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Posts posted by AltheusV

  1. The only way I would use a K drive is if they implemented turbulent winds in fortuna that meant your archwing was uncontrollable about 50 metres or so.

    Otherwise they are self referential in that getting better developed K drives gets you nothing but better K drives.

    If we could shoot or fight from them it might be better but, even then you would get one shot or swing and then be past the thing you are attacking.

    The vent kids accents are taking the whizz too, like london but wivout de orfentik speech pattern, init?

  2. 25 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    Paying for a service and expecting them to keep up with said service as they said isn't entitled it'd an expectation. While I don't care that it's regular ember(I like the prime accessory) I see why people are upset 

    I can't see it, I have amazon prime because I want the fast deliveries, if you're getting amazon prime purely for the warframe stuff you're spending too much on it and would be better off buying plat when you get a voucher and getting the bits like that.

    This is like a child being given a bicycle for Christmas and crying because its the wrong colour.

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  3. Patience grasshopper, it took me 2 weeks of idle farming to get Vauban Prime, I can wait another 3.5 days to complete him.

    If you want to spend the plat, feel free, if you don't then wait.

    A tip is to always have something under construction and levelling so you've always got something to do.

  4. Cost of energy, cost of maintaining the bits that keep the ship going, cost of paying the cowboys who put the sunroof in and scratched the whole place up (now fixed, thanks DE), cost of food, Ordis strange pay per view habits, strange biologicals for helminth, kavat food.

    Personally, I'd have a couple of the people who we hold debt markers on working in the dojo and orbiter.

  5. 4 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Yea I just got WuPrime and wonder why people are making all these other nerf threads lol. The whole game is op it seems lol. 

    Shhhhhhh, don't tell them, they might nerf it! The twin is like having an extra team member who is a crack shot with your favourite gun. Add punch through because he has a slight blind spot with the concept of cover and watch things melt away. Tombfinger, Supra Vandal or Mara Detron are my favourites.

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  6. Can anyone tell me what the process is for getting the kuva guardian to start talking to you and having the lich get spawned?

    I've done several missions on sedna and seen the yellow lighting effect but no guardian.

    Also, I see enemies who get killed have mercy text above them but don't create liches when mercy-killed, what are they?

  7. On 2019-11-12 at 10:24 AM, Circle_of_Psi said:

    Aren't ember stars stupidly rare tho?, like the RNG is just laughable , Maybe making Stars drop 100% at the same time, will be a more welcome change, before we put Froma in yet another relic that is only used once

    No, I have around 200 of them. Do syndicate missions, smash crates. It's a rare mission I don't find at least one.

  8. Nukers are boring to play alongside, efficiency be damned. That is why everyone leaves after 5 waves of defence missions with a big nuker.

    I enjoy the core gameplay of the game and want to engage in it, I can't do that if everything on the map gets killed every 10 seconds by someone pressing 4.

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