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Posts posted by spysweeper242

  1. So, I was inspired by New Hek, New Ruk, The G3, and Lech Krill. They all are in a high command, have excellent combat/appearance style and awesome gameplay, but what if we can make this into one sort of heavy unit, hmmmm?




    Health: 850

    Armor: 40


    Appearance: Non-Appearing items: Has a grineer flag on fanny pack, as tall as Lech Krill, and has smoke emitting from his pack, and wields  manticore 



           Rough image Concept:




    Voice acting: Sounds like a much, much deeper version of U12 Tyl Regor [No transmission since it is not a boss]




    A manticore [same coloring as suit though]





    Bunker: Summons a row of lancer shields which are placed down, creating cover for allies


    Death swing: Comes toward the target attempting to hit it with a X000 damage strike.


    Fall back: Orders his troops to retreat and take cover


    Attack: Orders his troops to attack


    He/She is invincible, the only way to damage him directly, is too shoot off his helmet, revealing a Vay Hek like face un-immune to damage.


    Damage weaknesses:


    Fire +++


    Viral ++




    Radiation --





    Expel corpus


    Heavy impact




    Iron skin


    Rare fusion core


    Rare material of planet





    Feedback plzzzzzz




    It is really appreciated! 











  2. I have noticed warframes some-what lack of cosmetical changes to make there warframes, well unique so I came up with some proto-type ideas:


    Paint jobs: You can upload an image from your desktop/other files and you can put that images on your warframe/weapon and it will look spray painted on.


    Unique Rare helmets: These are given as a Bp that takes 72 hours to build, after you have scanned a boss/mini-boss 3x the regular amount for a reverse engineered version of there special mask, if you ask me I want New Vay Heks. If possible if you scan a data-mass like that, you can get a female gender lotus head dress. 


    More animation sets: Like more animation sets like stalker and military like possibly.


    Custom profile pic: Sort of like a paint job, you can upload a image to make it your new profile icon.


    3D chat: This will basically show your exact frame to the letter (No weapons visible for lag purposes). For space purposes, 4 at a time will be displayed smaller then a bosses and now where it goes: Right where it is when you press Z to view players in your squad. This also this works for voice chat but will say -incoming ally transmission instead of your words, it will just be audio.




                                                                   Vay Hek Mechanic suggestion





    ~ How it works: As his rage (Meter in the corner) builds up, the more power and destruction he has.

    ~ How it builds up: By damaging him, for instance, lets say I hit him for 100, he would gain 100/10000


    ~ How do you decrease his rage: Avoid his attacks and his anger level will go down

    ~ At a certain point [5,000], he will begin to be a high threat and attack other grineer and will throw them at you occasionally

    ~ Keeping his rage low is important, because unlike his current counter-part when his rage builds up he gets a some-what big damage resistance buff.

    ~Context: Each time his rage gets to a certain level [100=normal 500= slightly angered 1000 [ Extremely angry] 10000 [Delirious with rage] his taunts will become more scary and will be yelled loudly with a high amount of anger.

    ~ Though it makes the battle greatly harder, the more rage he has when he is defeated, the higher chance of one of his more Rare drops [Chance for ironically rage]


    feedback and support and up votes?











  3. Do to Hek's outburst during Project Tethera and the Cicero Crisis, and now him sending the grustrag after grineer supporters, I was on the  ""Grineer.com"" when I  intercepted this message from Hek to the grustrag three:





  4. Lore: Created by grineer researchers in the ship-yards on Sedna during the Tethera Crisis, he is forged with the same technology as a formorian class ship. He is designed for close ranged combat, using any means needed. He was stripped for salvageable parts before the tenno got to him, rendering him scarred and damaged.


    Flavor Text: Meet Alcatraz, this warframe is for the tenno who like to use more "Dirty" tactics.


    Appearance: A metallic and slightly armored winter coat with a set of spider like eyes on his helmet.




    Health: 110

    Shields: 190

    Armor: 2




    Dirty kick: Hits the target in the hard spot damaging and stunning it for X.


    Blind Fold: Jumps on the target, putting a blind fold on him, making him attack other targets for X seconds.


    Explosive rig: Summons an array of mines in front of you, setting off for X blast damage ounce a enemy has come in range.


    Cheater: Summons a probe, infinitely healing him practically making him invincible for X seconds.


    Art and feed back are luved <3



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