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  1. It seems like the 5 people still defending DE on this debacle really has forgotten what the industry is like inside. No, people are not mad at DE for "a F2P game needs money to maintain" or "it's just a cosmetic" or whatever other excuse you throw out. We understand, in fact probably all of us understand that as a F2P game, DE needs microtransactions to support their development. But you are the real point on why people are so rightfully infuriated. DE is not poor by any means of that word, they are one of the few successful F2P games on the market specifically *because* of how relatively fair their business model has been. They would not have been bought out by Tencent if they weren't a money printer and they also wouldn't be working on 3 projects if they were struggling at all. Just within Warframe itself, DE already has a wide range of revenue streams. Judging by the active trading community, the playerbase as a whole is clearly steadily buying platinum. On top of that, people are buying Prime Access every 3 months, the god forsaken Regal Aya, along with Tennogen and the half a dozen "supporter packs". DE simply isn't in a position where they "need" to monetise the bundle like this. The reason so many people who buy these existing microtransactions do so is because we are have the mutual understanding that DE does need money to maintain the game and players (including myself) are happy to support a studio that respects its players and provides a good game. For DE to now come out with such an overpriced, bloated, timegated bundle that exploits people's FOMO and its joke of a "fix", right after their convention where countless people have already splurged massively on WF merch. It is a massive betrayal to players, they are telling us that they no longer value their player's trust over short term profit, that the "lessons" they promised us they have learnt time and time again was all for naught. They are willing to exploit an emotional moment in warframe history, a celebration, to fleece players for more money. No, you cannot point to other games to defend DE because DE was supposed to one of the last bastions of fair monetisation in modern gaming. Pointing out $150 cosmetics in Apex does not make this any less predatory. No, you cannot simply say "it's just cosmetics" when half of the WF end game is fashion frame, and when DE had always known how to fairly monetise cosmetics. No, you cannot say "this is a special release for the 10th anniversary" when all it does is point out how little DE cares about the community that has stuck with it for 10 whole years if it means they can get squeeze more out of their players over literal cosmetics.
  2. This is such a ridiculously poor response. You guys tried dipping your toes in ridiculously overpriced, FOMO focused bundles to fleece your player base like every other scummy publisher out there, on your 10th anniversary of all times. You all had the balls to then try to tell the players with a straight face that your way to "celebrate this special moment" in warframe history is to slap them in the face with this joke. You got burnt as you should. Now you come out with this mediocre "fix" by giving players more of what they didn't ask for. People wanted the skins to be platinum purchasable, for the bundles to be (much) cheaper, for the skins to be permanent. "Adding more value" to the heavily overpriced bundle is only sidelining the real problem here, all that tells us is that you don't actually care enough and will simply try the same tactic again in the future until you manage to turn this into the norm.
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