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  1. I’ve tested it extensively, it is just a UI issue. That is just placebo my friend. edit: I don’t have kullervo so he may be broken I don’t know but heavy attacks are working as intended with Killing Blow and Amalgam Organ Shatter.
  2. This issue is purely a front-end issue, the value shown for Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed is separate from the in-mission calculation. In other words, the increase in the time shown does not apply to the weapon however, rivens and mods with +Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed still apply their correct effect on melee weapons.
  3. This issue is purely a front-end issue, the value shown for Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed is separate from the in-mission calculation. In other words, the increase in the time shown does not apply to the weapon however, rivens and mods with +Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed still apply their correct effect on melee weapons.
  4. Hello, I have noticed while messing around with different builds that the new QOL feature displaying wind up time does not display the correct times of animation. To explain upon this further, with the Corufell it has a base heavy attack wind up speed of 1.3 seconds. After applying the mod Amalgam Organ Shatter which gives 60% heavy attack wind up speed, the new value that is displayed is 2.1 seconds as well as adding Killing Blow on top of this increases the value to 2.9 seconds. After testing, this value that is displayed is untrue, the heavy attack animation is sped up properly. Changing the calculation that displays this value from base/(added bonuses) to base*bonus1*bonus2 would result in the correct information that is displayed. Please note, this issue is not limited to just the Corufell but for every melee weapon currently. Thank you for reading, ~Seerqet & FrozenElysium_
  5. I also noticed, the same issue occurs with Inaros on his second, third, and fourth abilities. They all lack the ability description, I will be adding the screenshots to the folder linked in the original post.
  6. Hello, I have found a front-end UI issue with Dante's ability descriptions not displaying while in the "Upgrade" section of the arsenal for warframes. This issue only affects the ability descriptions and not the passive's description, you can still view the ability's descriptions from the "Abilities" tab. Below I will have general information that may be asked as well as a link to a folder containing the 4 screenshots. If any more information is needed feel free to respond! Platform: Steam (PC) Time Noticed: 21:00pm 3/27/2024 Example Screenshot: Screenshots link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cmkocra5ngbvw7iw1rnos/h?rlkey=0zddya1faodhwpy9542n6kf0a&dl=0
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