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Posts posted by spysweeper242

  1. What do you wanna see in game?





    Melee 2.0: 25%


    Derf Anyo: 50%


    Grineer Commandos: 12.5%


    New councilor Vay Hek :12.5% 






    Grineer or Corpus?











    Favorite boss?




    Nef Anyo







    Favorite Player Hunter?




    The Grustrag Three






    Favorite Event?




    The Hunt for Alad V




    Favorite New U11 Boss?




    Sargus Ruk





    Hardest boss?




    Krill and Vor



    Favorite Warframe meme:




    Derf Anyo: 50%


    Prod Crewman: 50%



    Post your answers in the comments below!!!!!










  2. Lore: Tenno, Ferus has been the most dangerous man alive, most people believe as him as a urban legend, some a ghost. He is a being who cannot die from diseases, age and normal killing methods. He was responsible for the death of the 16th earth president. His appointment is dangerous, he has allied himself with the corpus and this could bring a humongous unbalance to the conflict. We must stop him tenno.


    Appearance: He has multiple arms, which appear to be made in a similar style to a corpus quadruped proxy. Along with that, he has moa legs with large feet. These features give him his ability to be extremely mobile. He possesses a crewman helmet with a crosshair scope attached to it. Color scheme: Black and dark blue.


    Weapons: 2 arm-mounted tetras





    He is extremely mobile and is a hard target, he will repeatedly shoot you with his tetras at multiple locations. Along with that he is actually invincible. To get him himself, you must get at least 2 arms (Out of 4) for his cybernetics to go haywire, thus leaving him trapped/stunned in his suit. He can only be hurt so much before he unleashing a blast weave starting the fight again. Ounce you have got him to 50% health, he will break the roof with his tetras, thus moving the fight on the roof, with hazardous lava- like liquids around the arena. Since his tetras are drained, he disarms you, making it a intense melee fight (Think stalker with 2 sets of obexes). Ounce you have killed him, it will show a special animation of him exploding and falling to his doom in the lava






    Stage 1: A Oxium osprey factory, with lots of conveyer belts,  {Harmful} lazers, and crewman at work. His actual stage is similar to jackal, except there are multiple platforms and staircases where the battle takes place. Around this is actually harmful blue lava




    Stage 2:  The top of the factory, with many delivery ships coming in with oxium. Surrounded by you                   and Ferus, are huge vats of the blue lava which is extremely dangerous to both of you. Along with that, there are occansional supply crates that fall by corpus delivery hips containing health and energy orbs.  







                                                            ~Vauban component blue-prints

                                                            ~ Super rare Detron Bp (No Part)

                                                            ~ Expel Grineer and Expel Infested

                                                            ~ Fusion core: Uncommon and rare    

  3. ^ 2 possible out comes:


    1. DE didn't suspect it and has to rework the rest of lore (Which will be to your pleasing)

    2. A strange, yet reasonable out-come that DE had as a plan B.

  4. So, the new invasion mode has made a huge impact on gameplay. Ever since the G3 crew arrived, straight grineer supporters are turning into corpus ones. Then theres one thing, what happens when grineer take over a whole corpus planet, including boss nodes? Well this could lead to 2 things: 1. New boss 2. No boss node for the planet. Now heres the second thing, De controls us. They use loot like the Brakk and Detron to manipulate us, now what if no-one participates in Operation:Project Tethera? Will corpus be destroyed and be erased from the game? Any DE's reading this?

  5. Lore: I am the watcher, I see all that goes on in the universe, the pillaging, the deceit and the greed. And to think this only began 100 decades ago, right after the Tenno slaughtered the orokin. I was one of the lesser gaurdians,I overheard the plans of the Tenno. I ran to tell the emperors that the tenno would retaliate against them, but the Tenno grabbed and framed me for planning a revolt. Why in my cell, I saw the death and blood the tenno caused. They stole the great fortune of the orokin. During the revolt, I managed to break free out of the void. I landed on earth, wounded. Though I was horribly injured, the grineer got to me. They replaced all my wounds with technology, and wanted to use me as a tool of greed. I didn't exactly agree so I distracted them and ran off. Now I watch, the Tenno, pillage the innocent for loot and wealth.

    Like a great man said: "You may have forgotten but your not innocent".



      A Oberon with a unique helmet, as well as many grineer modifications as well as a badge with the "Property of grineer" On it.


    Art would be extremely appreciated.




    Primary:  Miter


    Sidearm: Marelok


    Primary: Amphis


    Like the stalker, he is very intelligent like using slam attacks, rolls and rocket slides.


                                 Death-Mark Method:


    Like most random encounter bosses, he requires death marks: A percentage of him actually appearing.  His method is doing alerts, invasions and killing other random encounter bosses.




    If invasions was how you got it:




    Why, hello tenno, you are just using "Peace keepers" as a cover. You really work for the greed of stripping The grustrag three for the brakk.



    Oh, look what we have here, another greedy Tenno, do you really want peace? Or do you want the wealth and elusive harvester to give you your Detron?


    If alerts:


    I see your ways have not changed a bit tenno, you just work for the greed of the highest buyer of your talents to get your so called "Honor", more like an expansion of your wealth.


    If killing:


    So, tenno, let me get this straight, you murdered a honorable warrior(s), killed massive amounts of <Faction name>

    just to get a dumb weapon? How dishonorable.





    1: Rip line

    2: Smoke bomb

    3: Justice: Summons and array of orokin lasers

    4: Shadows of the dead: Brings either a amount of those you killed (Alerts and invasions) or one of the random encounter bosses


    6:Watch: Learns from your next skill, and allows him to use it for Y seconds.


                                                     Arrival / Departure


    Arrival: A portal to the void is summoned, much like the lobby you see it as. He will come out from a distance and speak, ounce he is done, he knocks you down, and waits for you to get up to start the fight.


    Departure: Explodes in a void like explosion. (Note the explosion can and will kill you so watch out for that)





    His special version of miter


    Random encounter boss weapon part (Note does not drop Bp)


    Same drop table as grust-rag three


    Void keys



                                                 Possible mechanics:



    ~ When he gets to 50% health, he will teleport you, to what looks like a void coliseum .

      ~In this coliseum, you can see ghostly versions of the orokin people and the


    ~When arriving, Lotus will try to warn you like the grustrag three, but this time when she gets to mid it will sound like

      -Static- You -Static- Are -Static- A -Static- Greedy -Static- Tenno, then she gets cut off completely.




                                                   Health: 1035

                                                    Shield: 900

                                                    Armor: 200

                                                    Energy: 100

                                                    Speed: As fast as a speed build loki






  6. 1: Elite hellions


    Description: High damage rocket attack with higher armor






    Weapon: Upgraded grakata


    Abilities: The upgraded hellion jet pack attack


    Rational sketch:



    These units are the space tileset version of the normal ones.

    I also designed this one to make it like the un-deformed version of the infested charger for obvious reasons.


    2: Elite butchers


    Description: High damage cleaver and viper with higher armor





    Weapon: Sing viper and cleaver


    Rational sketch:




    These units replace regular ones at level 15+. I was hoping for this special grineer unit to be in the melee 2.0 update so it can dual wield the cleaver and viper at ounce. These ones possess smarter tactics then there un-elite counterparts.




    Better Art?


    De confirmations?




    edit: BB code didn't work



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