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Posts posted by RagingGrizzly

  1. I have a squad of 4 with me, including me, who play in the same house. We don't use LAN and we're all connected to our modem, but it's a million times better than playing from far away, seeing as our net doesn't have to go that far. Never lost connection and never lagged at all, this includes the other 3 players.

  2. So the simple question is "How can I help to premote this game?" This is one of my altime favs and would love to see it soar to the leage of COD and LOL. This game deserves it and I want to help if possible. DE pls let me and my fellow players know what we can do.

    Thank you DE


    Personally, I wouldn't want the game to get as big as LOL, cuz the LOL community is just... just so terrible, which is way I stopped playing that fest of complete hatred a long time ago. The community here is quite amazing and I don't want that to change. (Saying this in my experience, yours might be different)


    But I guess it wouldn't be too bad to get a larger player base, I suppose time will tell.

  3. This should help.


    When a weapon attack is determined to result in a critical hit, the amount of damage it would do is simply multiplied by the crit multiplier, which is calculated by a formula similar to the crit chance formula.

    Crit Multiplier = Weapon Crit Multiplier × (1 + Mod Crit Multiplier)

    • Weapon Crit Multiplier: Most weapons have either a 1.5x or a 2.0x damage multiplier to their critical hits. Currently, weapons range from 0x (MiterPanthera) to 4.0x (Nukor).
    • Mod Crit Multiplier: This is the total of all equipped mod bonuses added together. Equipping both Vital Sense andHammer Shot at maximum rank (1.20 and 0.60, respectively) will yield 1.80 as the Mod Crit Multiplier.

    Crit Multipliers are applied directly to modded weapon damage in the damage calculation and all calculations, including elemental mod damage, occurs after this multiplier has been applied. Plainly and simply, a weapon's damage on crit is as follows: Critical Damage = Damage x Crit Multiplier

  4. Please don't tell me that my math is off when I clearly explain in my initial post that I thought it was a logic error

    I dont mean to disrespect, but I'm fairly certain it is. (In channeling anyways)

  5. Corrupt Charge brings it up to 2.0x. An increase of 0.5x instead of 1.5x, which would have made it 3x channeling damage.

    I think this is why you think they're different. 1.5x represents 50% channeling dmg. Adding a 100% extra (Corrupt Charge) will only double the 50%, making the melee do 100% channeling dmg, displaying that it is a 2x dmg multiplier. The additive mods go off the percentage of the base.

    The thing is, crit damage modifiers don't work this way. 2x crit with a +60% crit damage mod(Ravage, a shotgun mod) will give you 3.2x crit damage, not 2.6x crit damage.


    They're are exactly the same. This whole game runs of percentages. (And RNG) Ravage gives 60% crit chance. 60% of 200% crit dmg gives you an extra 120%, making it a total of 320% crit dmg.

  7. Channeling gives you 50% dmg for your melee. Killing Blow does 120% channeling dmg, the percentage goes off the 50% channeling dmg the melee already has, so the 120% mod bonus makes the channeling dmg of your melee 110% channeling dmg, which is 2.1x dmg when displayed in the UI.


    Hope this helps.


    (I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is WAY closer than what your calculations are)

  8. You could use a max power strength Vex Armor Chroma. (Even without 4 CP, I was doing it solo XD) I kill lvl 100+ within 3-5 shots with an OP weapon like the Soma. Or you could use a Slova. There's a lot of possibilities.

  9. I would use a gun called the Micheal Bae.


    A shotgun fueled by shells filled to the brim with Micheal Bays butt flesh and 40 year old cheese I've been keeping in my basement. Shells explode on impact.


    Cheese is optional.

  10. Everyone knows you can hear Valkyr yell when you use her abilities. (Thanks Megan! <3) What I thought that would be kinda cool is if you use Rhinos Roar you'd hear him scream (Hearing a distinctive male voice rawr during the abilities cast like Valks) too.



  11. I was doing a syndicate spy mission for Steely, when I found some invisible medallions. All of them were invisible. Must be a problem if the spy mission is on Europa, cuz the rest of my missions are fine.








  12. Me and my team have been farming T4 def for ages for loki systems. 


    This is a parody of Payphone by Maroon 5 that one of my teammates made and I thought it was funny.




    I'm deep in the Void
    Grinding with Hydroid 
    Wasting all of my Keys on you
    Where have my shields gone?
    Been farmin' it too long
    Stalker then just pops up on wave two
    Yeah, I, I know you're new to the whole game
    Reading up on all of the frames
    Choosing which one to start with
    Which one to suit all your needs
    But as soon as you choose him
    The one who does teleport
    The one who trolls with his invis
    You begin asking for more
    I've wasted my nights
    Farming Loki Prime
    Ancients too OP
    God damn RNG
    Cursed with all this Forma
    But I know we can get it if we try
    I'm deep in the Void
    Grinding with Hydroid 
    Wasting all of my Keys on you
    Where have my shields gone?
    Been farmin' it too long
    Stalker then just pops up on wave two
    I'm really gettin' sick of these Bombards
    Just goin' and plowing straight through my guard
    I'm down for the count, no one can revive
    A sea of Corpus is where I shall die
    Oh, you just activated those lasers
    You think I wouldn't notice?
    Maybe your death will please the 
    All omnipotent Lotus
    You can't expect me to take it
    To just lay down and die
    Oh, now I'll show you power
    Switch TP you in the firing line
    Cursed with ping far too poor
    To fight Cell-Daddy Vor
    Team's falling in three's 
    Wish I was Trinity
    This game's makin' me rage
    I'm just leaving to find one to trade
    I'm deep in the Void
    Grinding with Hydroid 
    Wasting all of my Keys on you
    Where have my shields gone?
    Been farmin' it too long
    Stalker then just pops up on wave two
    I'm really feelin' all that Void fatigue
    Loki System rate drops do bug me
    So now here I am; Blowing all this plat
    You so owe me one--This is on your tab
    I'm so deep in the void
  13. I had a Primed Flow, and one of my friends offered to fuse her fusion cores into it to help me out. I traded it to her and she started fusing 114 R5's into it. She finished fusing and Primed Flow, all her fusion cores and the money she used to fuse it are gone. Just gone! Nowhere to be found. And no she's not keeping it from me, she's a very trustworthy person and I was monitering her screen as it happened.


    Fix this now, DE!

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