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  1. I have a similar opinion, here is my suggestion for how it may look: Star Chart 3.1 Earth: Star Chart 3.1 Full:
  2. Hello! I am really happy with how the game is. Just today I finished mastering all 95 frames in the game, and I am still having loads of fun. I have had plenty of my friends try the new player experience, and the common sentiment is that it is very overwhelming! Here is a suggestion I have for improving starchart UI to reduce overwhelm to new players. Below I have attached a "New Player Earth - Now" vs a "New Player Earth - Suggestion." In this, I have removed the names of all the nodes that are locked from entry, only showing the names of the completed nodes and one step beyond. This will reduce the scariness of earth, making it look a little more focused and less overwhelming. That simple feature could reduce clutter and increase player retention and focus early game goal setting. I have also attached a "New Player Starchart - Now" vs "New Player Starchart - Suggestion." In this, all planets names and nodes should be hidden until the junction has been unlocked. once unlocked, the name of the planet will appear over it and the nodes/connections will be visible, (names of locked nodes still hidden). This would make the overall star chart seem way less demanding and scary, and make sure that a new player focuses on early content instead of worrying about later planets. I love this game, I am having a lot of fun with the content as is, and cannot wait for more. I think this small change might make it easier for my friends to get into Warframe on their own.
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