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Posts posted by (PSN)soothsayer6843

  1. 15 hours ago, (PS4)Zuzu_with_a_Z said:

    Even on PS4 Pro the frame drops have been wretched.  Game is almost unplayable to me.  Never in the 6 years I've played this game has it been so bad. 

    Agree. It is VERY bad. Starting to play other games instead of warframe until this gets a fix. 

  2. On 2019-11-24 at 11:24 PM, (PS4)Ranger-_184 said:

    I've also had pretty bad frame rate issues and lag since the update dropped. The going through different menus in the orbiter is much slower than usual, doors that normally open immediately when approached now take several seconds to open, and the game freezes for a few seconds before a lich spawns. I really hope this gets fixed.

    Yeah, I have all these same things happening. I tried to force a lower resolution using the settings and it makes things flow slightly better, but not nearly as it was before the update. It is maddening trying to go from the lich screen to modding the parazon because it has to go through like three menus and it freezes on each one for a couple of seconds. 

    Please DE, at least let us know you are working on a fix, have an idea of what is going on, or literally any information about this issue. I was even considering upgrading to a PS4 Pro, but everything I have seen has said that others are experiencing the same issues even on the better version of the console. Also, players shouldn't have to spend hundreds of dollars to be able to play the game when it is supposed to be able to run on the regular PS4.

  3. On 2019-11-20 at 1:54 PM, (PS4)TheEnderKing259 said:

    Just about every mission ive played has dropped the fps down to 20 and lower the only way i see of fixing this for right now is turning my resolution down to 720p this issue makes the game near impossible to play

    I have had the same issue since launch of Old Blood. Getting really tired of waiting for a fix. How do you change your resolution on PS4? I would like to give it a try. 

  4. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Asahiage_ said:

    A little off-topic but. Something wrong. I have noticed fps drops on missions. Changes in settings don't saves. Scrolling (syndicate's rewards, void fissures etc.) looks choppy.

    Platform: PS4 Pro (Boost mode ON).

    Also having major FPS drops since Old Blood update. I play on a PS4 slim. Hope OP figures out what happened to his, and hopefully DE will hotfix the FPS issues.

    OP: if it is any consolation, your account is stored by DE so if you are able to get your PS4 going again, your account and all your stuff should be fine. 

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