I feel that it would be very helpful for people that aren't able to access the event missions very much for various reasons, be it work, family matters or personal business of their own. Just so long as it wouldn't put more stress and pressure on you or everyone else working from home too, to help keep the event recurring off and on throughout these times.

    Thanks for hearing me out on all that! Be safe out there :]

    This question I’ve seen asked dozens of times, even from Rebecca herself directly to Steve on stream to which he replied a non-answer lmao. Imagine not being left completely in the dark on the issues we care most about on a regular basis 🙃🙃🙃

  6. So do we get an extension on the expiration of the event because it says it’s ending on April 21st for pc who now already have access to the event, while switch update isn’t even out of development yet and then in addition needs to also go through the cert process... or do we just cut our losses and scramble to finish whatever we can with the time we have left once the update actually reaches our platform? Seems pretty common sense that not every platform should have the same expiration date if we aren’t getting the same release date. 

  7. Found another fun bug. God knows when this was introduced because I have not tricapped regularly in over a year now but there is now obviously more reason to. Basically loaded into poe and within 2 minutes of the mission completely locked to operator mode, unable to use skills or gear items, and unable to open chat window to even tell my teammates I was bugged. So I hard reset and reconnected to the squad. Within seconds the same thing happens only this time locked out of transference, still unable to use all skills/chat or even shoot my weapon. Closed game and decided I will just finish buying the rest of my arcanes like I have been or wait for scarlet spear.... ty de, very cool 😎 

  8. 4 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    It isn't nearly that bad. It only happens on occasion and goes away in a minute, and usually if it gets that bad, restart the game. Your friends probably let the Switch go into sleep mode, which is fixed with this update. Chill out and enjoy your snickers.

    Well. You’re wrong. My friend isn’t stupid. They know the difference between sleep mode bug and matchmaking one. Restarting does nothing. It’s permanent in her case. She is no longer playing. And no matchmaking bug is not being fixed in this update lmao. It wasn’t even mentioned. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, (NSW)SongOfTheSea said:

    chances are we gonna have some bugs happens every time something sneaks in.

    “Some bugs” this one isn’t really just some bug. People literally are unable to play together or trade. It’s a pretty colossal bug that isn’t being addressed or even acknowledged. People are quitting over it. It’s a bit more than just some bug 

  10. 6 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    They usually never respond, but you can be sure they've seen it and are doing something about it. Especially with an issue this big, I bet they've noticed it a while back and have been working on fixing it.

    Like the miragulor bug on switch they weren’t even aware of existing until like 6 months later? I wouldn’t assume anything unless given actual confirmation which I don’t see 

  11. 2 minutes ago, (NSW)Dekusuta said:

    Tbh waiting a little bit isnt going to kill you.  I am grateful at DEs enthusiasm and support for Switch but in my case, network matchmaking is a more important issue I want to hear clarification on.

    Some players have effectively been locked out of proper matchmaking and being seen as online by their friends and clan for months.  I've just come back a week and it's eating at Me every day 

    Yes, I also have a friend who has been unable to play with her friends for literally months and received no update from DE even on a support ticket as well as here on forums when multiple players have asked. But I guess expecting any more is just being childish. Must be Nintendo’s fault! 🥴

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  12. 5 minutes ago, (NSW)Lorkhan said:

    Get use to it. They wont stop how they work for that. DE do what they can. If your not happy go to PC or go play Destiny .

    If the Nintendo cert procces wasnt a S#&$hole, things would be different because DE could do what they wanted with the updates. 

    But Nintendo is bullS#&$ so deal with it or go cry to them.

    >DE blatantly lies and makes empty promises 

    >children on forums: blame Nintendo! 


    lmao kk 

    • Like 2
  13. 13 minutes ago, (NSW)zook-pl said:

    First, they as I remember use “We think it is in current update”

    Second Xbox don’t get it to, idk PS4.

    Ah yes this definitely does sound like some pretty vague language being used. My mistake. 


    “Console players you will be getting Warframe revised that includes the things we’re talking about today as well; that includes the changes to impact, the changes to gas..”

    • Like 1
  14. Can’t tell if memeing or retarded. In no instance of what I said included me not liking the update. Maybe you’re confused which one I’m referring to. There’s one that completely ruined an entire ecosystem in the game and one that will in some ways work to improve on those missteps. Maybe go through and read to try to get an actual grasp on what you’re replying to before all the white knighting 🤔

    1 minute ago, (NSW)Gunz said:

    If you hate what they're doing with the update, why are you so eager for it? All you're doing here is trying to make others angry, and you're making a fool of yourself by failing spectacularly. I suggest you quit while you're behind.

  15. 1 minute ago, (NSW)Lorkhan said:

    Knock it off kid. We know that Nintendo is the worst for cert. What do you want DE to do? Stop this update from cert and give another one with the latest changes? And have it go ALL the way throw that s.h.i.t hole procces that is Nintendo's certifications. 

    You can start crying when an update will take the same amount of time as the Old Blood Fiasco. Until then no.

    How about maybe not lie in the first place and promise in front of 20k people that the changes made it into cert when it didn’t? Idk. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, (NSW)Gunz said:

    The changes are coming, chill. There was obviously some miscommunication, that doesn't excuse you acting childish about it. If you so desperately want the changes faster, go ahead and make a PC account. Otherwise, wait with the rest of us and enjoy them once they're finally here. The game is not made lesser by being an update behind the other consoles.

    What is completely killing one of the most used elements in the game and making the most hated one worse anyway? You’re right. This can wait 🥴🥴

  17. 4 minutes ago, (NSW)Gunz said:

    The changes are coming, chill. There was obviously some miscommunication, that doesn't excuse you acting childish about it. If you so desperately want the changes faster, go ahead and make a PC account. Otherwise, wait with the rest of us and enjoy them once they're finally here. The game is not made lesser by being an update behind the other consoles.

    You’re missing the part about being lied to on a regular basis but I mean yea I guess if that’s ur thing. Go off king 

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