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Posts posted by Bigamo

  1. 4 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    Why put effort into something they tried so many times in the past and failed? PVP isn't for Warframe, PVE is their market, and they've been very successful at it. No point in trying and failing yet again

    Cause they don't put enough effort in the past. If they followed your advice there would be no Warframe today at all.


     And great part of the problem is that the pvps don't felt like Warframe, ever. With notable exception of the original dark sectors. But they removed it to rework and never again.

  2. 1 minute ago, Hieracon said:

    UT 2004 and UT3 was actually pretty good games and its kinda why i like the PvP in warframe. Conclave was a step in the right direction as we kinda had what you suggested before for PvP and it was a absolutely broken mess of who could bring the most cheese to a fight first and end it in a instant. What your suggesting sounds no better to me.

    So you missed the 90 or 95% damage mitigation part, with the exact objective of letting the fights be epic, and missed the minions part too. (That original dark sectors had, and it was a LOT of fun,imo, still ttk was to shoot, way too short).

  3. 2 minutes ago, Genoscythe said:

    I think no more (warframe Pve)-dev time or rewards should be moved to PvP.


    At 20 million registered loosers accounts and the current PvP player stats they might as well do a PvP spin-off that does not affect the actual game in any way and has its own reward system. This would allow for a complete rebuild of mechanics with PvP-focus and a dev team dedicated to only that.


    DE is already working on a PvP game, though, the amazing eternals, so this is not bound to happen probably.

    The amazing eternals got cancelled. And there is no reason to make it as Warframe can do it TOO.


    Edit, and not many new stuff would have to be created, even the old Dark Sectors maps can be used, that's not the problem, Warframe totally needs proper pvp to become the complete game it aims to be.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Diyou said:

    I think I know what you mean but most problems with conclave are symptoms of underlying misconceptions. You can't create interesting maps on top of an undecided gameplay concept and you can't balance weapons on top of unbalanced movement systems. Balancing movement and projectile speed in a coherent way seems necessary to me in order to focus on a vision.

    Otherwise everybody just points in a different direction and any feedback becomes useless.

    Your feedback is very good, but it's still unreal tournament. I just made a tread in the general forum suggesting a proper pvp Warframe game mode. Take a look. I really thing Warframe pvp should be more MOBA or Titanfall than UT.

  5. Hi, I have been thinking (I thought you would like to know), and the pvp we have in Warframe isn't Warframe at all. It's way more Unreal Tournament than Warframe. So I would love a game mode with those characteristics:


     -Objective based.

     -hordes of minions.

     -super long time to kill for epic frame vs frame combat. (Like 0.1 or 0.05 of the damage beIN applied in frame vs frame)

     -Full use of our own frames and weapons builds and abilities.

     - solo and team modes.


    Reasoning: let's be honest here, Warframe isn't a space ninja game for a while already, it is a super hero game. That's the feeling of the game, still the conclave pvp plays NOTHING like that. It plays like Unreal Tournament... 


     Things that define Warframe as it is today: 

    -Super powered frames that fight hordes of enemies.

    -Player customisation of frames and weapons to fit their own styles.

    -Epic fights super weeboo!!! 

    - most of the time long time to kill on frames. (Excluding lvl100+ enemies)


     Conclave is kind of the opposite of that:


    -super fast time to kill.

    -super restricted in the use of abilities and builds.

    -Those things together make for a experience that very little resamble Warframe at all.

     DE have been looking at Warframe pvp as if Warframe was a Unreal game, instead of what it become, possibly cause of DE past with Unreal games.

     Meanwhile Warframe pvp should look at stuff like Titanfall and MOBAS to really find it's place.


     Using the super huge amount of player customisation as a bless, instead of trying to take it as a curse and remove it from the game.


     When 2 super powered frames match each other in battle it must move epic, not just a matter of jumping around landing a single headshoot. Cause of that I suggest that frames just take 10 or even 5% of the damage made from other frames (with 90% damage reduction my opticor can still one shoot most of the builds in the game lol).


     Am I the only one to feel this way? We put a lot of effort to build and customize our frames, let us use them!


     Kisses to all.

  6. 1 hour ago, DigitalMist said:

    That doesn't make Umbra Excalibur stronger. Because as far as I know, and do correct me if I am wrong here, the umbra mods are not exclusive to Umbra Excalibur. You can put them on any Warframe you like and that includes Excalibur Prime. Of course, you'd have to sacrifice something to get it to work but hey, life is full of compromises.

    Now, if the mods were exclusive for Umbra Excalibur, then I'd agree with you because then you'd have a valid argument.

    The polarity is exclusive... That makes then inviable, as Umbra don't need to sacrifice anything to use it.

  7. 16 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    WITHOUT the Umbral mods...Excal Umbra is almost EXACTLY a sidegrade of Excal Prime.

    Only diffs are: one ability which is altered slightly and the types of polarities for slots (and one extra polarized slot). Also, Umbra doesn't benefit from Death Orbs anymore. That's it.

    I call BS.

    From: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Excalibur/Umbra

    Can another Founder confirm the base stats of Excal Prime please, so we can put this argument to rest? Thanks.


    Excal umbra have more shields, HP and armor DUE to the Umbral mods...  

  8. 1 hour ago, (XB1)SilverSurferGuy said:

    DE didn’t fail PvP. People just don’t want it here. I can’t blame them. Competitive PvP brings out the worst in people. Would you really want the toxicity that comes with PvP? Just take a look at nearly every Call of Duty, Overwatch, PUBG, Fortnite, League of Legends, and Destiny. You want that crap here? I don’t. 

    I do want that crap here. But imo DE is failing pvp so far. Warframe become its own game, meanwhile PvP conclave still plays like Unreal Tournament (but with cancer). 

  9. 4 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

     ...Funny thing is They're no better than each other, if anything Umbra is a side grade.

     Now kindly piss off with that attitude.

    Look at your own atitude, its not a sidegrade, its just better. I have the exact same build in both the exca prime and the umbra, still, the umbra have more shields, more HP and more armor... It's not a sidegrade. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, AcceI said:

    That **** wont fly here bro.  DE turned this community into carebears by failing the PVP system over and over.  Shame. 

    The only way some type of pvp would happen now is if the pvp is massively passive.


    You said it, but I think there is more to it, imo the worst conclave problem is the total disconnection between the main pve game and the pvp game, it's pretty much a very different genre. Any kind of descent pvp in warframe will need to use a lot of pve elements too.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Brorelia said:

    Slash becoming useless on all weapons with little to no slash damages. Crit changed to worse scaling past yellow crits, Status only applying once for all types making things like corrosive far less effective. 

    I can work around + or - 30% damage to infested on rivens but I can't change slash to being good on an impact heavy weapon if it is based on % of damage that is slash.

    Oh I see. I believe that is more linked to melee 3.0 too. Puncture weapons should not proc slash as much if it was not for the instances. I just want things to become more balanced. If that means a Nerf to slash I have zero problems with it, game is way too easy anyway.

  12. 9 minutes ago, DigitalMist said:

    Sounds more like a storm in a teacup than anything else. I hope you are not losing sleep over it though.

    Sure I am not, have more stuff to lose the sleep over. I am just using my Umbra (always had a Excalibur as main) and every day I think if I keep my Excalibur Prime or just erase it for slot since it have totally zero reason to use it.

  13. 10 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

    I guess fackin' buddy forgot that Primes are always for sale through Prime Access, eh?

    Some people are stupid and needlessly toxic. Pay em' no respect, they deserve none.

    If you buy something you are still working for it, just telling, or if you are a liberal, your parents are working for it anyways.

  14. To be honest I hate free stuff too. I bought the last part of my Ash prime with platinum and put it to build like 15 minutes before they sent the message saying that everyone would gain one for free. I don't get any of the free stuff DE gives, cause I have ZERO interest in free stuff, I really like to work for success. Sure I buy a lot of orokin reactors but that's kind of designed to be the "minimum price" of a frame. Now I have 2 Ash primes for no reason...

  15. 29 minutes ago, DigitalMist said:

    Personally, I don't really see Umbra as superior to Excalibur Prime, I definitely see Umbra as a side grade but then again I don't think the unique umbra polarity or the mods is anything special either. I think of it as DE giving us sneak peak of things to come.

    It's simply superior, I have the exact same build on both and the Umbra simply have better stats cause of the mods.

    The normal Excalibur still is relevant cause it is a starting frame, all the normal frames will receive a better version overtime called prime. But Excalibur. Excalibur Prime is the most stupid prime ever (a normal Excalibur with a forma put into the face) and now there is not even a single reason to use it. At first I even said myself that at least radial blind was superior to the Umbra blind, but it got buffed. So, even if both were totally the same forgoting the super mods that Umbra gets if is still a disgrace. Was it too hard to for instance let the radial blind of the Umbra nerfed and give it a better slash dash for instance? But no, sell something as a exclusive, then later give a BETTER version of it for free to everyone else and that also looks way cooler. It is not exclusive when it serves no purpose.

  16. 15 minutes ago, AXCrusnik said:

    In a game like warframe though you really need to find that sweet spot, otherwise escape tools become too powerful at longer TTK, which already has been a problem in conclave.

    That's the reason games with long TTK need objectives. So you can retreat, but it can cost you one objective, is it worth it? Ads more strategy into the game.

  17. 8 minutes ago, AXCrusnik said:

    But whats the alternate that feels like warframe? Warframe is a pretty fast paced game, with bullet jumping and all... it's logical that PvP would be fast as well. Slower TTK would make the ninja moves we can do more frustrating, and a too fast TTK will feel cheap. Removing bullet jumping and wall jumping would make the game slow and lose that warframe feel, since your moveset is now different from PvE.

    I guess perhaps the best bet would be to go in a Titanfall direction where the Warframes/Tenno fight on a battlefield with grineer/corpus bots with objectives to capture/destroy or defend without changing too much of how the PvP works.

    That's exactly what I think. Main focus in pvp should not be pvp. 😍 Way less ttk but the real objective isn't just killing the other player. Give 90 or 95% damage reduction on frame interactions and goes Titan Fall on it. I was referring as MOBA but Titan Fall already made it mobaish. We need seas of soldiers with the frames pushing the front and fighting each other mostly to push the front. With super long ttk.

     And overall people like greater ttk over super instaggibs.

  18. My only gripe with Excalibur Umbra is that it made my Excalibur prime 100% obsolete. I wish it was a sidegrade, with some real differences from Excalibur prime, instead I got a replacement. There is no point in even keeping it. I just don't erase my Excalibur prime for hope that it will maybe receive some love in the future.

  19. What I think is that Warframe needs a proper pvp mode that looks and feels like Warframe, not that unreal tournament clone we have now. The game is in serious need of it. Right now we keep farming for the sake of it without anything to use all our super powered stuff.

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