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Posts posted by Bigamo

  1. 3 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

    I'm sure not complaining about PvP currently being in game, I'm just not blind to realize DE sees that PvP isn't their thing, and that it has such a small community, so there's no point in wasting resources and time on for a small, very small minority of people that like PvP in Warframe. Sure, that minority is loud, but for every single of these forum posts that ask for more PvP, even more people come to tell them NOPE. 

    If DE had the same view than you they would just close Warframe in the first year instead of making it what it is now.

  2. 2 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

    PvP people always think they are less toxic, because they have a higher tolerance for the behavior that people who don't like PvP can't stand.

    It's the computer game version of "It's just a prank Bro!" behavior

    I'll reiterate again, in the last 35 years of my gaming experience, adding PvP content has never ever improved any game I have played. It has always been the death knell of that game for me.

    So yeah, I'm going to fight against it in this game.

    So just get out, there is a long time that Warframe have pvp content already, it's just not fun. You can make a carebear convention and several presentations telling the histories of how that internet guy hurt your feelings.

  3. 43 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    I believe they were looking to world-build with Lunaro.  There is more to the Tenno culture than just Warframes and death.  DE wants to tell a story, not just provide us with Dynasty Warriors: Space Edition.

    Lunaro may have missed the mark for many, but we've gotta be willing to try things beyond just the base game.


    yeah, but it would be orokin culture, wouldn't? There is no such thing as a teeno culture as far as i know the teeno were the kids in that spaceship and the "teeno culture" will die with them, am i wrong? 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Strkiller16 said:

    Exuse me? My thread? the thread is about the PvP and possible reworks and updates. and as far as I know the shady syndicate may take part for the PvP.

     Now you are saying is different? @Bigamo Do you find talking about a possible PvP feature being added different from your thread? that estrictly focus on PvP in general?

     How is different? as I see you are not even up to date with the thread... since this was said like 3 times and discussed in this same thread, if some one is out place... that's you my friend.

    That guy is just a useless troll, don't lose your time @Strkiller16

  5. 1 hour ago, Nighttide77 said:

    I fail to see what is wrong with Unreal Tournament here.

    nothing, but unreal tournament is another game, pvp of warframe should feel like warframe, cause you know... its warframe, not unreal tournament. 

  6. 4 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    With proper work it could attract players from other games. I've met players from games like gunz and s4 league come to warframe solely because of the unique pvp it offers and leave it quickly as soon as they realize that in order to progresd they have to go through a ton of pve. How is getting more players supporting the game a bad thing?

    Would you rather be constantly 1shotted by a fully modded soma being mindlessly sprayed by an enemy? Or would it be more bearable being stunlocked under a firequake ember? Perhaps you'd love to see ypur frame being helplessly devoured by an inaros that's also immune to damage. And those are just a few of the huge amount of ubfair things that could happen if PvP wasn't toned down.

    Hold a second, let me ask a friend for his in game profile to show you that i still have played more than you. 

    And even then, 766 hours in game isn't impressive for someone who has been here since closed beta, even less since there are players reaching that time in way less than a year.

    Finally, all opinions matter, sure, however, in game time can be translated to time spent playing, which offers understanding of the game (in the same way as the amount of kills OR deaths in conclave can be used as a measure of experience in it), helping to find out how much weigh can be given to such opinions.

     How would anyone be one shoot by a soma with a 95% damage/control mitigation as sugested in the first post that you problably didn't read? 

  7. 5 hours ago, cghawk said:

    pvp only offers endless replayability to those who like pvp, those who do not couldn't give a rats ass about it, and it just so happens that 95-98% of the community doesn't give a rats ass about PVP.

    you say it requires little effort but it does because this game is built from the ground up for PVE, not PVP, so they have 0 experience with pvp and allot of weapons, abilities and, well, EVERYTHING has to be limited and balanced in that pvp mode, you'd basically have to neuter what warframe is to make it playable in pvp.

    talk me down all you want but I've been here since closed beta and have spent hunderes easily 1000-1500 euro of euro's, I feel this way and others do as well obviously, pvp has no place in warframe, it's that simple, want pvp? go play a pvp game, best solution, works 10/10 times

    Who do you think you are to say what have place and what have not?

  8. 7 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    Now go and say that to the same studio that developed Flappy Zephyr, Wyrmius and Frame Fighter instead of working on actual parts of the game with their own communities, even if small.

    Fun enough, the main reason why solar rail conflicts weren't enjoyable at all is the lack of balance (it used pve mods just like op's idea), the snowball-ish nature of the system and how easily it could be exploited (fights started on even grounds, but attackers were always the host, which usually gave them enough time to get some mods before defenders joined and the option of forcing host migration if the defenders somehow managed to repel their attack)


    Yes!!! Thats some practical problems that should be solved!!! But to me the main problem is that frames died too fast!!! 😞

  9. 3 minutes ago, Lanadra said:

    No, not at all. Nor did I ever imply I feared any such thing. I was simply giving an example to add to the point @KeladorUK was making.

    PvP in Warframe is never going to ''become good'', DE has tried several times and it has always failed. Get it through your head, the larger Warframe player base does not want it. That's the signal that has been sound off just about every time DE made an attempt at it, both in words and in actions.

    You should know this, being a founder just like me, you've surely seen all of the iterations of Warframe PvP and that despite however much DE tried to make it better, it never caught on. That is why they stopped trying, because it was a waste of time and effort.

    Disagree, dark sectors conflicts were a lot of fun, people complained about the time to kill and the overall system out of match, the matches were VERY close to what I suggested here (but the damage mitigation) and was very fun!


    And DE did really bad in PvP. The damage mitigation suggestion isn't new, it have been suggested in dark sectors before. Instead they put this conclave system that doesn't feel like Warframe at all.


     Warframe always have been a sidegame for me, exactly for this lack of meaning, recently I have been playing Warframe in a VERY hardcore manner, but then the problem stroke again, why I put so much time and effort for leveling my account (right now at rank 15 but improving super fast) when the next PvE content will be way under the amount of power my main frame can deliver? The only real reason to keep trying to improve my frame would be to use it to actually fight other frames. Without it, why put so much effort into improving when there is nothing to fight against?

  10. 23 minutes ago, Lanadra said:

    I'm going to say something else, heartfelt: Warframe does not need PvP, at all.

    One word: Fortnite

    The original ''Fortnite: Save the World'', a PvE cooperative game, was sacrificed the moment Battle Royale proved to be more profitable and more succesful.

    So your worst fear is that PvP becomes good? That's so sad... DE isn't Epic Games.


    Edit: and what I suggested would NOT remove the focus of PvE, quite the opposite, would give it meaning and something for look forward when doing so many missions that the only benefit they can offer is to make those same missions even easier.

  11. 6 minutes ago, cghawk said:

    this is like the multiplayer craze all over again ''IF IT DOESN'T HAVE MULTIPLAYER, I WON'T BUY IT'' and then dozens of games got released with multiplayer in them which no one used,. remember the overlord series? people were outraged'' WE DEMAND MULTIPLAYER'' so they implemented multiplayer, and how many people played it multiplayer on the day of release? about 1-5, gosh so worth it!

     and nowadays it's ''WE WANT PVP, IN EVERYTHING'' same with warhammer 40k vermintide 2, people be begging for PVP, but, how about, NO, let PVE games be PVE, not everything needs PVP, if a game got popular because of it's PVE then investing in PVP is an utter waste of time, PVP has already taken content away from PVE, namely the solar rail conflicts when they got changed from PVE to PVP, PVP has been done what 3/4 times now? and it failed all 3 times, sure the PVP lovers will say ''but because the pvp was bad!!11!! herp derp'' or how about you come to the realization that pvp in a game that got popular through PVE isn't going to become popular, simple as that, it didn't fail because of any of these ''excuses'' it failed because it's PVP and to people like me PVP is worthless and clearly to the vast majority PVP is worthless to them as well.

     how selfish can you be that you demand PVP in a PVE game, I know you will probably try to twist words on me ''you're the one being selfish'' no I'm not, warframe is a PVE game, the only game modes that have ever been popular in warframe have been PVE and the only reason these useless PVP mode got implemented in the first place is because of selfish PVP players demanding there be a PVP mode, you don't see me going to PVP games and demanding PVE games, no, instead I go play a game that's PVE simple as that.


    I'll tell you right now if that new PVP syndicate has gameplay items locked behind it I'll be done with this game, no valid reason would exist to lock gameplay content behind pvp that almost no one likes or wants

     Sorry,  but this game had PVP on it since before you began playing... oh, and it still have!!! Oh, and it have items locked behind it!!! So what about quiting already? 

  12. 41 minutes ago, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

    No, we're talking about skewing odds.

    According to my logic if you hand the "world champion of magic" a deck with nothing but one terrible card... he won't be the world champion anymore. You've removed his tools and hampered his ability to succeed. So if you beat him under those conditions are you actually -better- than him? No (he is the "world champion" after all), you just took advantage of an unfair challenge, and won because it was unfair.

    Then what is the point? If there's no level playing field then you aren't testing your skill against your opponents and that alone. So you will never have an outcome which is simply decided by who is better. And if you remove that from player vs player, if you create an unfair competition, then what's the point of competing at all? If you aren't testing each other to see who is better, who comes out on top... you may as well just play PvE.

     And who is talking about removing the frames of the better players? I am talking about the exact opposite, to let people fight with their own tools.
     Using your logic there is no point in ANYTHING. The current conclave pvp just uses a single set of skills, that aren't even that necessaire in the true warframe, hand eye cordination to jump and land headshoots at the same time. Meanwhile all the other set of skills are useless, but you are just playing rethoric. 

     You are testing each other to see who is better, but even so, making a good frame is a vital part of "who is better". the other part is using it. 

     Watch Gundam build fighters to understand what i mean. 😄

  13. 30 minutes ago, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

    That's not a test of skill.

    You literally just have to Google a mathmaticaly min/max'ed build then farm the pieces.

    It's a test of Google's ability and how much free time you have + your "skill" at RNG for the drops.

     And for the above? You get rewarded with advantages over the competition. No level playing field. You straight up get an edge that can sway the game from the better player to the lesser one.

     PvP is best done in games where skill is the only factor. Otherwise what's the point?

    If your logic was correct anyone that built the same deck of the world champion of magic the gathering would become the world champion too. And min/max builds sre super squishy and sacrifice a LOT to reach the max. You can be sure that balanced builds would totally rule pvp. 

    Edit: plus, its a test of patience to farm and level mods and design a good frame. I see no point in "equal playing field" when talking about warframe, that being said i played several RTS at high level, THERE even playing field is a thing, but the WHOLE POINT of warframe is to try to make the best warframe possible! Why would PVP be different? 

  14. 2 hours ago, Strkiller16 said:

    Actually... Steve on periscope the same day they released The sacrifice on PC said, "We always have been thinking about a shady syndicate that involves PvP, and we have it ready we just need a way to implement it according to the Lore." so.. Yeah.

    Can it be what's the new war is about? I am always thinking to myself if that morality system will have any use in the future. We already have teams sun and moon on pvp... So the morality working as sun and moon seems catchy.

  15. 2 hours ago, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

    Personally don't believe PvP works in games like this. Competition thrives as a test of skill, which requires a level playing field. That's the antithesis of games where you hunt and grind and your time pays off in advantages, which toss the level playing field out the window.

    There is a leveled field, making a strong frame is part of the fight. You need to make the better Warframe and use it well enough to achieve victory.

  16. 17 minutes ago, Vindicative said:

    The main problem is that DE doesn't want a PvP mode with the outrageous power of the PvE frames which is why the frames are restricted and limited in the conclave. It would just turn into who got the first hit with how PvE builds are created. DE does have a small conclave team working on it I believe. They tried to introduce a more sports-based PvP with Lunaro but it failed due to lack of interest in PvP content + latency stability + lack of post-launch support (remember talks of tournaments?). People get annoyed by Conclave Events whenever they try to support it, it's just not what the majority are into for Warframe and DE knows and has acknowledged it.

    That's why I suggest a 95% damage/ control reduction in the main post... To let over the top be over the top.

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