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Posts posted by MariAnnette

  1. 5 minutes ago, Arkvold said:

    Carrier, and thus Vacuum, gets used for one simple, easily understood reason.

    It's the only thing in the game that directly helps you ensure that you get all the loot you've earned from killing.


    That's it.

    That's all there is to it.  Sure, there's a few other small reasons, but by and large, that's why people use Carrier.

    Ever notice the things that get used instead of Carrier?  Smeeta Kavat.  Chesa Kubrow.  Sahasa Kubrow.  What do these companions have in common?  Well, they either collect loot, like Carrier, or they generate extra loot.  Most people don't use other companions because it means potentially missing out on loot.

    So then, if you want to get other companions used more, the solution is not to nerf vacuum, or nerf carrier.

    The solution is to remove the possibility of them missing loot simply because they didn't use it.

    In a world where you'd get all of your loot guaranteed, Carrier, and vacuum, would have no advantage over other companions.  You could give it a different precept (such as the ammo storage/mutation precept that I really really liked), and eliminate its connection to loot acquisition.  Give Mag a new passive (she wouldn't need her existing one), and give Chesa Kubrows a different function other than collecting loot for you as well (such as maybe being able to chase down and grab enemies and drag them back to you - kinda like what an Isolator Bursa does to you when it knocks you over and drags you.)

    In this environment, companions would see use based on user preference.  Those farming rare resources might use the Smeeta.  Those who want more crits use the Adarza.  Those who want to remove armor from enemies without relying on repeated corrosive procs would use kavats in general.  Raksa would be used to keep shields high, Huras or Shade would be used by stealth afficionados.  Sunika would be used for those who want an attack dog, and Djinn (once it's given some actual durability) would be a great personal tank.

    I could see Smeeta and Sahasa becoming very popular, but not as overwhelmingly popular as Carrier is now, especially given the nerf to Smeeta's item-generating Charm ability.  Adarza, in particular, would be probably be extremely popular on Sorties due to its ability to give the whole team vastly improved crit rate.  Nekros could actually use pets other than Carrier, since he doesn't have to spend time running around grabbing health and energy orbs to stay topped up while using Despoil and Shield of Shadows.  Hydroid, too, could safely use other pets without worrying about missing the loot that his tentacles tend to fling all over the place.  Valkyr could Hysteria her way through crowds without worrying about missing loot that drops from enemies behind her, or those who die on the edge of her path of destruction.  Frost could focus on defending the objective instead of leaving the bubble to go get his loot, and Ember could operate World of Fire without worrying about running around to collect loot from enemies who died while she was unaware of it.

    So many warframes would benefit from this, in terms of sheer usability and quality-of-life.

    I read this over and I have to agree. This would be one of the best solutions to the vacuum debate and would make other companions viable in game.

  2. Aside from it being an unattractive/lesser desired head, there is nothing wrong with yout kavat.  It's just one of 4 variations that your kavat can have. The other three are considered more desired, while the one you got is not.  

  3. This is a new feature on the incubator that comes with Specters of the Rail. It has not come to ps4/xbox just yet.  I don't remember if you have to have the nutrio incubator for this to function or not, as my incubator was already upgraded to the nutrio incubator by the time SotR was deployed.  So, just sit tight and you guys will be getting it SOON.  

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