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Posts posted by (NSW)Riophilip

  1. On 2020-04-01 at 12:01 AM, Slaytanic93 said:

    Following the recent Hotfix, Venari was changed to no longer be able to heal OpLinks, under the justification that OpLinks aren't meant to be affected by any abilities.

    So far, so good. It's an event, and supposed to bring some challenge, I guess... No big deal.

    But then apparently the possibility of healing defense targets was also removed, any and all defense targets. Why?

    This has been a feature since Khora was released, and it was just that, a feature. You guys have listed it as a "fix" to Venari. I am sorry if I come off as rude but it is just ridiculous, I've played this game since 2013 and this is the first time I have been significantly disappointed about a nerf, especially one that comes labeled as a "fix". Please notice this Tip included on the Khora abilities screen. Healing defense objectives has been an intended feature.


    There is even less reason to change Venari's stance now. Please reconsider this change. As I said, I have no issues with OpLinks, but removing a long time feature from a Warframe that affects the entire gameplay and not just this particular mission is completely unreasonable. This sort of rationale reminds me of Viver... and what happened to poor trinity... but I'd rather not discuss that.

    In the meantime, some other frames remain mostly broken, the general "meta" unchanged, and somehow Venari is the edge that needed to be cut off the equation.

    Please, reconsider.

    EDIT: It appears my topic in Feedback was merged to another (or many) that was located in general discussion. If you see disconnected discussions or repeating posts, that is the reason.

    I expect they just decided it was too broken. Or, the guys who do the coding are not in collaboration with the guys who write the tips - it's possible that they just made a bug and the tip guys thought it was intentional. Heck, it could have just been they gave the fix lister guy a list and it said "venari can no longer heal targets" so he assumed it was a bug. There are a bunch of explanations, and I honestly don't think this was done with some kind of malicious intent. (Just... why?) Though good eye for spotting it, I guess.


    There are some pretty stupid people here, whining about you bringing it up, but honestly, you even said you didn't mean to sound rude. So I recommend just ignoring those saltbags.

  2. I like to play the way I prefer, with my volt, but I still manage to barely scrape by. I understand that every game has a meta, but perhaps warframe's is a bit too narrow.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Kamachi said:

    The following are quotes from @[DE]Rebecca from the above linked thread.

     Scarlet Spear will be extended by 1 week due to the early launch issues. April 28 is the new End Date for Scarlet Spear on PC and it will be extended today.

    Fifth: For our Console Tenno, everything listed above will also be included in the launch of Operation: Scarlet Spear on PS4, XB1, and Switch. This means the following: 

    • Operation: Scarlet Spear will run for a total of 5 weeks once live on consoles.
    • The Ground Assault and Murex Raid Scoring changes will be live on launch.
    • Rare and Legendary Arcanes will be available in Little Duck’s store in the Flotillas on launch. 
    • Fixes galore!"

      So according to the above the Operation is being extended on PC by one week because of "early launch issues."
      Yet it's also being extended on console due to what exactly? As the post indicates the console builds will go live with all of the fixes that have been implemented on PC so far. 
      I expect the reasoning DE will give for console builds to also be extended will be something to do with "fairness." If they give us any reasoning at all that is. Please keep that word in mind. 

      As the credit rewards have also been basically doubled with the recent hotfix this equates to console players getting a much better build for a longer amount of time with almost double the credit rewards that PC players had to endure for over a week. I've asked on the above thread if PC players will be compensated for this inconsistency but as usual it's complete radio silence from the DE team. I myself had earned around 600k credits not including bonus payouts up until the point of this hotfix and I suspect anyone who comments on this telling me to stop crying will not have spent anywhere near as long as I or others have grinding this horrible mess of an event. Yet another example of PC players being shafted due to being DE's unofficial beta testers. 

      I just got back to playing Warframe in Janurary of this year after an almost two year break and aside from new lackluster content literally nothing has changed. DE are still pumping out half truths and ignoring the player base on a vast majority of issues. Honestly it's about the only thing DE are consistent in. 


    I think that they are doing it just because it is easier with game development to set a whole time-frame than change it between platforms. Surprisingly easier. Though I do agree it seems a bit unfair. Perhaps they'll do something else to make it up to PC players.

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, RedZeroInferno said:

    ((I will literally be completely ignoring any Elitist and or "DE can do no wrong" people, I will not respond, and I will ignore your attempts so just don't bother.))

    Good for you. I've seen enough salt in these forums to put down the pringles industry.

    • Like 3
  5. 7 hours ago, kapn655321 said:


    Others may find themselves suddenly out of bounds and stuck in the middle of a mission should these points not exist, and rather than having a fun romp outside of the stage, they're having an infuriating time with a broken game.

    Hope I didn't cross your, "DE can do no wrong," boundary to say anything to the contrary.

    By "clipping", I think he means through invisible walls when there shouldn't be - like near the forge on a railjack. Of course, it may lead to some mapping problems, but it's an interesting idea.

    • Like 2
  6. In railjack, sometimes when I leave a crewship after blowing up the reactor, I will continue to have screen wobbling until I enter another grineer crewship. /unstuck, entering the railjack or any other action does not fix it. Entering the forward artillery makes it worse. This only seems to happen when enemies destroy the crewship I'm on, or I destroy the reactor with a melee weapon.

  7. One more thing - I'm also reading a lot about how there is no 100% sure way to get the resources you want. A guy above mentioned "bounties" for all factions, that reward massive amounts of polymer or nitain. There must be a way to get these resources. An indefinite thing you, for a reward of the precise thing you want. It doesn't have to be easy, but if it's hard it best be rewarding.

  8. Everyone's talking about enemies becoming too easy to kill, so my recommendation is to dramatically decrease the amount of enemies on missions, but make them smarter and harder (Not more unfair). This could be done by giving them better tactics or dodging, and buffing them up. Assuming the tennocon 2019 trailer is what war frames are meant to be like, we see the frames running and dodging the bullets, harrying with an array of fire in between. Not tanking it all as they walk towards a helpless lancer. They also used a fair aspect of stealth, which I think should be brought back into the game. We could put hit stun into the game for the enemies, to keep the stronger versions from chewing through us while we attack them. I also suggest making warframe powers stronger. For example, exalted weapons have become irrelevant. Resources could be balanced out with fewer enemies by making them more common, both as drops and caches, and each places rare resource should have at least one deposit somewhere random on the map, so player don't spend 35 minutes looking for neuroses that aren't there.

    In general, a good combat game makes people watching think "wow, he's pretty skilled", like Breath of the Wild, Dark Souls or the old smash brothers. Sometimes I jump and roll around even though I don't have to because it makes me feel more skilled.

    Also, on switch it is extremely rare to get a squad, much less a full one, even with a discord or active alliance like I have. So I'm seriously considering bots. When you find no open squad and wait for 15 seconds on looking for players, you'll get a notice saying something like "it seems no Tenno are in the area. Would you like lotus to send you one of her operatives?" This could be like a Tenno specter in the index, though smarter, or a syndicate guy, though stronger.

    These would obviously be optional, to keep them from ruining spy missions or stuff like that.


  9. I just re watched the tennocon 2019 presentation, and there's a lot of stuff I wish they'd put in the game. I loved how the grineer chatted among themselves in the opening, and while it may be a bit distracting it was a nice touch. I think the exploring ancient ruins parts was awesome, and finally I liked how the kuva lich was done. He had an intimidating name (Bug Jeloo, anyone?) And actual seemed like a villain. He had a nice voice and looked very  S C A R Y. Rather than just some annoying person who won't shut op and steals your rivens, he actually seemed like an opponent. 

    I think the liches should be made more scary - they've just become another thing to farm.

  10. 3 hours ago, EvanGallaway said:

    I don't know. Seeping away? Maybe not. I think of that old saying about the magic of the journey being the journey itself. When I started Warframe everything seemed so large, so grand and mysterious. Every new node was a discover, every quest a treasure. After two years, although I still love Warframe and try to introduce new people, this grand universe has become significantly smaller. The indestructible enemies of the past are now insignificant, the impossible tasks have become easy ones. I can solo almost every Sortie, and I'm not a hardcore player either - I hate min-maxing, and I don't use many Rivens.

    Part of the problem may be there. We have become too strong, too powerful, and some of us are also morbidly attached to this strength, since every single time they take a bit ot that away from us, there's an outcry and doomsayers pop out of the walls. Warframe is not a difficult game (and I don't think it should even be, it's not Dark Souls or Sekiro, for example), but that initial challenge, I think, got us hooked and we wanted to be better, strong enough to make that pesky lv 30 Bombard who oneshotted us when we were a meek lv 15 Volt/Excalibur pay in kind. 

    Now we destroy lv150-200 enemies without too much effort. Our Warframes don't fight for dear life anymore, we annihilate everything in any event. And that severely cripples the magic of the game itself. Sentients were a dreadful threat once, now we destroy them in packs, but if we look around in the event, we can see all those low MR struggling to keep up with the enemies and I think they're having a lot of fun, actually.

    About the grind, though, I can agree that it has become too much. I have no idea how to actually fix this, I don't know what to suggest. I don't even know what would actually make us feel rewarded. I have no issues with Scarlet Spear's rewards, I'm perplexed about scores and I hope they come up with a good fix about this. It's a recurring event, okay, but rather than having the same rewards every time, I'd like some new things added every now and then. The missions themselves are not that bad - Condrix is fun in my opinion, Murex Raid could use some AI tweaks and some more enemies to keep Railjack crews on their toes. The number of Credits should also scale with Sentients killed, or at least Sentients should drop a number of them, I think. Or... I don't know, every 3rd Condrix could give double the credits?

    I brought up Scarlet Spear as an example. In general, I hope they continue to fix the game and polish it. They showed they listen to our feedback, when conveyed properly. And this is the only thing we can do to try and help them make the game better. 

    I agree with everything you've said. 

    My fix is to speed up everything in the game, including progression. Making everything cheaper, but not to the point where you can get to endgame is 5 hours. I think that resources, all of them, should have at least one method of 100% chance of getting, same with mods, but this would get harder as the rarity increased. For example, you want argon crystals? Go here, do this. You got one (or two). Anything dropped from enemies is an added bonus. Limit RNG, this is just too prominent in the game. Streamline progress - why do I have to build an archwing launcher segment before I can actually build the archwing launcher? Just let me get what I want. The game becomes unfair, not hard. As for enemies, actually fighting with them is fun, but when you want that requiem mod, and you die every half second against level 70s, it stops being fun. I think the stronger ones should have methods of killing - like battalysts, where you have to break the tubes before you break it. 

    As for what would make us feel rewarded, actually getting what we're trying to (mod, resource, blueprint, weapon) should be good enough.

  11. When I first got this game, I thought it was a PvP shooter. I was exited to learn that rather than that, it was an impressive, massive world full of adventure, story, mystery and fun combat systems. 

    Now, when I sit grinding resource after resource, I think about how much fun warframe used to be. The magnificent game has gone from grand adventure to boring clicker game - the only button being the melee one.

    I feel that the problem is the grinding. Or rather, its abundance. Of course, warframe is a looter-shooter, and a little grinding is good way to keep players engaged and sharp, but the grind has become excessive. With terrible drop rates and solo-impossible missions, players are at the mercy of RNG the whole time. We end up grinding for an opportunity to grind for another opportunity to grind for a very menial reward. A good example of this is Amps. We grind the eidolon (which is very hard without a squad, and it is very rare to actually get a squad on Nintendo Switch) to get cores to sell to onko. Then when we get enough to rank up, we have to grind the eidolon 10 more times (this is my 3rd day of trying to find a team for that on switch, using an active alliance and discord with no luck) to get the shards for an offering. Then we do a little more eidolon for buying the amp parts. Now we have to grind the resources, and then the ostron standing to get the blueprints to grind for the resources to make those resources that we are grinding for. (This is all correct grammar I swear) Then we wait 12 hours for the bps to cook, take them to onko, make the amp, grind Hydron or SO to level it up, hit the eidolon one more time so we can guild it, then grind it once more for levels. Sure, some people will ignore everything I just said and say "well, you don't really need an amp", and sure, but this is only one of a few examples which I will go over and not needed one is still no excuse for it being ridiculous to get. If anything, the things we don't need should be easy to get. 

    MR is another example. In 2019 I talked about how it was too tedious and not worth anything. My main argument was that it was meant to rank how good you were at the game, but only showed how much time you've spent at hydron, clicking the A button. In fact, just yesterday I found a MR 9 (I'm level 13) who would have absolutely cleaned my clock. You could say "get good", but the problem is that I can be MR 13 without being good - because spending hours on the same ugly tileset means nothing for my skill. If I had spent that time actually doing something useful, I'd be creeping up on iFlynn by now. I was "countered" by people saying that it wasn't tedious (ignoring everything else I said) and saying that it measured how much content you've experienced. Weapons you craft, suck the MR out of then throw away? If that's content, I don't know how this game has thrived. They also said that you get some for completing a star chart and scanning things. I get more xp from killing a single lancer than scanning 30 cephalon fragments, and when you look up "how to get MR fast" on youtube, they don't tell you to do the star chart - they say go to Hydron. The irrelevant grinding that many player complain about is what's killing warframe. Even when we finally get new content, like railjacks, it just turns into another grind-fest, begging RNG for a good roll.

    I'm not alone in this. In a poll by DE to figure out what players hated most about the game, well over 60% said that they hated "repetitive grind". I can many other examples if asked. 

    So, to sum up, I say the problem with warframe is that is has taken looter-shooter to just looter. That is all there is to the game now. Grinding in the same places again and again to be rewarded with barely anything, if not more grinding. Buying platinum won't help either, as resources are too badly priced on the market. I'm not saying we should't grind - I'm saying you can have too much. My fix is to streamline the entire game - decreasing a bunch of requirements for almost everything like what was done with railjack. When I go to discord servers or region chat, I find people complaining about exactly what I'm saying now - the magic of warframe is seeping away, and it has become nothing but grinding with no reward.

    • Like 7
  12. I'm honestly only here for the story. The second dream, the new war, the sacrifice; I found all of them amazing. I loved it. I'm now here waiting for the New War - the finale, and after that I plan to just kinda stop playing warframe. I've been grinding this whole time in preparation, getting stronger, getting to higher MR, trying to build a better amp. But it feels like I'm not getting anywhere. It feels like grinding is all there is to this game, grinding with no reward. I get it, it's a looter-shooter after all. But I think there should be something other than just spending hours hoping for a chance to get a chance to build the thing you wanted to build the the thing you wanted. Even when new content, like Railjack, comes out it just turns into another grind-fest. I feel like the "magic" of warframe is slipping away.

    And on Nintendo Switch, everything is much harder. No squads or very rare help from others, even when using a discord.

    So anyway, should I keep grinding, getting stronger? Do I really need to do that for The New War? Sure if the game isn't fun - don't play it, but I know it will be. I loved the story so far, and while DE may have trouble with patches, they sure can make a great lore. 

  13. After getting to Saturn and playing around a bit there, I have a few points to add to my recommendations.

    - The rewards system must be improved. Most of your resource income is going to be from the end-of-skirmish bonus, but these should be reworked. The problem is that they simply do not give what the player is looking for, or anything like it. I've finished my 9th mission in a row now without getting a single titanium drop. My recommendation is that these be made to act more like Void Relics, where the rewards possible are laid out and the player picks the 3 that he wants.

    - As many others have complained, general buff or to archwings or nerf to fighters/crewships.

    - Can it be made that each player has his own munitions and flux and dome charges? I'll repeatedly have my stock wasted by someone who misses every shot, and of course it's down to me to buy new ones.


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