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Posts posted by Yperkeimenos

  1. Same issue with a dual ocucor/glaive prime wield. Can't triger the glaive heavy explosion on time, because of the double tap. I get very inconsistent explosions and accuracy suffers hugely. I hope they fix it because it's annoying as hell.

  2. Hi all, recently I've been having problems with a bug that doesn't allow me to invite cross platform players. I'm running a windows 10 system and even though i can invite other windows users i can't do the same with other platforms and especially playstation ones. Whenever i try to invite them I get the message "player appears to be offline". When they inv me I get the message "Host not found".  As you can see in the screenshot I can't invite the player Jamisachilldude5 ,who is on a playstation platform, but i can invite adamm007 who is a windows user.

    Edit : I got the same problem with a windows user too, although it's more prominent with players from other platforms.


  3. 19 hours ago, Nybris said:

    Did you use the small end screen or the big one because i had the same problem for a while until i notice you can use a button to get it to unfold to a big version

    as seen here Small end screen

    Big end screen


    Yes, that was it. This game has so many small , hidden, details and functions that it's hard to figure everything out. Finding the info ,to begin with, is also a chore due to the overwhelming volume of raw input. In any case thanks for clarifying things out.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Andele3025 said:

    Its 5k sample is for the clan research, not for the "post researched" bp crafting cost.

    Yeah i spoke too soon and my post is a classic example of absent mindedness and being hasty. I entered my dojo research after quite a long time and as i was going through the projects didn't notice it. After i tried to actually research it i noticed my mistake. So ....bad DE.....fix it now.

  5. More often than not i don't read the patch notes so i was surprised today to notice that the Hema weapon had a requirement of 5 Mutagen masses instead of the 5000 samples. I don't know exactly when they changed it but you can imagine my surprise since this was one of the few weapons i couldn't research due to the insane amount of resources needed. I'm glad to see that reason prevailed in DE and for that i just had to say thank you and good job.

  6. 2 hours ago, GenryusaiYamamoto13 said:

    I like the weapon, I have like 7 formas on it and it's a beast. The weapon works best at ranges 15+. Using the weapon's normal fire mode at less than 15 meters won't activate the homing projectiles and you'll just shoot confetti. However, if you use the second fire mode, it is lethal as it has 0.5 punch through(which is not a lot but it's enough). The homing projectiles are a bit lazy, yes. It's an "auxiliary" weapon, as it cannot clear rooms levels 130+. I use reload and fire rate mods to increase it's viability and effectiveness to keep those sweet statuses up. 

    When the enemies are close the projectiles,more often than not, literally pass through them without damaging them. This weapon needs to be fixed/looked at by DE.

  7. Hi all, having been lured by the prospect of homing missiles i tried the Cyanex and was thoroughly dissapointed. The small Aoe, the missiles passing through enemies without damaging them (no punch through), the bad homing capability which doesn't seem to work very well when enemies are close, the fact i had to aim above enemy heads so that the missiles could better lock onto their target and that it takes heavy investment to make it viable , have made this weapon not fun at all.

    I even saw the missiles deflect on enemies, as if they had hit a wall, without even scratching them let alone kill them. I don't know if the very low accuracy of the weapon affects its homing capabilities but the weapon is bad and if i were to change something i would give it a larger Aoe and better accuracy/more responsive homing capability. All in all good concept but bad execution.

  8. Had i known how troublesome and unfun the Kuva Lich is i would never have created it to begin with. I made one out of curiosity for this mechanic but along the way i lost interest in hunting it due to the fact that i found it tedious trying to figure out the requiem mods sequence. At one point i couldn't run important missions, such as skirmishes , because more than once the Lich had stolen my precious riven loot. I got very frustrated and left the game for about a month and now that i've returned the lich is there to greet me and remind me of how much i hate it. It is very annoying that i can't skip a mission/mechanic i've lost interest in so could you implement a way for players to at least not have their precious loot ,such as rivens, stolen or to skip the whole Lich thing entirely?

  9. 21 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

    But it's okay that I lose all rewards because you as the host silently took off to extraction? Good to know

    Keeping someone as hostage because you want to keep going is way more unethical than simply loosing a reward ,which you most probably won't loose mind you. Host migrations are more often than not successfull, besides you can use THE FREAKIN RECRUIT CHANNEL.

  10. Really enjoy seeing these "It's too easy, increase difficulty" posts. You know most people play to relax and enjoy a few hours of gameplay, not to feel accomplished. Making a game too hard , to satisfy the hardcore players who like to play all day, is a very good way of alienating a large portion of the playerbase. In the end you end up with bosses that are HP sinks and can one shot you again and again. There is no fun in dying all the time or spending an hour to kill one boss. I don't want to see warframe go down the drain like many other mmo's which lost their way.

    Edit : By the way, i don't approve of the term noob because it's derogatory to new players. It's quite logical that they'll do mistakes and play bad since they're still learning the game. You want an experienced team? That's what the Recruit channel is for or invite a few of your friends.

  11. Yes the new UI is horrible but to be honest things started going downhill ever since DE decided to overhaul the legacy ui/inventory and then had to add an option to re-enable it. However even then some of the old utility, like the rarity colour scheme of the items in the inventory, was gone for good making the quick assesing of an items worth, based on rarity colour, more difficult. It seems that with the bad they keep throwing out the window the good as well making me believe that they don't think things through very thoroughly and rush to fix them in the aftermath of the implementation.

  12. Hi all, after the introduction of the new melee system the melee effects were also reworked to be more bright and flashy. So flashy in fact that its annoying for some people like me and hinder vision. So i'd like to know if there is a way to diasable them. I've already turned everything off or to low settings in the options menu but they just won't go away. If you know of a way pls let me know.

  13. Hi all, after the introduction of the new melee system the melee effects were also reworked to be more bright and flashy. So flashy in fact that its annoying for some people like me and hinder vision. So i'd like to know if there is a way to diasable them. I've already turned everything off or to low settings in the options menu but they just won't go away. If you know of a way pls let me know.

  14. 23 minutes ago, moostar95 said:

    >game breaking mechanics is bad

    >players using saryn in eso to exploit xp and to get into deeper waves without the need of teams. 

    can't have your cake and eat it to. one of these things are going to change. its only a matter of when the saryn fan boy's start REEEing about it. ill be laughing in the background. ^^ 

     If you think Saryn,especially after her rework, is op and an exploit you seriously don't know how to play the game.

  15. Are people still seriously posting nerf requests for frames? I main an Oberon because i like his overall feel and tankiness, especially with adaptation i feel like a sentient at times, and i'm usually not the top damager , but i don't really mind. So what if a Mesa or a Saryn or a Volt can nuke an entire room? When it comes to high (100++) level missions that's where we can see what warframes and players are made of. I recently ran a low level (30-40) fissure mission with a Volt and was immediately berated for being overpowered. Seriously? OP in low level mission? and with a Volt on top of everything?. People who have no idea of how the game works or are new to the game should really do their homework before coming here and posting nerf this nerf that nonsense. The only nerf requests i can accept and understand are the ones that refer to game breaking mechanics and exploits and Saryn isn't one of them.

  16. If the devs had to nerf every weapon that some players consider overpowered and out of control, pretty soon we wouldn't have any weapons or frames. Hey you know what Volt can clear an entire map.....remove him - Maiming strike makes sliding melee  a one trick pony.... remove it - Oberon with the right build can be immortal......nerf him - seriously the list is endless. What i'm trying to say is that i'm tired of people who come at the forums and cry why other players don't let them have all the fun for themselves. So nerf everyone until i'm satisfied no one plays differently than me. Such an egotistic behaviour that ends up becoming toxic because these people ,although few in numbers, cry the loudest.

    • Like 2
  17. 6 minutes ago, Warfoxzero said:

    All melee is now quick melee. It's just that the animation differences most players complaining have problems with, as quick melee had a different animation than the melee stances. Like I said before, being able to aim up or down would alleviate this struggle to hit something quickly without jumping in the air. The combo complaints will be addressed in a later phase of the melee rework.

    Making channeling a toggled ability and binding to the secondary fire mode isn't a good idea since i now have to press many buttons to activate it. It kind of beats the "fluid transition" from melee to ranged concept and in my view the old system suited me better. I don't like the new one the way i didn't like the inventory change.

  18. 1 hour ago, Warfoxzero said:

    That was the whole point of this update, so that melee is freely accessed so quick melee isn't needed. 

    To me, I never accepted or got used to using the old melee fully. I would almost never weapon swap to melee, so melee stances were basically non-existent polarity increasing mods. I tried channeling and it sucked, and the combo system was never intuitive to me. I didn't even know so many people used block and or even had extra combos attached to block. I only used quick melee and it was an okay experience. 

    The melee needed streamlining but now I see that people that actually used melee fully are upset and I understand that, it's a change they need to adjust to or if they can't, like for me with the old melee, will stop using it or quit in frustration. The real question is how many players were like me and really wanted this change, a question DE knows and probably had enough stats to justify the need for the change. 

    Also my biggest gripe with melee, but not with the majority of players, is the lack of aiming up or down with melee, to be able to kill those flying enemies at your head level, just over the natural arc of melee attacks, or those tiny enemies at your feel, biting at your ankles, just underneath the normal melee arc swing. That's what grinds my gears, when I can't aim when an enemy is just outside the attack motion of melee. It's also why most people have a favorite weapon type, because the quick melee has a good overall weapon swing that can deal with most problems, even opening containers just under your feet. This weapon favoritism with quick melee would be resolved with the ability to properly aim up or down.

    If a game mechanic is good and, an all around, easy to use quality of life experience you don't need to delete it. You can keep it and introduce a melee system that runs parallel to it. For example they could make it so that by holding down the quick melee key you'd change to melee mode with an option to adjust the time needed to hold it down , in the options menu. If there is a will, there is a a way and it seems to me that the only reason to implement such a radical change ,rather than adjust it, is for the  sake of change. It reminds me of the inventory ui modification, that i'm still trying to adjust to. There was no reason to make inventory management such a chore,but they did it anyway. I was heavily relying on quick melee and changed to melee mode when i needed to heal or when the situation called for it As for the aim in melee, yes it's obviously not very well thought out.

  19. I logged in to play the new Update and the first thing i find is that by using Quick melee,which i do a lot, i also swap to a melee weapon. I had mapped/binded the same key for both melee and quick melee so that i didn't have to use another key when i changed to melee combat. That was such a quality of life little thing that's gone, can we get it back pls so that using quick melee doesn't holster your weapon by equiping the melee one?. What that means is........bring back quick melee ,it was very usefull.

  20. 10 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

    Tennos should just be a gimmick and not for main things. I for example hate operator related things (also a reason that I just have dont Eidolons twice or so because of the operator usage). Tgey should not be even close to be so powerful as the warframes are. They are also a reason why they dont fight normally and let the warframe do the job.

    So no. Dont give the operator more power.

    I agree since i don't like the operator and treat them as a pet. In my mind i am the one inside the suit , controlling everything and i don't need, nor like, being the operator of an operator who operates a frame. Pretty redundant in my opinion, so i don't want to see the operators replace the Warframes , by being more powerfull. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of having a warframe to begin with, if the operator is stronger.

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