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Posts posted by Oakencrown

  1. You can actually check out the BlackOps Clan which i signed in.


    It's pretty cool and we actually play it with roleplaying(i mean a lot of us)^^ it's fun to take our minds off with warframe and you gonna love BlackOps.


    Contact me via message in the forum and i'll forward you to the Leader or you can just check here: 




    If you don't like it or you're just trying to find something different, Good luck! My Fellow Tenno Friends.


    Edit: last sentence.

  2. It does not matter how many times you say "we need a cover system". Repeating something that is wrong over and over does not make it right. Adding examples and comparing cosmetic gear to a global mechanic that effects the entire game of Warframe just shows that have no idea.


    "Video games with cover systems tend to encourage players to avoid direct confrontation with enemies, but rather tactically maneuver to eliminate them"


    I think that "direct confrontation" is pretty much the core of this game. No one here wants to hide behind crates thank you very much.

    i.. didn't say 'we need it' over and over again... i .. don't know where did you get that idea try to read properly first buddy, i don't even understand what is this hate about :D ..... tough OK i understand, it was just an idea and i wanted to learn what other players would think. Thanks for replying people ^^ i understand it would be a bad idea to have a cover system. i taught it could work as its just there when we have to take cover for somethin, but i guess it does conflict with the game's main idea. i do use all the movements the game can provide, aside from wall-running, jumping all over, a cover system looked cool in my mind. Thank you all.

  3. i don't understand why don't support the idea by saying 'you don't need it.' that's not the point and plus we do need it, not too much maybe but cover could be really useful, it's not Just about 'need' entirely, it'll also add another beauty to the Warframe, i myself jump over rockets, it looks pretty good yay! but you could stay behind a crate like grineers do, do you actually think it's not necessery? maybe it's not... but having a cover could be huge asset! we are on the battleground, do you actually think that you look cool fighting face an army of grineers? as i've said it would be really good. I know the game is not that hard i just don't get it :D 'we don't need it' hah... we don't need the syandanas either, but every Tenno has at least one. 

  4. As much as I like Commander, my official title(currently) is "Clan Leader" which I do plan on changing to something more fitting :)

    Also could you give a little bit more info about your availability? Particularly, What time zone are you in and where do you live? This way I can sync my time better to yours and be on at time you'll most likely be on. :) I want to make sure I can be online around your timezone.

    Awesome to see another volt player. I'd be interested to see how you built yours.

    I'll send you an invite when I see you online :) and give you a proper orientation.

    User Deleted.

  5. well actually i asked on alliance chat first a tenno from this clan said he can set me up but then i got disconnected or something when i tried relog i taught maybe i should do it formal, i also mentioned i didn't like it too but there is seriously no one, thats why i wanted another place i don't think there is anything wrong with it, why should i be the only one in the entire clan?


    But i understand, it's allright, well good luck then ^^.

  6. Hello there


    1) my name is Khazzadum as in real name is Cole.


    2) I am avalible everyday since the university is on vacation too ^^, my teamspeak/skype/raidcall will be online at anytime if i'll be summoned.


    3) my age is 22


    4) I can fight anyone you throw at me sir! or to be more specific, i'll take it seriously if thats the case, trusting in your fellow comrades from the clan will bring victory, if they are not there, i still can fight, i am a pretty good player (or at least if i am not i will become one in this place,, sir!!!!)




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