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Posts posted by str4dlin

  1. hace 13 minutos, Steel_Rook dijo:

    I do? Where? Please quote me where I said or even implied that. I compared the rarity of Kubrow Eggs vs. Kavat Genetic Samples, and I'm fairly convinced that a single Kubrow Egg is FAR less rare than 10 Kavat Genetic Samples.


    They are? My apologies, but I'm going to need a source for that.

    Kubrow egg drop rate increased - PATCHNOTES (2016): 

    Title of the post: Kavat are too hard to farm

    Your first answer say you are not really agree with the way we obtain genetic codes right now what indirectly agree the title of the post. Indirectly you suggest they are hard or tedious to farm right now. Is what I understand.

    I would suggest you to read a post is going on in this same forum called "
    My Past time as a player isn't valued." where a guy suggests he is tired of how DEVs devaluate the effort old players doing to get things later give free or easily. Then you will understand the point I am going to.

  2. hace 14 minutos, Dark_RRiderr dijo:

    Maybe because to many players switch from counter strike to Warframe and expect it to change to a boring simple shooter without any specials like nuke abilitys?

    Or maybe because nuking was always a thing in this game and just by now suddenly people got nothing better to do and suddenly after all this years so many start complaining about something that was part of the game for so long?

    Can be plenty of reasons, but you cant please them all. There is that one side that doesnt enjoy having nukers in their game, and the other that would hate to continue without the option of using a nuke frame.

    What do you think is the solution to please both? If you ban nukers, you loose one half of the games playerbase. If you keep it you might loose the other side that hates this map nuking. Only solution that comes up for now in my mind (and i clearly dont see all options there and this is just a quick solution) is if you dont like people using nukes, then set it to friends/ invite only and form groups with people enjoying the same playstyle as you.

    What you do right now is, forcing other players to play the game the way YOU like, because if you havent thought about it... that is what you right now do with suggestion to just get rid of it because YOU dont like it (and yes of course others as well but still, you and others with that opinion vs the ones enjoying it and you force them to play the way of just 1 group)


    A real solution would be the one that can please both groups. As long as none comes up with a solution really pleasing both groups this discussion wont lead anywhere.

    Filter surely is a nice idea on one side, question is... how easy and without problems can it truely be done? Is it really worth it spending time and recources on it if the other solution would be simply using the already developed option of friends only? (Money and time wise for DE... they have to work on a lot of other things as well)

    I agree you. And you don't mention that with what they suggest you can choose your team config, ok. But what if they have not chosen you? Someone could be leveling a Loki and expects someone can help him with the afinity sharing and finds a guy with a pistol. Are they going then to blame Loki because he is not doing real help? 

    The concept of the game is what it is. And I would like to see people here arguing about nuke frames playing versus high tier mobs. Have they ever try to build or go simulator? Have they ever played versus high level mobs? Have they ever play index rounds to get the challenge?

    When you discover Volt 4th skill can kill mobs level 20 but it is not done for DPS, Saryn can't kill mobs after a mid-tier range and it is done for armor decreasing or equinox is more a support when you find yourself playing versus adult NPCs.

    Probably then they will return the forum to say "Oh, S#&$! it is imposible! You have to nerf the mobs".

    Always the same questions always the same answers.

    • Like 2
  3. hace 8 minutos, Steel_Rook dijo:

    I'm going to skip over the "turn the game into a job, it's easy" argument and focus on two others.

    First of all, I never argued that Kubrow Eggs are too easy to get. I argued that they are comparatively FAR easier to get than Kavat Genetic samples by a wide margin. And yes, the game has more Kubrows than it does Kavats - 6 Kubrow breeds plus the Helminth Charger vs. 3 Kavat breeds, but Kubrow eggs are STILL far more common than the 7/3 ratio would suggest. What justification is there for Kavats to be THIS rare? And let's not forget - I need one of the hundred Kubrow eggs I have to breed a single Kubrow. I need 10 Kavat Genetic Samples per Kavat. Why is this discrepancy?

    Secondly, Kubrow Eggs are fairly easily attained passively. I have no idea WHY I have 100 Kubrow Eggs because I'm still not entirely sure what drops them. I thought it was the Burrows, but I seem to be picking them off the dogs themselves. And it kind of doesn't matter, because simply doing missions on Earth passively accrues eggs for me. Kavats only show up on one tileset which never has special missions on it (Alerts, Liches, Sorties, Nightmares, etc.) AND the act of actually collecting the samples is slipshod at best. Any mission on Earth will have half a dozen Kubrow dens. Your average mission in the Orokin Derelict may or may not have a couple of cats, you may or may not see them and pubbies - bless their hearts - tend to KILL them before one can scan them.

    Again, what is the justification for making Kavats this much rarer than Kubrows? They're not really objectively "better," so what's the logic there?

    It is not harder. It is different and the thing is the RNG component. With effort you can have Kavat. But you could not have a Kubrow after 10 hours farming because it depends on luck. 

    There is why they buffed drop chance on kubrow and I'm sure at the end if you see to statistic they are mostly the same time for one and the other. On average.

    Also, I don't know why we should compare when they are different stuff and they are made doing different tasks. 

    The thing is you say "is hard" and it takes 40 minutes to have one. I don't think 40 minutes is hard.

    Was harder to get a Kubrow egg when having 0,5% drop rate chance fighting versus RNG and we still having kubrows time ago. Is what I ve mean.

    PS: I did my effort and I have more than 90 pets in my incubators. I think you can have one EASY.

  4. hace 13 minutos, Els236 dijo:


    Kubrow Eggs do have a low drop chance, but they drop from Earth, one of the easiest planets in the solar-system. I did 4 runs of Earth capture and came out with an egg; it took me a grand total of about 10 minutes.

    It took me 4 runs of Orokin Derelict Exterminate to get 10 Kavat DNA and this is scanning every single Kavat that was there, while I was also using Ivara and a Resource x2 Booster with the Double Scanning Widget. This took me about 30 minutes in total, without adding in the 10 minutes I took to craft the keys. Yes, I could have done Capture here as well, but I found that more Kavats spawned in for me on Exterminate. 

    Kubrow eggs droprate were buffed is what I ve mean.

    But well, 40 mins is hard? Really? Don't you think worth it? 

    "Come on, Put effort and you will have what you want."

  5. Hmm... If Kavat is that hard why everybody have Kavats? 🤔

    hace 42 minutos, Steel_Rook dijo:

    Yeah, Kavat Genetic Codes are just a chore. Can we at least get Kavats spawning somewhere BESIDES the Orokin Derelict? I mean seriously, Vasca Kavats are all over the Plains now. Can we not scan them and get genetic samples that way? I have probably 100 Kubrow eggs, but fewer than 10 Kavat Genetic Samples.

    Also Kubrow egg had a 0,5% chance if I remember well. What you see now is a buff of the drop chance because people said it was hard. And now you say it is easy. How old players have to get it? Misterious

    Come on, Put effort and you will have what you want.

  6. I would like to say I like all what you suggest because It gives difficulty. 

    But know what? They implemented arbitrations where you can't use HP or Energy packs to refill. And know what? I'm sure If I look for post in the forum there are people crying because they can't use those and they implemented you can now use them. 

    Everything we suggest is not going to be made as core because people cry after. 

    So my suggestion:

    All "specific dificulty selections" can be chosen by the player and it affect the reward you can get or something like that. Like if they were debuffs to the gameplay as it is being in other games or this same if we think about daily bounty mission. 

    • Like 1
  7. hace 12 minutos, Travis05 dijo:

    Conformism like yours is why this game is stagnant. I heard somewhere devs are pissed about the constant criticism. But what you are doing here, is the other extreme


    See what extreme I do:


    Constructive and with knowledge critizism. Posts for things that you now have in the game. Also you can visit my profile where I ve opened other post with real stuff recently and comment others I feel are good stuff and never people talked about. 

    I agree I ve been a bit harsh. But mate, this forum is always the same. Good topics pass while typical ones are being trending topic. Im worried about that. 
    People could look for similar stuff before post something. 

    And also man, last time 5 months ago I discussed about this same topic and they talking about Saryn also. Saryn won a nerf. And I posted a clip where you can see Saryn with high tier mobs and how he can't nuke. You can go and check yourself in simulator because I ve lost the post. What I mean, people that usually cry about nukes is because they don't really know the game. They know a part. A small part. There are world out of Hydron but they probably are worried about leveling all weapons and warframes to have mastery. And they can't see there is an end-game and things made for it as we have been years asking for it and not "do-the-trick builds".

    Problem here is to find logical posts and made from the knowledge of the game and not repeated arguments of people that have not stopped to think about.

  8. hace 9 minutos, MacIntoc dijo:


    You don't read what's written in this topic, you read what you want it to be written. You can only be off topic. So please stop to flood it.

    Offtopic is to think people is doing mission to steal you.
    Offtopic is to think "nuke" expression exists out of the newbie content.
    Offtopic is to think people compete for their kills when you are the only here worried about yours.
    Offtopic is to think you can banish some classes and people from your games because you are more comfortable instead of making your own party with friends or going solo because you want to show us that you shoot your pistol so good and you do many kills without consider that maybe the guy going your party was not looking for someone like you.

    You asked for matchmaking solutions. My first answer giving you 3. I think after that you are who has decided to go offtopic. 

    But is true, I should ignore this thread.

    Have a good day.

    • Like 1
  9. hace 15 minutos, MacIntoc dijo:


    Read the conversation before you try to interfere. You'll avoid getting off topic.

    Or maybe read the forum looking for similar discussions before you try to talk something 10000 times discussed and that shows you have not idea why some warframes exists or how they work because for you they  can clear low level mobs and "steal" your kills. If you go a mission to compete about kills then go and comepete with yourself, we are in a cooperative game. And I repeat if you don't like people you can go solo
    I think it is only since May 2020 looking for "nuke" keyword:



    • Like 1
  10. En 19/4/2020 a las 3:20, LuckyCharm dijo:

    Hey all, there's something that continually bothers me as a player and you can call me entitled or whatever but heres the issue. I don't feel like time I spent in the games past has been valued at all. 

    Everytime warframe released an event in the past people doing it were the hamsters bug testing whatever new game mode it was. You'd work hard to get all the points required for the event prizes and it'd be awesome, you get an event exclusive weapon thats stronger than others for a couple weeks till something new came out then you'd have a little keepsake gun to remember it with. Sure, they added a tiny bit of mastery but given how much struggle it was to get them originally since each event was a mess of bugs etc it was just nice having things to show your milestones physically as a player. But then all the event weapons have been released again by de, and theyre all insanely easy to farm, trade for or buy from baro. That sorta negates any struggle I who was there for the events had to get them. Sure you can claim i had the weapons for all that extra time but really, event weapons have really only been used for maybe a month after their release then everyone goes back to their tried and true or whatever other new op gun comes out next. When was the last time you used the latron wraith or the galaxion vandal after all.

    It doesn't end with events though. Recently warframes have been getting reworks, weapons and damage types have gotten reworks or changes and all of those required you to sometimes completely redo all the work you put in formaing them to fit how things work now. And when your main "end game" is mastery rank where youre forced essentially to rank up hundreds of weapons, that could potentially, mean you need to redo hundreds of forma, like me. The compensation of a 3 forma pack and an exp weekend during the buggy mess that was the weekend after the changes just does not feel like my time perfecting my weapons previously was respected. Giving us the option to repolarise each weapons polarities entirely once for free would have alleviated all that need to spend hours redoing all the work youd already done with your builds. 

    And now most recently theres been arcanes. We originally had to farm these in raids which were a once per day affair meaning in total per day you could get 4 random arcanes. Then raids were removed and replaced with eidolon hunts. Value of your time spent already dropped significantly since they became a lot easier to farm to where you could get tens of them per day. And now you can just buy whatever you need of them easily in an event. Respect for our time farming their difficult methods was just pretty much nullified. 

    Theres other clear examples like people farming focus before eso etc were released but I didn't really get into focus till that point so Im not really able to talk about peoples feelings there but id imagine they were slightly salty about their hard work grinding out berehynoa etc being made exponentially easier for everyone else. 

    I just dont feel like my time as a long time player has in any way been respected since i havent anything to show for it other than a collection of sigils of my shoulder. You may feel differently, and you may call me entitled for feeling this way and I suppose I am, but I worked hard for all the event stuff, all the formad weapons, arcanes, log in rewards even. And now it's pretty much just being given away so whats the point in working hard any more? This event stuffs probably just gonna go into baros inventory like the rest. 


    I strongly agree with you on most things. Except I understand that the content should appear and disappear in cycles, but not ruin the effort of whoever has obtained it.

    I can not be online 24 hours as I was in 2013 waiting for that arcane helmet to appear in an alert or certain mods. So I appreciate that some content that I have lost for my real life reappear. But I do my best to get it.

    Where I agree you the most is in the issue of builds and forma topic. Since I have always been a geek of builds having all my arsenal polished and with each change I see this potential ruined.

    Developers should consider reworking the system to let us change old forma polarities if they continue with changes that affect fullness.


  11. hace 37 minutos, MacIntoc dijo:

    But there is two rules that will prevent mision to be well balanced :

    1. mission must be able to be carried out whatever the load out (sometime also the MR of the player). But if it can be done with the worst possible load out, it will be cheese with a good one and wrecked with an optimised one
    2. mission must be able to be carried out solo. But if it can be done solo, it will be over-wrecked in squad

    Squad mission and Solo missions are not the same difficult. For first. What is being discussed in another post you probably missed because you are focused on discuss what have been 1000 times discussed. 
    So "mission must be able to be carried out solo but If it can be done solo it will be over-wrecked in squad" is a lie, directly. Since they are different missions. 

    Second If you look for harder content, go to harder content. Don't come here to cry because people is killing your mobs on Hydron. Because you are choosing your content and you are choosing your party (if you desire). Enjoy the game and if you don't like people in your party go solo.

    • Like 2
  12. hace 2 minutos, Tokens210 dijo:

    i dont care about scores lol i mostly play solo

    and as i said when i refference nuke frames, was that they dont actually nuke content they are built for, or the enemies designed for them to fight, they actually start becoming balanced again against those levels or enemies

    shoot even VOB, those enemies are more aware and more capable then 90% of the standard tileset enemies

    When I say "you" I mean people here saying "they kill my mobs". 

    Is not about "is balanced when". On every MMO if you kill mobs level 20 being 80 you are going to one-shoot. Other is when you are going to go there? Never. But if there is an event that you must do it, you will. And nobody cries because "someone is killing my mobs". It is about unknowledge. 

    And game gives an option for going solo, so if someone don't want other player can "ruin" the gameplay killing their mobs they can go solo. That simply..


    • Like 1
  13. hace 9 minutos, Tokens210 dijo:


    its a public forum why should a thread be closed cause you dont agree with it

    also theres multiple issue at play here, one being that older players need to go to older content for resources and in many cases it doesnt matter what we bring we wipe everything out meanwhile the fresh level 0 just checking out the game is now in a race to extraction cause they had no enemies the entire time

    many of the Nuke frame actually start to become more balanced when you face off against the harder enemies, you know the ones a max and formad frame is supposed to be fighting, problem is these enemies arnt on lower level content or if they are they dont show up till well after everyone wants to leave

    its not about competing with anyone atleast what i was talking about, there deff. is scoreboard chasers but the issue isnt that as much as sucking any enjoyment from a lower levels gameplay even by accident cause your character is built for bigger and better thing, isnt fair and we the player didnt create the issue

    Not closed because I disagree. Closed because it has been discussed 1000000 times. 

    Scoreboard chasers are who come here to cry about score not someone that finds he must do a level 20 mission and wants to end it fast.

    Forget "Nuke frame" expression. Is what people that does not understand the game say. Just that.Go talk about nuke frames with people killing mobs 400+

    Just enjoy the game and stop crying about scores please. You are the only worried about it.

  14. hace 11 minutos, Aldain dijo:

    Sometimes I like to go into a mission to actually I dunno...play the game? Not just stand there while somebody blows everything up.

    This isn't an affinity issue, it is a "I'm just standing here because things are dying faster than they can spawn half the time" issue, and if somebody isn't leveling a weapon the weapon they spent time to level is made useless because there's nothing to kill with it.

    When I want it I go solo or I do a party and I do high-end content where nuke doesn't exists. People crying about nuke is because they don' really understand this game. Meta going to harder content and people cry because someone one-shoots mobs level 20. People thinking about KDA in a coop game also. This is not league of legends, CSGO or something like that. And we don't go to mission to compete about kills. People who cry is who is worried about it. Mostly times that you find us in places where we can rush what we want is to end fast and go another place harder where we take the fun. 

    I want an only check in the list people here purposed:
    [x] I don't want people that compete with the team mates.

    Similar thread is opened every time I enter this forum and I would like a moderator instantly close this post because important stuff in the forum is ignored meanwhile..

    • Like 1
  15. Hey Tenno, 

    I am Nova player since some years. Time ago I suggested nova could recast her first skill (https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1121374-dev-proposal-nova-null-star-re-cast/)
    Appearently people did't want the idea. 

    Today I would like to give a solution to the fact of Nova is a bit out of the purpose first skill is made to when in combination with Molecular Fission syndicate mod. 
    I explain. 
    When I go high-end with Nova my first skill should bring me survivability with damage reduction. Well. The problem is "If I need nullstars I ve to find mobs to fill them with syndicate mod, If I need nullstars is because I ve not much so Im very vulnerable and If I find mobs they can easy kill me".

    What I suggest?

    Add Molecular Fission Mod the capability to have a hidden stack to replenish the main stack. Hidden stack could have a cap. It is just to work as reservoir.

    Main stack affects Nova Damage Reduction. When main stack is full, secondary hidden  stack begins to fill with mob kills. Secondary stack fills main stack when charges are lost.

    In this way, Nova will have capability of survive while she is killing primed enemies because she has the main stack always up and have to replenish the hidden stack by killing mobs. And I think it is the mod proposal that is not filling finally. 
    Revenant can recast, Rhino can recast, Nekros can recast. 
    Nova can not recast, but please being a total Nova lover and having many hours with this warframe I really think it is annoying because you must keep watching how many charges you have the whole time and you are many times exposed to die whitout being posible something to replenish your damage reduction.  Is a bad feeling for arbitrations

    The suggestion absolutly doesn't break the warframe and is a small addon that can give better capabilities and I feel is the real purpose of the syndicate mod.

    Thanks in advance.

    PS: Please, dont say to use "Neutron Star" for recast. First because I want to talk about Molecular Fission capabilities and second because Neutron Star (made to do damage) to replenish damage reduction is another typical behaviour DEV is actually trying to evade. I prefer to have "things made to" that "things to do the trick". I can also fall in the void to lose all null stars and then recast but I think game is not done for it.

    Tenno Love.

    • Like 1
  16. En 11/7/2019 a las 18:30, (XB1)dude1286 dijo:

    The community no longer prioritizes late game systems because the players that about such things are mostly gone playing other games. The current community only wants to nerf equipment and make things easier and quicker to obtain, not have challenging and rewarding content.

    OT, any change to Rivens that give players more control would be welcome, they are the closest thing to end game rewards that we have.

    The closest opinion of what I am thinking about the actual forum status. Really it is sad. I ve posted suggestions time ago like names in loadouts, that were implemented. And some others.. Everything I post now is discussed wthout arguments just by people that have not idea what they are saying and going out of the topic just to "show how clever they are". I ve found the real contributive community in this forum has gone or is hidden under the floor. And I find it normal because I ve passed some headaches trying to discuss with "walls" until the point I negate to myself post something or try to contribute..

    Sad history really. What it was - what it is now. Sad really sad history.

  17. hace 27 minutos, (PS4)SpIitSnake dijo:

    Hes talking about the level of enemies that are so high, that they will one shot you through 2x 90% Damage Reduction and 600+.armor.

    Basically, hes saying theres a level where all the DR in the world will not save you, and at that point its about using movement and positioning to avoid damage.

    I understand the point, but we are talking about enemies way WAY past 3rd Sortie. Like level 500 enemies, but how many people are really going up against that regularly?

    Id guess not too many lol.

    DR is the best to confront those enemies. I am playing that content and I do DR based builds because that. DR is not a flat value so in term of numbers are much better than stack Armor. So the phrase is wrong from the begining to the end being that actually the best way to confront high level is DR. Sortie mobs are not higher than 100, DR is not needed. So he is again wrong. My post is related to this same because I find the problem when I try to do a Nova DR based build and I find she can't compete with others like Nekros or Nidus and a little change could be the difference. Positioning and warframe skills that avoid damage like frost or limbo are usefull of course but also being Loki and going invisible the whole game what is weird. Warframe team configurations are made after or related to a mission type and is one of the clues, the other are DR based builds.

    I know what high level mobs are,
    I am here exactly because that.

  18. hace 30 minutos, Birdframe_Prime dijo:

    Focus on DR becomes less and less necessary than focus on complete damage Avoidance as the game advances. DR is only a viable tactic for a single frame up until around the basic Sortie level.

    I dont know what you mean "damage Avoidance" but with that phrase you seems to be playing a different game. I won't discuss because always I begin a discussion with a non-argued commentor it just bring me headache. Your phrase is wrong from the F to de L. But mate, I won't bring you clues about how to play, enjoy your games and thank you for the opinion.

  19. hace 24 minutos, (PS4)SpIitSnake dijo:

    Nova is a god tank with 2x damage reduction with her 1 and Adaptation. 

    I wouldnt even bother with her old Augment for her 1, the one that lets you recast. 

    In my opinion, its borderline useless in comparison to her new Augment that makes it so you never have to recast anyway. The stacks stay pretty much maxed the entire mission now.

    When you combine her tankiness with her amazing CC, I find she can comfortably stay multiple hours in endurance type missions.

    Seriously, i dont think she needs to be any better lol.

    You seems to talk about the experience. Thank you very much for the opinion. I agree with you in many things and you got the point I want to go in. 

    See, If you try to build umbra mods (what is also actual meta) you will notice the point where I find nova design require something that naturally let her update particles. Umbra vit and Umbra int then stack duration and adaptation. You find the slot we using for the mod you mention (that is awesome) is required and there is where I decide to come here because having other warframes with much less requirements stacking until 99% dr,  Nova is having a bad place when she could be perfectly adapted to new mods just "changing a flag in the code" and not forced to use augments when we focus on DR. Ofc is not bad, it is very very good as it is, but a little change could make the difference.

    Also a lot of opinions say to split augment mods from build mods, but I don't think it is comming soon. A duration Exilus mod in this case also could solve it. 

    Im doing builds since 2013 and I bring opinion when I find something does't fits very well or I think it could be improved for some reason.


  20. hace 3 minutos, Birdframe_Prime dijo:

    There are many builds that do not use that for Nova. Specifically there are builds that only have about 115% Duration for modes like Survival, because longer Duration means that enemies that spawn outside of where you want them (as in, not in the same room as you) then can't reach you and you have to go hunt them down, resetting Spawn locations and slowing down Life Support gain from their drops. There are even other builds that use massively high Efficiency, and substitute damage output on her 2 spammed over and over again with the augment Anti-Matter Absorb completely sucking in enemy shots and preventing you from getting hit entirely, to basically just kill enemies before they can kill you and stay immortal with a gigantic ball of Absorbing force with you at all times. 

    If you're running her for a maximum-stack Null Star, then more fool you, because you're neglecting her other abilities that make her more powerful overall, like a slow that can prevent you taking damage in the first place and a massive damage 2 that can wipe mobs around corners so your placement means you never need to take a hit even without the slow. At the very least you can ditch Constitution and either use an Augment like Molecular Fission (for your 4) that tops you back up by 2 stars of Null Star for every kill on an enemy that's been M-Primed.

    So you lose 10% damage reduction for the ability to be infinitely topped-up to 80% instead of trying to run 90% that you need to re-cast every time it drops a single star, then you use all the other damage mitigation functions at your disposal to compensate for that drop of 10% anyway.

    As a point, the damage reduction function of Null Star was just an unlisted effect, it always existed, it just wasn't noticed by a lot of people.

    Builds that doesn't focus in null star DR are not affected about this. 

    Maybe Im fool having 2 novas with different builds and playing she since 2014. Probably the thing is you don't understand when the focus on DR becomes necessary. 

    Bytheway, If you could fit to the puposal of the thread because I am not here to discuss about builds 🙂


  21. hace 2 minutos, (PS4)Hikuro-93 dijo:

    So the very same as rhino. 

    Now that you mention, yes Rhino should need the same but this post is about Nova.I maybe open another for Rhino in the future.

    hace 2 minutos, (PS4)Hikuro-93 dijo:

    No, you need.

    Best mod in slot need it.

    hace 3 minutos, (PS4)Hikuro-93 dijo:

    And she's already a great tank as is

    She is not a tank when you are in Arbitration minute 60 for example with x1 particle and being unable to re cast skill to update particles. When you have a nekros that can perma stack DR or Nidus. It places she in a bad place when she could be "perfect" You are oneshooted in that point. And here is when it becomes necessary. I don't really know the game content you are playing but I valorate your opion. And I am just trying to bring you to the point where it becomes annoying and necessary.

    Original design of null star was thought about the particles going to nearest enemies to explode and nova was more focused in range. For that you don't need to have many particles because you can just update when skill ends. Arbitration not existing, duration mods that we have now not existing, etc. Actual hig-end meta brings the main purpose to the damage reduction stack. There is the main thread. You can be against the change but I am not sure if you are talking from the experience of high-end gameplay.

    Bytheway I find this forum always opposed to proposals about helping players or helping warframes being more adapted to content. Idk how many people here is talking from the experience. And trust me I valorate your opinion. Thanks.

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