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Posts posted by str4dlin

  1. hace 4 minutos, (PS4)Hikuro-93 dijo:

    You can do it with an augment, same as Rhino. Unless a change happened and I didn't know.

    Nova even has 2 augments meant to replenish particles.

    You can do it also going to the water. Augment is not related with recast to update particles. Is the "trick" but Im talking about the skill design not updated for the actual meta.

  2. hace 8 minutos, Skullcrusher211 dijo:

    There's an Augment, Neutron Star, which makes the remaining stars explode, this allowing recast. Rhino's second skill, Iron Skin, also has a similar augment, Iron Shrapnel.

    She needs 4 slot of mods for duration. My suggestion is to have it original in the skill. Not exploding but updating particles.. Original design had not in mind meta is going to stack damage reduction nor Augur mods nor Constitution. I guess it is a skill that needs the change because the meta changed and the mods she is using for that.

    Also Augment is not "You can recast". You explode particles then u can recast. I  can do the same going to the water you know.

  3. Now that the main purpose of the skill Null Star of Nova is to stack damage reduction I dont find sense you can't re cast to update particle number until all particles are exploded. 

    Please implement Nova Null Star can be re casted to update particle numbers. With initial cost or relative to the number of particles updates. Nvm. But it is needed.

    As @Skullcrusher211 Mention there is an Augment doing particles to explode and we can use for "do the trick" and re cast the skill. Same we can do if we go to the water, weird trick. But the proposal is being able to do it originally. Not exploding but updating particles number


  4. Probably more people know it but please, I would like to see it solved asap since it becomes annoying.

    When hunting with Ivara sleeping arrow all class of birds have a random probability to disappear under the floor being imposible to capture them. And after that it is imposible to perform perfect capture, supposing that it doesn't disappear again. 

    Here the clip:

    Thank you very much!

    • Like 1
  5. hace 4 minutos, (XB1)Demon Intellect dijo:

    I cant tell if the boar prime ones and twin grakatas is a joke or not... 

    Well, when I said that I have something in mind. I don't see all 3 in the same sack.

    Slug is crap.

    Twinkatatatatas could be better in terms of critical and a bit more base dmg. They are behind now that we find more weapons with 35% base. Not bad, still behind of what we probably would like to cover more content..
    Boar is bad in mostly high end content, scales so bad because the dmg type and status focus. She is just a CC weapon at the end. Probably I would like to  rework this. I know is different but compare with Tigris. Still the best of them 3, ok.

  6. hace 58 minutos, mega_lova_nia dijo:

    We all know that Warframes and Water don't mix without their archwings

    but here is an interesting thought

    lore wise, why do you guys think that we cannot swim in warframes, any headcanons or some sort?

    I ve say this phrase sometimes:

    The day a warframe can swim the biggest tool to eliminate bugs will be removed.

    Who has feel it will understand 🤣

  7. hace 7 horas, Jiminez_Burial dijo:

    So you want to remove the knowledge curve entirely and just have the game tell you exactly how to do each vault?

    Well, vaults can be done in many ways per many warframes. So, no. I want to show the player the content exists, because exists. And solve the known problem of leeches in those misions.

    hace 7 horas, (XB1)Furious Kaiser dijo:

    What is wrong with just going into spy missions on your own, in a solo session, and taking your time to learn the specifics of each vault?

    Because it won't happen. In a paradise universe...

    Soon or late many of us have seen those videos. For learn or for fun. And I know how to do missions so is not for me. Also I got a video I made long time ago for Lua ones. And I go solo if I see spy in sortie always. With this I could maybe take the risk of going public. Is obvious this post is not for me.
    The content exists everyone can watch it for free. It is not doing the mission more easy only more easy for people being leeched or ruin their mission and trying to avoid this without mission changes or insulting players..

  8. Warframe has a big amount of content creators. Streamers and so on. I am sure that many of them have recorded videos where they show how to do Spy missions clasified by different places. Or Im sure they would like be slaves of this suggestion.

    I would like players have that content directly linked in the game when a Spy sortie mission appear. We all win.. And you know it 😄 

    Or that they can access easy and they notice the content exists Then they have not the excuse also. 

    It is a suggestion a little weird in some point but also links creators with the game and could be useful and different. I think.

    Also I don't mind if I see DE content instead content creators. I would like to see @[DE]Rebecca the same than @Tanchan. But I thought  it also because the language changes.

    What you think?
    Cheers and Peace.

  9. hace 19 minutos, Ryim_Drykeon dijo:

    It's not that new players don't understand Saryn. It's that they can't get her. Her farm, while not that hard, is not one a new player can do. Mainly because it's halfway through the Star Chart, heh. Atlas is even worse being in a mission that is buggy as heck.

    For the graph to actually work, one has to compare MR to MR. It's not perfect, as the way it should be is rated by hours played. Since all of us that have been around a while know MR means zer0 with a big 0. Which is why Excal is off the charts when really, no one plays him. However, it was the only data I had that came from DE directly, so it's not something people could debate, lol.

    You right. I correct myself. "New players saying that Saryn is out of balance don't understand Saryn"

    And I agree but is not about time played too not, is about time dedicated to learn. I got over 2k hours in the game and Im not MR 27, Im 26. And you can find MR27 with 500. I am playing since 2013. You want to know the time I ve dedicated for building warframes and weapons and most of it doing high-end content. All this doesnt raise MR. So graph is not that unbalanced. I think it is the point you want to go in.

    But I agree you in a part.Graph is a bit confusing also but statistics talk in general terms.  Is also good and nice info to have in mind. And Saryn was not hard to get before.

    I also don't need the graph. You can navigate this thread and look for real elaborated content and not empty words too see who is giving it and what is their opinion.


    hace 1 hora, Ryim_Drykeon dijo:
    hace 1 hora, WoodedSkate89 dijo:

    Most people don't like saryn.


    hace 1 hora, Ryim_Drykeon dijo:

    Ahahahahahahahahahaha.....Good one.


    See that spike in the middle of the graph?

    Nice one. Very nice one. So new players dont understand saryn. What more this thread needs? 

    Also.. Atlas, Zephir, And also Nyx.. that cute and lovely.. :😭

    Also... I think wukong is scaling in the table, I like it.

    Thanks for the graph!

  11. hace 6 horas, Loza03 dijo:

    And here we demonstrate that you're either not reading posts or intentionally making straw men. Because I literally out-and-out say I have no problem with how Saryn actually plays. You don't need to be a press 4 and make a cup of tea to nuke, you just have to kill everything. Saryn's spores count as a nuke, despite how much effort she needs to put in. That was the point of my last paragraph.

    Saryn can be made for that and still be balanced. Case and point, most hero-based shooters and most endurance modes. TF2 manages to make mercs for different jobs yet keep them balanced, and it has a much harder time of it considering that it's PvP. Balance might remain incredibly important in PvE, but it is at least a fair bit looser since the focus can stay on making them balanced to use instead of to use and to fight against.

    Being stronger and being able to circumvent/trivialise the core gameplay loop are remarkably different things. It's commonly said CC is weak in current Warframe, yet Limbo can run multi-hour Grineer survivals by virtue of being able to stop anything from shooting him, which whilst a different way, reaches the same conclusion of 'can ignore gameplay'. But, that's a different frame for a different thread.

    1: Once again, I have no issues with how Saryn actually plays, just that her output is overtuned.

    2: Banshee was definitely in large part about the killing since a big part of it was to be a Focus Farm, which requires XP gain, and ability kills give Banshee 100% of the XP, making it a good method.

    I call out mid-to-high level content, not low level content. And I'm aware, I might not have much experience but I have played her a little. 

    Low level content gets messed with by virtue of the genre Warframe's in, there's not much saving it.

    And they cause the same issues Saryn does. As I said multiple times, it's not just Saryn causing these issues.

    I´m done with this post but I answer you because you was respectfull.

    I think what you say "issue" is the game you are playing, This is not CoD, Fortnite or CSGo.

    And numbers are in the side of "Saryn is fine" and it is not because I say it. It is because you can read skills and we have post here videos, simulacrums and demonstrations. Is not me, are the numbers. And I don't think DEV have opinions in their mind but the numbers.


  12. hace 4 minutos, (PS4)Bigboodyjuudy dijo:


    Why cant you just show us the build. It would take you like a minute to screenshot and show it. 

    Because I am not here to satisfy you and I ve got the game closed. I work tomorrow. In the post above you have got info about the build. If Im a lier as you suggest just try yourself before instead of coming here to trashtalk.

  13. hace 47 minutos, Loza03 dijo:

    I am aware of a glass cannon, yes. That is arguably what Saryn, and the majority of DPS frames, should be. However - Saryn not only has a self-heal augment, but it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, because for many enemies die before they can capitalise on her fragility - beyond level 20 mind you, ESO starts at 60-70 and goes into Sortie Level, and that's where she's the most effective. Though, in fairness, the enemy density is much higher in ESO so it will allow her to maintain more, thus more damage overall. But that's besides the main point, like most of your post.

    You've failed to address the main point with any real point. When I talk about the foundation of the game's mechanics, I don't mean at the code level, I mean at the gameplay, experiential level. How all the finished systems fit together in the players hands, not what bits of code rely on what. It's the concept of a 'core gameplay loop'.

    In terms of the actual playing of the game, the primary activity is fighting. You don't need a PhD in game design or 6 years of experience to see that it's the main thing you do in Warframe. It's not really a hard sell to call that the foundation or core of the gameplay, regardless of how much it has changed. Mario has changed a hell of a lot, but platforming remains the core of his main series games. Despite all the mechanical shifts, the main thing the games are built on is still jumping, climbing and maneuvering around.

    Similarly, despite all the shifts in gameplay, most of Warframes mechanics and systems come back to fighting stuff, sooner or later. Warframe is still recognisably the same game from its early day footage. That includes both weapons gameplay and abilities - they're both a part of the overall combat system. And in a game that's almost entirely about combat, flaws within that combat stack up. 


    Ironically, my issues with Saryn specifically are fairly minimal. Unlike, say, pre-rework Resonating Quake Banshee, she actually does have a gameplay loop that's fun and interesting in its own right. Banshee was the definition of press 4 to win, Saryn is not. If Saryn was numerically tweaked so she didn't erase everything, but rather set up for big damage or left behind some heavier troops or some other variation on 'things can actually survive in her presence at mid to high level gameplay', she'd be A-ok in my opinion. I have no qualms about players being powerful, but trivialising, dodging or ignoring core gameplay loops only leads to more and more problems down the road. And that affects a lot more than just the voluptuous bioweapon.

    Saryn augment is useless or remplaced easy by operator arcanes. First.

    About AOE damage, for what is needed to apply corrosive first or have a premade team the thing is that is what saryn is made for. 
    Also consider we exist players that don't play only 8 rounds and we like to beat ourselves. Same can be applied to all endless content. Sorties is not the end-game. Sorties can be done solo for players that don't want to find a Saryn (If we suppose eveyone uses, what is a lie, but well. Since alse she needs specific conditions) Same that you bring loki, octavia, wukong or whatever for Spy.

    About the foundation of game mechanic I ve said here yet and I repeat that this is not a static game. And the future bring us more challenges and harder content. So the evolution should be to be stronger. 

    about fighting mechanics I agree those are needed. But then, pick your Saryn, and don't go that far. Go Mot in Void and do a survival being stopped pressing your skills. For 30-40 minutes. Not need more. Bring me results.Say then that Saryn doesn't need to fight and constantly move and shoot. She is not godlike.

    About Banshee it wasn't about the damage, it wasn't about the kills. It was because she was doing the game slower because she stop the mobs from comming. And not because she was killing them fast like Saryn in low-level, since a fast nova with an amprex was faster than having a Banshee, for rushing. Was called toxic gameplay.  And her damage was plain. And the 4th skill had not another purpose,And...and..and.. little difference from Saryn. Banshee had not a fighting mechanic as you said and really she hadn't a defined mechanic, Im glad you dont compare them. (If somebody doing, return Mot in Void).

    And well about numbers my friend, I just need to link again the simulacrum: (For people asking, the build is based on range, the build of Saryn, with overextended and with blind rage and umbra intensify strength mods) I wont link because I dont find it needed since everyone can try by themselves.



    She does not erase all if you not apply a fighting mechanic. And still she needs time. And she is weak. So she has the perfect definition of glass cannon. What I like.

    And if in the other hand she can rush low content and somebody doesnt like always he/she can solo that content or play with friends. Becase she is not the only. Gara, Volt or Equinox (I miss a bunch) can do it same. But numbers really are in the side of "Saryn is fine". Not needed videos everybody can check for themselves. Range? 20 meters. Damage by procs (150/sec) and not high. With the counter that she needs to be played for range (Overextended) what it does you have to sacrifice also the strength.

    To compare, Gara has a base dmg of 800. Equinox can stack infinite damage, well. That now I mention with a similar fighting mechanic of what Saryn has.


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  14. hace 31 minutos, (PS4)Bigboodyjuudy dijo:


    Tried what. You didn't show me your build. Your build may not be the most effective (and its not, I've seen better). 

    Yes, probably you have seen a build that can oneshoot in the same situation than mine. Show me please, guru. I want to be your little padawan. 

    Just make me laught while crying when I read comments like this. 

    The important is the concept of the images, not the build. So sad.

    the simpsons rat GIF

  15. hace 2 minutos, (PS4)Bigboodyjuudy dijo:


    Nice counter argument.


    When I challenge your post because of the lack of proof you go "go learn the game br00000" 


    Because what I did can be tried by yourself and EVERYONE but you know Saryn mechanics.

  16. hace 7 minutos, (PS4)Bigboodyjuudy dijo:


    Shows a random saryn with no showing of their build. 


    Expects us to take him seriously. 



    And you actually shown your total unknowledge about the game. Thanks. 👏

    Try yourself and learn to play before talking.

  17. Justo ahora, WoodedSkate89 dijo:

    thats an awful build

    You can try it with yours. Is best build Saryn can have. After 6 years playing maybe you teach me his best or give me the mods I need. By the way, try it and learn the warframe since it seems you have not idea what you talking about.


    hace 3 minutos, WoodedSkate89 dijo:

    No I'm saying nerf her range.

    Nerf the damage of her 4.

    Rework the ability.


    Just some salty ember main getting sad because all his previous no skill easy-kill frames got made fair and now theres rumours of his current easy frame might be made fair he's panicking

    You show how you know the warframe. 

    Saryn base range is 20meters. One of the lowers in all warframes.

    Saryn is not about damage is about stack procs. 

    Saryn was reworked yet.

    You really think you talking with knowledge about the game? It seems that no.

  18. hace 2 horas, Loza03 dijo:



    Glad to see people putting words in my mouth.


    There is 18 pages and four days of near-constant arguing about Saryn in this thread alone, and many more threads as well. If there genuinely wasn't a problem with Saryn, this wouldn't happen. There has to be at least two sides for there to be a controversy, and rational for issue for it to keep coming up. A fire doesn't burn with no fuel. 


    This is a game about fighting things. The vast majority and foundation of the game is built around fighting things. If there are things that can make the process trivial, then yes, there is a problem, regardless of how much or how little somebody individually cares about, enjoys or benefits from it. People enjoy hard drugs, people don't care about Global Warming and people benefit from crime. That doesn't mean those things are healthy or good for the person or the society they live in. The same thing applies to overpowered content.

    For example, among the things that are directly tied to the combat system is progression and looting - things that Saryn is often cited as being needed for. Thing is, if fighting is trivial because you have a way to effectively disable or instantly kill enemies, if you get loot and progression from fighting, then logically, looting is trivial. And if looting is trivial, the only way for DE to make something valuable or respected is to make it cost a lot of resources or a lot of runs to get. In that way, Saryn (or, more accurately, similar frames and weapons that allow for easy combat). Meaning it's entirely likely that Nukeframes are an answer to a problem they were at least partially responsible in creating. 

    Seriously, think about just how many of the game's problems can be attached, at least partially, to issues in the combat system.

    You almost bring an elaborated opinion. I disagree in many terms where I think you are not right, it my opinion. But the only I will mention is that sure you know the term "glass cannon". 

    Nerf Saryn potential and u will have a very nice remind like every other warframe who ended in the oblivion box because nerf maze. Saryn is not broken in terms of numbers. Demonstrated. 

    And well, I dont know if you played some before but If you have 2 years playing I dont know if you can give a solid opinion about foundation and initial mechanics. That have changed a lot and real toxic mechanics have been removed. Sadly not reworked in a satisfactory way the most, but Saryn. Saryn passed the rework and now she is perfect because bring us an active gameplay, not like she was before. And not for lvl 20 mobs. 

    Everybody talk about how she kills lvl 20  mobs and nobody talk about what she is weak on. So it is not fair. 

    And yes it is about fighting things, but it never was only a shooter. You have Cod or CS Go for shooting. Skills always existed, builds always existed and people crying always existed too.


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  19. hace 22 minutos, Loza03 dijo:

    This argument doesn't make much sense. Mostly because, by nature, nukes dictate things for others - when there's a nuke in the mission, you have to massive alter your playstyle around it or just accept the nuke. I could just as easily say "Play solo then. Stop trying to dictate people into nuking" and have it be just as valid.

    It's not a productive line of argument. Clearly, if this many people have a problem with Saryn, then a problem exists, and a solution should be found.

    Well, this game has something and it is that if you want to find a challenge you can find a challenge. The error is not about saryn rushing low mode content. As Gara, ember, volt, equinox or an Amprex, Catchmoon or whatever leveled and with equipment can do. The error is consider you can go public and find a challenge every game. 

    Sorties are rushed from people that have done tons of them. I dont need to do every sortie with a pistol acting like a devotee to see how the other players enjoy or how good are them. 

    The error is not the warframe the error is who try to find something where it isn't. Is demonstrated Saryn is not broken if you bring the numbers to the table so after that we dont need to say anything else. Others are tears. Most of them from frustrated players that try to show how good they are also in the wrong place and banissed by someone that is only rushing.

    You never thought how fast people do the missions when you begin to play? That is frustrating also for new players. This is the same. LEt's nerf warframes and do them slower!
    And the problem is they talk without argument and without knowledge about what the warframe they talk about is in the reality. And they are not much, they are a bit. But mostly veterans are not here losing the time because they know they are not going to find reasonable people. Just read the whole thread. "sayin is for noobs", "Nuke frame", "you only know to play Saryn", etc, etc. 

    All going down when someone bring the arguments and the reality of the numbers.

    • Like 1
  20. hace 29 minutos, (NSW)Badger dijo:

    oh yeah, totally, absolutely correct. For players who are playing in the lower levels I can see how Saryn looks overpowered. Sorry I didn't see your thread before as this whole conversation is pretty long now. Thanks for your input. 


    We have to comment intelligently. Do not fall into the trap. Try things before saying anything and stop bringing toxicity to the community, which we have enough. I don't defend Saryn, I defend the game for what it is.

    If I really saw that it was broken I would say it equally. Or if she had a toxic gameplay (Funny being a Saryn). But it would bring an argument. It would not bring waste as empty words. But I want to prevent another warframe from entering the box of oblivion as has happened with several. Because Saryn has the AOE in her veins. II would rather take out those who have entered or were always there. Like Atlas or what comes to Baruuk.

    And box always opened started with the same cries of new people who don't even understand it and speak from complete ignorance. Just check the first post.


  21. hace 5 minutos, (NSW)Badger dijo:

    I think what you're saying is that Saryn falls off at higher levels? That is certainly true. 

    She does not really fail, She has a different purpose. And it is CC as you comment and armor drain. Also, this post begin because a guy said he can't shoot someone when a Saryin in the team. See, I SHOW not TALK ABOUT that


    hace 7 minutos, str4dlin dijo:

     Saryn needs you shoot for killing. And Saryn is better for high content. How many frames can rush low level? A basic Amprex can do it. C'mon. I won't repeat myself again I posted too much in this thread. And heard so many trashtalking.

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