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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. Born out of a frustration with Adaptation's inconsistent nature, here are some suggestions I dreamed up for more reliable defenses. The goal here is not to power creep our defenses (although some of these suggestions do that because I got carried away) but rather to make our defenses more consistent. Some of these are meant to be mutually exclusive with Adaptation and with each other. Some of these require more explanation. For now I'll just detail the way this Aura set is supposed to work: they don't apply to the whole team, but only to someone with an aura in the set mod. They also don't stack - two United Ramparts provide no more benefit than one. The basic idea is that if you have a 3000 hp Grendel on your team and you both have an aura in this set and you have like 300hp, you'll average your collective health such that you will both end up with like 1-2k (didn't actually crunch the math - that's just the idea). Anyways, hit me with your thoughts and if you have any favorites or other ideas.
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