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Posts posted by (NSW)ohgodzilla

  1. 5 hours ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:

    Also why do I keep re entering gunner or pilot sit when I try to exit its kinda annoying sometimes also pilot could use motion controls but everything else is fine but I dont think the avionics and wreckage in space is marked while in pilot or sometimes not gunner but only in archwing

    Yeah this one's rough. It's almost every time you leave a seat

  2. 6 minutes ago, (NSW)Lorkhan said:

    Why not simply wait for switch to be done with cert to throw all 3 consoles update live at the same time?

    Like Xbox and ps4 should wait for us instead of DE giving it instantly to them.

    Anyway i'm hyped for the tennogen and the movement control.


    PS: Guys chill we are far from the Old Blood Fiasco.

    I don't see why the other console communities should have to suffer because of Nintendo's issues. That's not really fair to them. 

  3. Seeing all the other platforms get the update before us again feels bad, but at the same time, it was barely in cert for 24 hours, so if anything I'm just surprised that xbox / ps4 got it as fast as they did. Hopefully Nintendo is soon too...

    The switch fixes above look really promising too, looking forward to giving Empyrean another try


    edit: ah just saw the fps drop and environmental textures being messed up are for a future update not this one.

  4. 1 hour ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Hello Switch Tenno! We have an update on the above - We are launching this next update with the first version of the Motion Controls for Railjack. We'll continue to make improvements towards it for future updates, but we wanted to bring it to you sooner rather than later. Especially seeing as it is such a highly requested feature as we've seen in your comments here. 


    Yeeees thank you!

  5. 8 hours ago, (NSW)Hermy said:

    People are never happy anyway xP The old blood took extremely long to release on switch, looked & played really good, added usb voice chat etc. But people where extremely angry because it took so long. Rising tide and empyrean released quickly but now they are angry because it misses features & has bugs xP


  6. Another vote hoping for gyro in railjack this patch, and hoping we get some tennogen catch up news soon (last time was back in the summer).

    Also really hoping those performance improvements help. The Empyrean update really hit performance hard in a lot of places (which is a shame because I couldn't stop praising the games graphics during The Old Blood)

  7. 1 hour ago, (NSW)BubbaJ said:

    I was going to post this here but since there’s already a topic which details it succinctly, I’ll add my own two cents.

    The periods I experience the most frame drops and performance problems involves dynamic spawns.  When the ship is boarded and a bunch of greener spawn it’s like the whole system is playing catch-up.  This also happens on Crew Ships after your on them for a few moments and the large group of Grineer spawn in to defend the ship.

    I don’t see this when I’m dealing with static enemies and after getting rid of these spawns, everything starts smoothing out.  I also don’t see this problem on static objectives like defense platforms and satellites which run a lot better than other Railjack interior areas.

    I would agree with this observation

  8. I've probably done about 15 Railjack missions now. Which isn't a lot compared to some people, but quite a bit for me as someone with relatively limited playtime. It needs a lot of fixes and touch-ups but damn if it isn't really fun when it works. The RPG style ship levelling is on point and I've said it a few times already but I'm really excited to see where it goes. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, (NSW)BubbaJ said:

    Being unable to leave the bridge or whatever room I’m in when the ship docks happens to me too, you don’t have to leave dojo, you can fast travel to another point in the dojo and it will continue fine, you may sometimes end up wandering around with your weapons drawn though.

    The chat issue happens in the gunner seats and when your on pilot/gunner stations in crew ships.  You can either leave the seat or push + and mouse down to the chat window to click on it and open it.

    The loading issue with crew members not seeing your Railjack and being left behind isn’t tied to rising tide progress or completion.  It happened to me when I was a client and it happens sometimes to crew when I host, I already posted a workaround - left behind crew members must quit the party and the host reinvites them when the mission loads.

    Those are some really helpful points, thanks very much!

  10. These are some of the bugs I've run into in the past couple days. Consolidating them here instead of opening up a bunch of new threads. 

    - The Earth Proxima missions have a volumetric fog in the shape of a cube, and the edges are visible (See pictures below:







    - Railjack Navigation menu has a strange lighting effect in the shape of a cross which I don't think is intentional? (See picture below):




    - Several times now I have invited 2 clanmates to the dojo to begin a railjack mission. Quite often now 1 person (client) cannot see my railjack in the Dry Dock. If that person cannot see my Railjack, then initiating a mission via Railjack Navigation will stick on a loading screen forever. The person who could not see the Railjack does not see the "Departing" Empyrean cutscene, and does not get transported to the ship. From that players perspective, nothing happens at all and they continue wandering around the Dojo. I'm not sure if it's related, but "client 1" has a railjack in progress, and "client 2" has not started the Rising Tides quest. 



    - Exiting a Crewship caused me to be stuck on a black screen. /unstuck did not work. It sounded like I could hear my frame moving around but couldn't do anything:




    - Some new graphical issues noticed during Railjack missions, and from the Orbitor. Missing textures?:




    - I posed about this in the other thread earlier, but customizing the railjack is really really blurry. See below comparision of customize view versus Departure scene:




    - So far every time I have been a client on someone's railjack I have been unable to exit their railjack and go into the dojo once the mission is done and we have docked. Every time I have used my own railjack and docked, the same thing happens to my crew (even if they are in my clan). Most frequently the cockpit doors will not open, or the "disembark" prompt will not appear. The only way the clients can leave is by selecting "Leave Dojo"


    - If someone initiates a railjack mission from the dojo, hitting Start and selecting Leave Dojo during the loading sequence (void tunnel travel scene) crashes the game (A software error has occured)


    - Quite frequently when trying to leave a gunner or pilot seat, your frame will step out and immediately step back in to the seat. I used to think this was because of button mashing, but I confirmed that it happens even if you just click the "A" button once to get out of the seat. 


    - Anyone can force a RJ mission to start, with no ready vote. It's a bit frustrating when someone just launches your ship because you couldn't click "Leave Squad" fast enough.


    - Only the host can end a mission. If the host goes AFK, everyone is stuck waiting. 


    - If you are in the pilot seat, you cannot open the chat window (by pressing Start > ZL like usual). You need to leave the seat and then try to be able to type anything, which is obviously not good when in the middle of a mission. This may happen in gunner seats too but I haven't had time to confirm

    - Not totally sure if new, but reflection maps have lots of blocks in them. Very visible on some surfaces (look at railjack floor in these pics)



  11. This is maybe more feedback than a bug report, so I apologize for that. There isn't a place to post Switch specific feedback (that I can see).  

    My testing so far has been limited since the update is new, but I'll add to this as more things come up. 

    I'm sure the Switch team is already aware of this, but in general the frame-rate and performance of Empyrean / proxima missions is very low on the switch. As others have mentioned, Switch players are used to lower performance, but it often times dips to the point where it isn't fun to play. Which is unfortunate, because it very much feels like there is a very fun game mode here, but the poor performance combined with the Railjack bugs makes it very difficult to play it (but certainly not impossible). 

    I imagine a large part of this is just the inherent limitations of the switch, but I'm hoping that as the next few rounds of patches comes through, things will be improved. We saw substantial performance improvements between the original launch of Jovian Concord > Old Blood, even in the open world areas like Orb Vallis / PoE so here's hoping. 

    Main observations:

    - On Grineer Crewships, Gallions, and on the Railjack itself when a boarding party arrives, performance drops substantially, often times into the low single digits. I have often times been skipping opening caches when on the away crew to get away from the lag. In two missions, attacking the boarding party was just spamming the melee attack button because I couldn't see what was going on as we dipped into 3-8 FPS. (edit: it seems that this is a bit variable. Some missions it was just a bit of a fps drop, and some were like I'm describing here)

    - Customizing the Railjack I worked so hard for was a buzzkill, as the ship is being rendered as a low quality object in the customization view. It is very very blurry and blocky. I'm not sure if it has to do with Camera placement? It also appears to "jitter" for lack of a better word while you're on that screen. Almost like the ship is going in an out of rendering as a close / far object or something. 

    - Textures on the outside of the Railjack in the Dry Dock look very blocky and "messy". It looked great pre-Empyrean Take Flight. 

    - Explosions in general and fire effects are blocky and low quality, but I think the biggest issue with them visually is they run at a very low framerate. 

    - There can be severe slowdowns when large numbers of fighters spawn in, and are around the railjack. 

    - Not a graphical performance issue, and one I already know the team is working on, but as Motion Controls have not yet been completed for the Railjack fixtures, aiming the side guns is very difficult and frustrating. I've talked with multiple players who have no interest in using them until they are able to control them normally (via Motion Controls). Unfortunately the switch joysticks are not very good on their own, and trying to hit fast moving fighters is near impossible. Since piloting moves slower (for now), it was easier to aim then the side guns and felt ok-ish.



    Thanks for bringing this expansion to the Switch, and I am really looking forward to where things go from here

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