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Posts posted by dandin3

  1. i am not agree on what you say here.

    look . it's true that new enemy not gonna fix ALL the game problem but it's sure add more challenge .

    idk why u say they screw up the solo player . the thing i most enjoyed in this game its see how much time i can survive on ceres with the prosecutors. solo

    see the fact you can't just shot everything with op weapon and must you run around remake moves frame or mods make the game more fun. [i personally use knockdown resist and it work super nice to me - perfect my build ]

    im not say the game not need fix and HONEST must to have more challenge. but its not bad as you do it.


    but one thing i totally agree .. the boss's.... lol

    so they see that boss r very easy the kill with op weapon so they crate that system u cant hit any where and anytime. that's cool van hek he is nice boss. but not all boss need base on the same system..

    but just to be fair . tly roger seems like nice boss .. affected by melee only . sounds great


    so again. new enemy does make the game a bit more fun. and i dont think that solo player so screwed .and yes boss's need more challenge + range of system . [and melee need some base fix.. but that not new..]

    that's my opinion .

     nice Coverage btw. i enjoyed even that i not agree

    [hope u understand my english]

  2. we have fire . ice. spy. assassin. mind control. engineer. and i think frame that can master weapons would be nice


    ['m not good of naming stuff so feel free to name it]


    name : hit

    spaciel ability  : weapon master


    shield : 100 [300 at max]
    health : 100 [300 at max]
    armor : 80
    sprint speed : 1.1
    stamina : 100

    first ability : aim


    "hit" have hands pistol on his arms [something like "assassin's creed"] and he shoots every target in the radios deal small amount of dmg like any other frame first ability 

    affect with strength and range mods


    second ability:  rounds


    "hit" casts aura spell that take any missing bullet and make him dmg enemy's that in the casts radios by 20% of the original dmg [ one bullet one enemy lol we dont want him to be op]
    affected by strength and range mods


    third ability: TKO [technical knock down - like the song]
    "hit" cast a aura spell that boost all party members and give them xx fire rate bonus and xx reload speed [ can work well with bows and ogris] and debuff the enemy by that amount[debuff accuracy will be nicer i think. what you ppl say?]
    affected by duration and strength mods
    Fourth ability: blast's
    "hit" go crazy and launch grenades all over the room that deal all kind of dmg. [blast. gas. cold. fire. magnetic ...] and stun the enemy for 3 sec .
    affected by range duration and strength mods. [ so it can use as dmg or as a utility skill]
    history: ones hire by the stalker's organization and leave when he see he can get more challenge by joined to tenno lines and also more weapon to master
    [note: the second ability seems like the mag bullet thing.. but its not...1 u dont need to aim on some ball to do dmg 2. u do half low dmg and 1 bullet 1 enemy not aura dmg skill
    and i didn't wanna say dmg boost skill cuz the rhino already have it ]
    so what u ppl say. like. didn't like . what u suggest .
    [sry for my english . but hope u get me]


  3. i just say what happened to me
    i am leveling up my nova and i do the spaceship solo... and even i have Shield and health mod on [400 and 600] i die with 5 or 6 shots from moa.. i was like with?!... revive and again the same thing.

    so i assumed the nova defends it's bad . so i take my 5 forma ash full defend mod's. [660s 990h rage and QT] and i die with 6 shots from teach lvl 19..

    idk maybe it's just me ...
    but it really annoying... anyone else have that problem?
    [sry for my english hope u get me]
  4. well people i ' m just here to say i love the new bladestorm and i dont think its a win button,

    it's high dmg and specific.

     for low lvl it's not that much good and no crowd control .so its pure dmg skill that help..

    i see your point .. but frame with pure dmg and no crowd control it's something you need to have when u have 19 frame [and more to come]

    [sry for the english... hope u get it :D]

  5. well the high dmg its nice .

    cuz its slow skill and mid rang with no side effect. 

    its pure dmg skill .


    and lol if it  be faster that  will be op ... no?

    [i play that 4 pres game style with ash before the update.. and i agree it's boring at some point... but its do the job]]

  6. tnx fo the new combo,,

    but it seems its a bit bug... cuz now i cant switch back to weapon .. and if i do.. i can't use melee primary and secondary

    . fix pliz :D

    no this is not the stance mod... its the scanner

  7. It seems interesting, but it might need a lot of production and process... So maybe in a year?

    im trying to be realistic here, not sarcastic!

    Just to think about how many tweaks needs to be done for the bug issues atm, and for example the new enemies that are coming.

    I think thats already gonna take 2 months? Havent even mentioned the new warframe... 


    Maybe it's better to think about the missions thats already here, and ideas to make those more fun.

    After that's happened we/u could think about the new missions?


    Something like this https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/233232-thrill-improvements-needed-in-survivaldefense-missions/.


    well we know that will take time...
    but we say the game need now focus more on mission instead new frame and weapon
    we have Enough of those too for now
  8. well i have no challenge now.. and less i do 1 hour + surv or high level high wave def.


    will be nice t4 and t5 void.

    and more boss's and mini boss's 

    ODA and Vay Hek its nice to solo. and more like it . or wait to the grustrag three. but not that much .

    we need challenge. 


    i was thinkin misson u start with nothing no mods no weapon no skill frame . and u get it and upgrade it  along the way. 

    . or time attack mission. or invsion to the stalker world [if he have one] .. all enemy stalker... suond nice

    any way you get what i'm saying


    [sry for my english hope u get it]

  9. well before the update i kill the all room.. and now i don't . that's pretty much it lol

    ... wait a sec... u say that's not true? and that its just me ?

    lol that will be embarrassing

  10. from op skill to spam skill T.T
    so sad..

    when they say they gonna give as a cancel button i was sure the skill will stay the same . cost. range. duration .and u can release the skill if u need...

    but now the skill it's spam use  and no range . so useless 2. so sad T.T
    my op nyx she is no more op .
    [sry for my english.. hope u get it]
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