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Posts posted by dandin3

  1. ok tnx . how to Calculate the dmg so well . so that it's a very big help tnx again.

    so i goona try that aura mod and and long live the synapse lol [5 forma t.t]


    more ideas will be nice ppl. 

    i wanna score some records :D

  2. i love go surv3 solo ... make me feel strong and stuff o.o

    any now i i using ash and dual ichor with brakk or soma to kill the flying thing


    and i only get to 1h and 3m cuz when the enemy r lvl 100 i cant kill them fast Enough


    so what i need help with... is how to make more dps and surv longer..

    i gonna put my build here so u can see what i use.. and help me mod or use another weapon's


    so my ash. 

    i have 5 forma on him so he prty strong,

    my aura its speed holster..so i can kill flying thing and back to melee stance fast [not necessary but good]

    POLARITIES:  i have dash on the aura. 2 skill , 2 V. 2 D. and 2 dash.


    so basic i have high def. smoke screen go forever. fast casting  so i dont die at high lvl between the cast. and "rush" to make it in time to life support and travel between enemy faster


    for the dual ichor 


    1 forma so d and dash slot. 


    so crit berserker build. 

    so dmg and fast  ...life strike cuz im solo and i need health.   


    i try many mod's and build's and that work the best. 


    but im sure i can do more time if i know what too use ... so pliz help me :D

    [sry for my bad english but i hope u get me]



  3. No, Smokescreen wouldn't affect Bladestorm. Like you have pointed out, it would be incredibily OP. The other suggestions for Bladestorm are enough to make it a more lethal ability.

    i know that.. i just saying that will be op if it work like that lol.

  4. Why would you use Helios and NOT use the Deconstructor weapon? It's not supposed to be armed with a shotgun.

    well my sweet have 3 forms and catalyst . and he did great job so far . and i didn't like Deconstructor  to much so... 
    anyhow it's not supposed to re does fire rate any way
  5. just a few thing.
    helios it's the most high price sentinel in the game [after djinn or like him]
    and when i buy him i was expect for nice performance . but...
    1. even when i use the sweeper [carrier gun] its somehow shot slower then the carrier very slower... i mean . my sweeper do like 1100dmg par shot. and until the enemy get to lvl 20+ i dont even need use my weapon. and with helios well lol if i dont use my weapon i surely die..
    idk if its a bug. Because the fire rate depends on the gun and not on the sentinel. but that how it is now.. 
    2.the helios skill it's "Codex Scanner" .
    and no matter how i look at it .. its doing a good job at all.
    its take about 3-4 sec for him to scan from 5 meter [more or less] 
    . and when enemy get so close to you. it's already dead [sometimes the sentinel him self take him down haha] or he is to strong u need run and to take cover. either way u dont get the scan .
    in fact the only way my helios get scan. it's when i use ash/loki invisibility. or when i use nyx absorb skill.
    and when i do stealth mission it's really better to scan on my one more easy and safe. and Since u need to have codex scanner on u any way when u use helios . its actually give u nothing to have him as a sentinel
    i think if the scanner will be faster and have more range . it will be fine.
    and the fire rate problem . i don't know why we have that problem so...
    like if you agree with me
    and plz leave comments . maybe i just don't know how to use helios. or i just dont get the idea . [thx for the help.] 
    [sry for my poor english]


  6. You do realize that to get that 3x Multiplier, you would have to chain 135 hits together, and would happen once in a blue moon if you're lucky? And 13,500 damage is still nothing compared to Nova hitting 2 million with Antimatter Drop, even if the 13,500 is armor ignoring.


    The highest I have ever gotten is 83, and that was me using Kogake attack speed build hammering into level 50 Infested because they wouldn't die.


    I think it's fair that you get a 2.5x Bladestorm bonus for stacking up 45 hits together.


    true. i think about that right after i leave the comment. but what if u use it
    ... but in high lvl u can get it.. i use dual ichor berserker  build and i get there frome time to time.
    any how.. if blade strom will be like a melee atk... with smoke screen u can do x4.... [top dmg. 4500x3x4=54k]
  7. nice .

    i most love the teleport idea

    the shuriken is good 2. [increase the number of shuriken and give debuff of 10% armor will be nicer]


    smok screen wont increases the cost pliz T.T

    blade strome can be very op... that's cool.

    4500x3= 13500 per hit. [pure dmg.] [ash finally get op power like frames]

  8. when i use hysteria and end the mission with that. i dont got exp for my melee but i get exp for furax lvl 30 [i wass like wth?!] 

    pliz fix it :D

  9. Name:: mantis


    Behavior: fly in mid air so he dont need wait to another infested to make him a way. [but can be atk by simpel melee]. move fast respon every wave. always atk first


    Attack: slash dash like excalibur and leave the target Bleeding . [have 2 sec cast animation before dash.] and fast atk that get under the thick armor


    Environment Restrictions: can't fly 15 sec after use the slash dash skill




    [sry for my english.. hope u get it]

  10. i don't really have the details

    but since the infested use only melee atk [hope it's stay that way] 
    something more fast and deadly will be nice
    in my head . it's a big mantis that can atk side to side fast like excalibur slash dash.
    low defends and high dmg. 
    or it can be big berserker with jump slam atk. [already Knocked Down with the ancients. so stagger will be nicer ] high def but slow
    but again it can be anything . as long he got more utility [i think]
    cuz right now all u do to infested is slash and dash .avoid knock down. slash and dash. u dont have the gunner's to take cover from or flying thing u need to aim on . so utility its what we need here. less boring. more action
    [sry for my english but hope u get what i say]


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