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Posts posted by ElfieJenkins

  1. Aside from the fact that the people who are unhappy are generally going to be the ones going into the forums to talk about being unhappy and the people who don't mind/enjoy the new mode are going to be playing it rather thank talking about it, thus skewing perspective on what the entire playerbase feels, I believe the progress nullifying bugs are really the biggest hurt on it.

    I like the randomness. I like using frames and weapons I've forgotten about. What I don't like is getting six or more rounds into SP circuit, and having a bug cause all that progress to be lost.

    Yes, there are always people who aren't going to enjoy certain things, but a less shakey launch would have helped keep things more middle ground so that the people who like the game mode also wouldn't have complaints due to it flat out not working at times.

    The 'everything is viable if you invest' vs 'I am not investing in 100s of items I am not going to use' is an interesting look at how different people approach the time they spend on the game. You don't have to spend money/plat to get a weapon upgraded, since you can just spend time. I get why someone who doesn't have a lot of time to spend on a game in their freetime wouldn't want to spend time on something they wouldn't pick when they have a choice- especially when they have a choice 90% of the time.

    Generally speaking, someone who has been playing the game longer is going to have a larger arsenal that is viably modded. They have had the time over the years to do that. They aren't going to suddenly be faced with a massive wall of 'oh crap I need resources', they've already got them.

    Standard Circuit/Duviri, I can understand the loss of control complaint. I like it, others don't, it 100% depends om how you like to play your games. But everything is viable in standard mode, even without heavy investment.

    SP- saying nothing is viable is actually just people saying, I am not investing my time in things I don't want to. I get that too, but this is a ftp grind game. It is designed so you have a reason to keep playing it. Which means they need something to motivate you to invest your time in. So DE said, 'your entire arsenal is up for grabs. Plus some other stuff'. Which means everything already in their game now has a use again if you want SP duviri modes to be easier. You just gotta like the game enough to put in the time. Or spend your money on trading for potatoes and forma. Fashion and convenience is their business model.

  2. Seeing as the reddit AMA basically stated we're getting more Stalker in the future- rather than being an obtainable frame, I imagine he will become a weekly thing like a Kahl mission, where it is technically not us controlling him, just him doing his thing.

  3. I was having really bad issues and following the guide in this thread helped clear most of it up

    But after the few hotfixes since I did that last week, I have noticed a return to stuttering/FPS loss. My loadtimes have also become ridiculous. When I exit out of a mission it has taken upward of 15-20 minutes to load back into my orbiter from Duviri. I quite literally had enough time cook myself something, eat it, and sit back down and I still wasn't returned to my orbiter yet. I use Steam, and I have also noticed that when I exit the game, it takes a long time for WF to fully exit and the icon/application remains running on my taskbar for a few minutes after I quit it.

    The loadtimes are so bad I end up timing out when trying to connect to host because they've likely already completed an objective, so it takes several tries before I am able to even connect to a squad if I try and play public.

    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, stormy505 said:

    4. Frame reworks. I know technically it's not gone forever, might come back to it in the future, but there are a couple of frames that could really use the touch-ups that likely won't ever see that care.

    They are still doing frame reworks. They just have a lot of frames to rework, and for some reason my brain is saying they are going down the list alphabetically? Anyway, Pablo has a list, it's just taking awhile. I mean, Grendel had a whole kit overhaul.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, (NSW)BenHiraga said:

    Is there a way to make your Operator "faster"? I also find this the most frustrating aspect of Operator play, but I don't know how to change it.

    Unless it's one of the passives that got changed during the focus rework, one of the focus school passives does increase your speed I believe? That isn't relevant during the in quest Archon fights, as you don't benefit from focus school for that portion of the quest. You have to utilize the non-standard loadout they give you.

    RJ and Mechs being requirements for TNW were a joke. You are in each for less than five minutes. I imagine they wanted those less as item requirements and more 'players should have spent time getting these things so they have loadouts that can function against higher level enemies'. Which, again, you play most of TNW with a non-standard loadout.

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  6. The fact they have four people providing voice lines for the same animation set means deep customization is just not going to happen. The fact they are lining up four different voices for the same animations/timing is just insane to me. They could definitely throw some more eye/nose customization in, but mouths/jaws are likely not to get tweaked that much due to having have them match other movements.

    Of course, the more human NPCs they throw at us, the more they should be motivated to improve. Tho, Duviri being all masked characters is a big sign of what they decided to avoid putting up with. The Zariman NPCs are a big improvement over Cetus/Deimos, but things could be better. Facial animations I just don't see them spending a lot of time on.

    Tbh, I am pretty sad with the female drifter VA options more than appearance. Not that I think they are delivering their lines poorly, but they both sound like teenagers while the male VAs actually sound like adults to me.

  7. 1 hour ago, (PSN)ObanO65 said:

    Like instead of having them just randomly walking around maybe a little bit more remote control.

    For example they could introduce a single skill that you can remotely call on from your operator to enemies you have targeted. (I say 1 skill since 4 would be op)

    Introduce a system similar to dragon age where you can make your assistant characters favor 1 playstyle & skill over others.  ie. aggressive , defensive or favor using the 1 ability while in operator. 

    Slightly different than just having a bot follow you and is definitely a stretch but not unfeasible. You could make presets of skill rotations before missions or something along those lines.

    Take it a step further, instead of auto pilot the warframe we can have the operator use an "ultimate" which could be the old skill set operators had after the second dream. 

    That's also something that can be explored on as a system though think just having the ability to have a spectre like warframe follow you around and playing off each other would be really cool in itself. But maybe this paints a better picture of what it could look like.

    Yeah, more control would be neat, and I do believe more synergy is coming for the future if they don't want to keep splitting playable content into more islands, but I'm not sure it'll ever get quite that direct.

    After all, the gimmick of Umbra is that they are the frame that can operate without you. While there are other instances of frames moving without us, Duviri seems to imply that is either the drifter or the operator reaching through the wall to help out.

    Suddenly narratively saying all frames can run around without us directly seems a bit if a leap.

    I did assume we needed our necramech during TNW bc Ordis was loaded into it and could finally join us for battle. I feel like there is more wiggle room with them to get them auto deployed, but again, I'm against additional systems that just add more AI to the map to do killing.


    Your idea seems more like designing a squad loadout of handpicked NPCs(well handpicked wf) and I think the Kahl mission shows WF isn't quite designed for that. -- well I guess the Corpus section of TNW is more how WF would handle NPC squad and it definitely slows things down.

  8. 1 hour ago, (PSN)ObanO65 said:

    Spectres exist yes but not in all missions.

    If DE was completely uninterested we wouldn't have the ability to make those specters at all. 

    It doesn't necessarily hurt steal path if you focus on just the warframe-operator aspect. Besides if people want it to be broken they will do it regardless. 

    Also it is not the same to summon a spectre vs. having your own warframe for 2 reasons

    1) your warframe just akwardly stands there after transference sometimes I would like to just have it moving and defending itself to a basic degree so my sentinel doesnt die

    2) We can make it less cheesy by having the warframe not be invincible so its not just brain dead.


    But overall I would entertain that system. A synergetic system that may perform a scripted action or synergetic skill that would utilize both. I just dont like the idea of using one without the other. I want us to fight together

    I suppose at this stage I am more curious what you think synergy/fighting together with your warframe would mechanically look like. Spectres use their abilities and fight. They can be told to stay in one spot. Aside from not being allowed in missions with gear restrictions, my question for you is what is different in your idea vs what spectres do now? Just the ability to have our mod loadouts work on them?

  9. I mean, spectres exist. The game has a version of this. You can also summon your crew with a fully modded gun. Since the spectre AI isn't great, and they limit crew summons to a very short period of time, it seems more like DE isn't interested in allowing for maps to be crowded with overpowered AI.

    If they went this direction, it would require a rework of how you complete missions, otherwise we'll just end up with Steel Path 2.0 where they give us even tankier bullet sponges to put up with the fact necramechs, warframes and operators would be on the map. Having more synergy would be interesting. And the focus rework is a step in the right direction, but I am not that interested in having an AI play the game while I just sit there.

    Having something a bit like the pawn system in Dragon's Dogma would be interesting, like interacting with them cam complete combos, which again they are sort of going for with the operator overhaul, it just hasn't fully gotten there yet.


  10. A bunch of the rewards are Duviri themed cosmetics, it seems very intentional.

    2 hours ago, Myscho said:

    Hopefully they add Voruna and Citrine alt helmet as rewards

    They did. They give a list of all rewards in the announcement, as well as the new items coming into her shop. Those alt helmets finally have a chance to spawn in.


    3 hours ago, ant99999 said:

    Oh, so it's just another volume. Sigh.

    It's been more or less confirmed the odds of us getting another actual story update from Nora is low. One of the older 'what direction we want to take NW' posts had them talking about the shift. Which is incredibly sad. I imagine they simply don't have the manpower to write new stories with attached minigames that regularly.

  11. PC/Steam user. Corrupted download problem same as many. Deleted .cfg files and odd named folders in local data as per Warframe support suggestion. Optimized download cache. Tried to verify download integrity but have no idea when/how I am supposed to know when that is complete because anytime I click on it it says that a verify is pending, no matter how long I've left the launcher up. The launcher loops through the new update, gets to 100% after slow download, and then tells me everything is corrupted and starts again. Have uninstalled and reinstalled game through Steam twice now with the problem persisting.

    Would be less pissed off if this wasn't a game that required real world time to get S#&$ done. It's been over a week since I have been able to log in.



    The forgelight glowing

    Engines humming

    The stars are cold
    Burning distant


    The pilot stands
    Warship forward

    Omni ready


    Tenno reaching

    Stepping forward


    Mother’s song
    Growing fainter

    War drums booming
    Drowning sorrow


    The gunner stands
    Portside ready

    The sling pulled taught
    Boarder ready


    Tenno reaching

    Stepping forward


    Shards are breaking
    Memory forward

    Our core holds steady

    Void voice calling




    Railjack racing
    Pilot twisting

    Bulkhead cracking

    Engine weeping


    Tenno falling
    Ever upward


    Ordnance hot
    Gunner shaking
    Broken wings
    Boarder drifting


    Tenno falling
    Ever upward

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