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Posts posted by TDS0Spoderman

  1. Same , not sure if there is a priority changer program out there but most antivirus/messaging programs have a "silent" or "gaming" mod where they wont minimize stuff maybe you have some of those and ignore it 

  2. Supposedly they had about the same DPS in damage 1.0, one having half the speed but twice the damage and vice-versa , Hikou need a max rank ammo mutation to deal with ammo issues since the fire rate goes trough the roof with Lethal Torrent 

  3. Some corrupted mods sell for 10-15 plat , you can also find "rare" stuff like Equilibrium and Master Thief and see if someone wants to play 5 for it 

    OR sell Void Keys , T4 keys sell for good since many items only drop there and not everybody has the time to farm interception for them.

  4. I still have to finish Outlast and the Walking Dead , then Betrayer (  really good games if you are looking into the mystery-spooky kind of quest game)


    Oh wait you said Co-Op, hmm Borderlands 1 and 2 then , and Team Fortress , both are enjoyable with friends and random people 

  5. Volt has good Shields that can get you through most of the map un scratched, his 1 is spammy, people love Speed on big maps, Interception and Survival and you can do amazing things with Shield now that Frost is less popular.


    also i Like his Pulse helmet because of the rabbit tail 

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