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Posts posted by spysweeper242

  1. I was so interested in the new "Leader" Mechanic that I thought of some ways to improve it. I thought that as well as having the name "Leader" they can actually give orders. They can initiate procedures such as:

    • Defensive: Protect the leader
    • Offensive: Attack all enemies
    • Retreat: Flee from enemies and take cover

    As well as that, they should have context worthy resistances like fire being immune to fire ( Still does damage just not multiplied). They remind me of bosses so they should have there own 3D transmissions. Here are some lines I came up with:


    Blast: " Pre-pare for a your explosive demise "


    Fire: " Don't get to cocky, hot head "


    Ice: " Chill, and it will be over soon "


    Toxin: " You are in prefect condition, that will change "


    Energy leech: " I believe you will not be doing that now "


    Since, they lack a codex entry I created one:




    Image: Random unit (Lancer or crewman)

    Name: Blast leader

    Level: Any

    Locations: All

    Faction: Any

    Drops: The same as the original unit.


    They should also have advanced tactics, such as prone, rocket slide and possibly roll.



    Feedback? Construcitve critic? Upvotes? Cake?




  2. I had some ideas based off of the new leader system. First one is the infected. There is a 1% chance in every mission that a base unit spawns as one of these variations:


    Walker: Increased speed and ability to use the harvesters pounce ability.


    Crawler: No lower limbs, so decreased speed and high elemental damage ( Any element including combination).


    These infected units can spread by killing other enemies and infect them. Along with this, bosses can be infected as well. Except they don't get variations above, they get Increased speed and damage with the side effect of them being well, derper since it goes to there mind as well decreased aim. Along side that, they can drop both the regular and infested resources. Here is another "Leader" Type, the possessed. These units have a 1% chance to be in every mission in the void. They get 2 variations:


    Gaurdian: Huge armor boost, as well as a damage boost.

    Sentinel: Increased speed and high electric proc.


    These units can do the same "Infected" mode thing. They go over the body and od the capturing animation and then the body becomes possessed. The upside to this is that they have a higher chance to drop a forma Bp. I was also think that there should be leader mods that are rarely dropped by leaders. Like " Emits a healing/heat/magnetic/ice/blast/energy leeching/Toxin pulse when at 50% health.".


    Feedback is appreciated.  





  3. Since most players don't right and about me, I would like to make a thread about what you are doing, your lore, your main frame and weapons. For starters here's mine.


    Favorite weapon: Braton V


    Main frame: Crewman janitorial suit.





    Remember to post yours in the comments as well!


    I cant wait to find about your secrets- uhh, I mean you, you is what I meant. 0-0

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