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Posts posted by Oakencrown

  1. 13 hours ago, Xaxma said:

    I think special roll types should be introduced based on whether or not the frame is classified as heavy, medium, or light.

    The more bulkier and tank-orientated frames get the less nimble and Hildryn-like dash.

    The standard roll we have now could be the "medium" one.
    Finally, an acrobatic leap or flip could be done in place for the light frames, especially those concerning mobility.

    It could also just be altered by a special equippable fashionframe slot.

    yes this would actually be very nice, it would make a lot sense too, however it does feel like extra work, perhaps in the future this sort of change will come.. i do truly hope we can use other means of 'dodge' instead of roll on every warframe except hildryn.

  2. So one day i was playin Hildryn on the plains, and i noticed i friggin love the 'dash' instead of the rolling, it fit so nicely into the action happening around, the sound, the animation of it, the feeling of it was veeeery nice.

    I wondered how it would be on other warframes, the first came to my mind was the Atlas, because of his first ability 'punch' is kinda like dashing, i thought how awesomely hildryn's dash would fit on him too.

    Especially now with all the crazy looking deluxes in the game, (like Atlas's deluxe skin literally makes him a bunch of rocks which looks amazing btw, or think about the chroma's deluxe which has a large back) i really think having the option to use the hildryn's 'dash' instead of 'roll' would be very useful. 

    One mans opinion however, along with a few friends.. but what do you think my friends? 


    Edit; Many apologies if this is the incorrent thread for this, considering it's just a different animation.

    • Like 2
  3. 28 minutes ago, Rociel said:

    How about after the event, once the blob has been finally popped, we place a Christmas tree in place of it.
    To make it more interesting, start with small, plain tree in the middle of a crater and then have it grow every week (due to mutation caused by remaining infestation toxins) till Christmas, when it will have become a giant tree whose top is only reachable with archwing. And on Christmas week itself place small poppable presents on it, that will contain lots of very common loot (like resources, credits, wisps, fish, mining stuff etc.)

    jokes aside this is a really nice idea, it's not just a plain xmas tree, would be pretty cool!






                                                                Greetings Tenno, i'm known as Icaruxes, and i'm here to name the next Eternals for the Covenant.






    Who dis?


    Salutations dear sir, madam. I'm known, all across the internets, as Jack. or, Jack the Tasty.

    When i started gathering people in warframe was about 3 years ago, ever since i've been in and out of clans, saw them rise, saw them fall, even played a major role in rising 2 entire clans, the beloved and oldest Death Circle, and the great Oath of Phoenix.. aah may you rest in peace you fabulous fireboi.

    After a while i decided to create my own, i was always great with people, and, memes. So i said meh why not, then i created a lil community called Tasty Adventures, owned a ts server and everything, the culture sharing was a delicacy of the Tasty Adventures. The servers main purpose was for dota 2, but when i started creating communities in warframe, i started using that for warframe as well, though i tought discord was better so i made everyone switch to it :D

    The point i'm trying to make is that i create, and i'm always looking for people to share knowledge with, people who are not maximus flamerious, people who are mature, and will bullS#&$ with us till the end ^^

    And i like writing about stuff, warframe happens to be pretty great with lore-writing, tho if you find these sorta things cringy, i'd actually understand :D but still, sometimes it's nice to add a little backround to your creation. Afterall, it belongs to you, the emblem, the name, the titles of the hierarchy, whatever you see, you created it, what is it but stale if you don't add taste to it?

    Eternal's Lore;


                                                                                                                                    The First Eternal

    Praying, praying was the only thing she knew to feel safe, safe from all those monsters she sees everyday, everynight, these tyrants knew no bounds, dying, starving, without any help, only the faint hope of news of creatures saving people known as Tenno gave her heart a meaning to beat in this unjust world. She asked universe day and night, will this injustice last forever?

    And so the Universe, answered;

    Years of injustice, tyranny, slavery created an answer, an answer, an entity, a creation of law and justice by brute force, demented by the failing balance of universe itself, an answer to these abominations, an answer that will last.. an answer that will last, forever...


    ...And so he woke up.










    The Eternal Manifestation

    The Grineer known by their mark left on the planets they forcefully take, these slavers, tyrants and filthy criminals are to be shown no mercy

    The Corpus, known by their greed for wealth who have dissected our fallen brethren, tainted our blood with their greedy plans, our culture, our honor.. they must be purged in the most excruciating way known.

    And any and all emenies of the First Eternal shall meet their judgement in the Eternal Purge

    All shall succumb to the judgement in the Eternal Purge


    - Recovered Manifesto on Luna Base 01

    So that's a thing i taught about when i created the Covenant, our hero is the answer to the tyranny of the universe. seems much more live now doesn't it?


    on a non-lore point;


    I joined a lot of clans in my time of enjoying warframe whenever i could, tought i could be a good influence to others if i were to create my own community, i was always good to everyone i meet, always teaching the new players, helping them out, sharing whatever i could... And so the Covenant was born, a place of great kindredness... is that even a word..? well it is now!

    A place of Kindred spirits, good people, sharing daily stuff, tossing ideas, deciding on their next objective, teaching how to bake the perfect cookie/cake, no seriously you haven't lived till you hear a badass warlord, who happens to be in charge of 25 of people equal strength to him, explaining how and why you should use sprinkles on a cookie. just.. juusst.. i can't.

    our Kewl Emblem (in game)



    ~~~~ Our Ranks ~~~~

                                                                                  (We have tests for each Rank, and higher rank means more privileges *.* )



    Lord of Eternals - The First Eternal is considered as the wisests, and the memest of all the memers in the Covenant. It is also the First Eternal's duty to slap other clan Warlords with memes.

    Oath Keeper - Handpicked by the First Eternal, Keepers pledge their souls for the Greater Good, they are the memest among other ranks.

    Covenant Knight - Now done with their classes in Advanced Memeology, The Knights are the staple of the Covenant, They are also responsible for arranging diplomatic meetings with other Warlords.

    Captain - These Tenno gained respect by completing many missions outside the clan, noticed by the others, and looked upon, they gained the right to lead their own squads.

    Liberator - These Tenno are known for freeing entire planets, giving the common folk their freedom back. (meaning you must ''Liberate'' every planet to gain this rank,get it? cuz you liberate them and stuff?) - and if you did already that's great.

    Vindicator - Now recognized by their fellow Tenno, Vindicators are promising Tennos who just took the Oath and are on their path to protect the Greater Good.

    Recruit - New Recruits who answered the Call and has been recruited by the Covenant. These Tennos are now under the wings of The Oath Keepers and will be tested on the field.

    Banished* - These Tenno are Banished from the Throne Room for a time.(Read below please ^^)





    What is a Banished?

    If a player says something, does something, awful, offensive, scams etc. i will banish that person from the Throne Room,

    I will not stand idle if someone, anyone scams one of my people,i worked at translations/bug reports for DE for 6 months and i will do everything in my power to reverse whatever has been done.

    PS; Ranks will mean something someday, they will be important in the future, much more important then they are right now, Ranks as it is, are important among the Eternals as well, they will have higher respects, and will have their own rights to create and lead Squads.


                                                                                                  ~~~~OUR CURRENT ETERNAL GARRISON~~~~                                                                                                                                                                             (All active players) - (Will get updated regularly) - (Last log above 10 means in-active)

    1. Icaruxes
    2. CrudShuzKong
    3. CaptainMayhem
    4. Failedtodiet
    5. jatin3
    6. FeedTheBear
    7. Akinbird
    8. TurnNow
    9. Akizuke
    10. Voidcontrol

                                                                                                        ~~~~*RULES* AND WHAT IS TO BE OFFERED~~~~

    Now, it's a game, obviously i will not look down on you or anything like that, who am i to do that in a game, as you might have noticed, i'm far from being a player like that, i've had my experience with toxic warlords/leaders already.


    - Respect is something we all want, from each other as much as to each other, so if you are carrying my banner, joining our Covenant, i expect you to follow me and respect everyone, you can call me boss, cap'n, chief, chieftain whatever you wish dear friend ^^

    You must be 18+ to join the Covenant.

    - We will have classes led by me and the Oath Keeper CrudShuzKong, if you so wish. These classes will be about movement, frames and weapons

    I will take all the new Recruits for a field mission, just for some getting to know, after that the Recruit will be promoted to the next rank to be known as an official Covenant member.

    Insulting is never a good choice, please don't be 'that' guy. you wouldn't wanna ruin the universe right?? Qc28eXZ.gif?3

    - You must have completed at least the *The Second Dream* Quest (DE's most beloved creation)

    - The Covenant to this day always housed good people, never a taint came it's glorious name, so let us keep it this way ^^

    - We're usually in European time and that means you know, from Portugal to Japan those times are all allright for us




    - You could just leave your ign with a little bit of other things ofcourse but followings these will help me as well

    - Tell me about yourself, (nooot mandatory)

    - Tell me about your playstyle, Like ''i go for tanky tank tank'' ooor ''i'm excellent with keeping an eye on my team mates'' ooor ''i'm sneaky beaky''

    - Your Mastery Rank?

    After you're done; join here https://discord.gg/d3v36mx and find 'Jack'



    My timezone is GMT +3 but i'm always online in steam .. mostly.. you can also find CrudShuzKong , my trusty right hand

     For the Greater Good - WELCOME AND SKOLL!!



  5. 2 hours ago, Helofrad said:

    IGN: Helofrad




    • Pretty versatile with my frames
    • Love shotguns
    • Still slide attack thinking it'll propel me across the room

    Honestly I'm just looking for a relatively small clan that's active, my current one's dead with the exception of me and one other, just looking for new friends and dank memes.


    I know what you mean, we've grown so much already, but some of my other active players are being inactive lately because of the SotR update.. will clean after that.


    Anyways my friend welcome!

  6. 26 minutes ago, Blyrez said:

    Hi im a relatively new player looking to learn more and be a better player to help and also help other new players I'm currently mastery rank 4 Name is Blyrez and a willing learner


    Awesome, you are very much welcome here Blyrez, now go on and meet your fellow eternals


    It appeaars that you are already in another clan ^^

  7. 3 hours ago, Biogenik said:

    <---------- Biogenik (same as here) 

    Your dank memes are on point. Nice. Im just a chill person looking for other chill people. :D

    I dont really have a playstyle, im pretty much an allrounder.

    19, turning 20 in a few months

    Im down to do some dark sectors, I did some runs way back when, during the whole sechura-pluto community crisis

    MR 19


    The Sun ........ Do you praise it?  

    \[T]/ ?





    Welcome my friend ^^

  8. 1 hour ago, AmazingDux said:

    IGN: AmazingDux

    MR: 2

    Playstyle - I got no idea what im doing, just started playing the game hoping to get someone to give me a hand and point me in the right dirrection, so I tought what would be beter then finding a good clan.

    Age: 18

    You will find the help you're looking for here my friend, welcome

  9. On 10.08.2016 at 7:31 AM, Generallaw said:

    Hello! I really enjoyed reading about your clan, it feels unique and friendly and that's something I would like to be apart of!  I am currently Mastery Rank 9, though I believe it would be higher but before the movement update I couldn't pass the mastery rank tests as they were and still are quite difficult for me. I am an on-off player mostly due to being tried of having no comrades to fight the swarms of those who would use and corrupt the War frames of old. It seems every time I revisit Warframe it changes a lot of what I know which is one of the reasons I keep coming back for more. One thing however never changes and that is Tenno loyalty towards one another and thus I have never even entertained the idea of Pvp. My play style is more of a combination of what the current situation is, however, this has stemmed from many hours of solo play. 

    I am 21 and I always enjoy hanging out with people mostly listening and observing. I has always enjoyed taking new players out on missions and fighting Captain Vor showing them the ropes. Playing with friends is what makes Warframe for me. All that I ask is if you need me call upon me and I will be more than happy to assist you in your missions and quests just ask. Ign: Generallaw Thank you for your consideration.

    Then here, you will feel the vibe of being part of something my friend, welcome to the Covenant.


    7 hours ago, LEFTNUT said:

    I just came back to Warframe after 2 years and as I was reading this topic I kept thinking "Sounds perfect for me to learn what's new about Warframe" (Is that dark enough?)

    On a serious note, I'd very much like to try your clan... I am 24 yo and have been playing Online for a few years and and they taught me there's no such a thing as Kiritos (playing alone is boring AF).

    So, currently I am a complete noob-tard with a Mastery Level 10 acc overflowing with credits left from back when I used to be a hardcore player.

    Playstyle: Anything that's fast and allows me to clear/check everything that's useful in the fastest times, mostly. But my best feature is that I like to adapt.

    So if you're interested as I am, please send me some invitation or Private message or what you guys do.


    Oh most definetly, alone warframing was never something i'd encourage, it just didn't feel right you know? :D anyways welcome my friend.


    6 hours ago, GoodspeedML said:


    IGN : GoodspeedML

    Age : 32

    About me :

    • I'm a dad who loves playing Warframe when kids are asleep (between 7 and 10 pm eastern time).
    • I like mastering my frame / weapon before I move to a new one so I can't say I excel at one play style or another. I did enjoy Rhino + Shotgun a lot though!
    • I'm currently at mastery 8.
    • I played a bit of PvP, but I'd rather finish the star map first.
    • I'm not familiar with Dark Sectors.
    • Because I don't wanna wake anyone up, I won't speak much, but I can type quickly ;)

    See you around!



    we have a few dads already :D i think you will like it here my friend, welcome to the Covenant ^^

  10. 6 hours ago, Akinbird said:

    IGN: Akinbird

    Age: 19 (nineteen, just in case)

    MR: Eternal (no pun intended) MR13, too lazy to play with new weapons

    Playstyle: Volt-man, that bad boy's been my first loved warframe. Then came Trinity and Banshee, but in the end - everything goes round and now I'm shelling out again on that sexy Arrester helmet for my now-Primed favourite. In teamplay generally prefer support roles such as healer (because I suck at WF, but don't tell anyone), like to oversee my teammates' health when playing as Trinity and really proud of myself when able to save the aforementioned folks in a clutch moment with a successful Blessing. Also EV's, EV's for days. But hey, fetch me and see for yourself.

    About me: Been playing Warframe since its earliest days. Actively playing since U7 with frequent burnout brakes, been in Beta and have a Lato Vandal to prove it. I'm an elitist and generally a &#036;&amp;*^ when talking to people, but that's only my opinion for some reason. Leaving my previous clan because from thriving community it turned into piles upon piles of dumb newbies (newbies aren't necessarily dumb, ours were though), corpses of prominent members and one MusicGames (the only fairly active vet left). So desicion was made and I decided to seek my fortune elsewhere. All in all, I just liked your emblem, but upon closer examination I also enjoyed the description.

    One thing to note: when I'm going for a burnout break I rarely tell anything to anyone, but it's never more than 30 days and you can always hit me up on Steam, I log into my account almost daily. Unless I'm out of town, of course.

    Why would you need me? I dunno, personally I always wanted a personal &#036;&amp;*^ on the leash. And that's not a sex joke.

    I see.. volt was my first character as well, and my all time favorite to this day

    As everyone, you too are welcome here Akinbird, but i must warn you, if you are indeed a player like you said, Elitist and (whatever that word is it's covered) you might not feel that ''thriving community of nice players'' vibe here, here players are kind and helpful, i always encourage people to talk to each other, befriends each other, just be kind to your fellow eternals and you will like it here ^^

    Welcome to the Covenant

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