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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. This is a request for more helminth armor strip abilities. We only have Pillage, Tharros, Fire Blast and Terrify. Tharros is limited by it's directionality and limited targets, but is bolstered by it's heal and for being guaranteed 100% Fire Blast suffers from being capped at 75% making it the worst option. Terrify suffers from being expensive at 75 energy, from being temporary, for having poor range and a limited number of targets, and for causing all your targets to run away, which is rarely desirable. You strip them because you want to kill them, not because you want them to run away get their armor back and then return lol. Also, it STILL does not work on some units it should. Pillage is of course the best, it gives you shields, drains the enemies, and can fully armor strip if you get crazy power. Typically, the choice just comes down to Pillage and Tharros. We need armor strip available for most warframes in high content. Please provide more options.
  2. Can we PLEASE get a button that just selects all duplicate mods, leaving 1 of each and any more than one being selected. It's such an unnecessary PAIN to go through one by one and select duplicates.
  3. Honestly, just their intended fixes are all we really need, so long as they include sentinels. Survivability is ok once you actually invest in them. My smeeta NEVER dies (although kavats have more survival options than the others, and I'm a melee user). Sentinels are the exception. Even fully invested they still die, increased base stats on sentinels is something really needed, or link style mods. Other new mods would be welcome, it's a pretty small selection - so long as they're interesting utility. We don't need more damage on companions though. What - we don't do enough damage on our own? lol
  4. Yup! This is my biggest complaint with Spy. Yes, while the MR9 test is better stealth than spy missions, it's definitely not suitable for regular gameplay. I'd prefer multiple alarm states, similar to a meter I guess, but at each alarm state you get into more and more trouble. Guards are activated and hunt for you, the type of guards that can actually kill you, not the type that you can brush off like dust. More ways to sneak would be good. Perhaps entering a stealth mode that is rather separate from regular gameplay would be good, that way you could implement things like peeking around corners, crawling on ceilings, crawling on floors and through tunnels and mission-impossible style cable work, all without cramming those into regular gameplay. Then, if the alarm hits a certain level, stealth mode can vanish and be replaced with regular gameplay while you fight your way to safety, and vice versa when the alarm comes back down. You could also have an entire stealth gear wheel full of tech gadgets. Sentinels like Shade could actually be given commands and act like stealth drones. Tons of potential.
  5. I am also apprehensive. Duviri leaned way too far into the fantasy genre for my liking, and while a little "magic" can be spicy if done well (like our void voodoo), too much would be a negative for me.
  6. What can I say, I'm bored and so I'm back here asking for more stealth content, because it's so underserved in WF and that's a sad thing. WF Spy potential=100, WF Spy execution=20. Is it the most important thing I want WF to pay attention to? No. Do I still constantly crave it? YES. How to improve stealth you ask? Do not rely on harder puzzles. I think you need to look no further than Lua spy to see that harder puzzles != more enjoyment. I'm not saying make easy puzzles either, to be clear. My absolute favorite puzzles in warframe are the Alad V labs on Jupiter, and they're fairly complex to learn but once you've got it, you've got it. Tons of fun. (Also I will not stop praising the gas city spy tiles, they're my favorite vaults to date). Rather, give us more stealth systems! More stealth tools! And better stealth missions! What are better stealth missions you ask? Missions that are purely dedicated to the art. Every stealth mission in warframe is trying to do 2 or 3 or 4 things at once (spy, normal shootem-up gameplay, relic fissures, RJ voidstorms, syndicate spawns, acolyte spawns(whyyyyy), simaris targets, etc.). Missions where getting spotted is a terrible, terrible thing. You know that one mastery rank test that's all like... 'a full frontal assault is not always the best way' - forget what MR test that is, 9 or 10 or something? You actually fail if you get spotted, it's pretty hard and you have to really sneak around (unless you find a way to cheese it) - it's got that tension yknow? Never happens anywhere else in the game haha. Anyways, that's the most actual stealth I've ever experienced in WF :/ C'MON SON!
  7. Ehhhhh... ok but don't forget the other half of what I'm saying there, that's one thing vs like 8+ things if you bring in all the elements. Only needing one thing is definitely boring and not fun. Changing up the playstyle based on what is encountered should be the goal, not forcing one single playstyle.
  8. I don't play much Valkyr, but when I do Ripline is my favorite part about her, mostly for mobility, I'd keep it too. Ironically, I'd completely change ALL of her other abilities, but maybe that's just because I haven't sat with her for long enough. I don't like paralysis, don't like hysteria, don't really like warcry that much either. The only time I actually like hysteria is when an acolyte shows up, otherwise it just feels clumsy and worse than regular melee. As a melee-dedicated frame she is just SO lackluster, especially when you compare her to Kullervo, who is melee in god form like what Valkyr should be, with combo bonuses and heavy attack built in. Unironically I want to put wrathful advance on Valkyr, because she deserves it more. I adore your new augment idea for Ripline 10/10
  9. Yes this is a problem with ALL of DE's RNG. I feel your pain, having farmed all of the sister ephemeras the hard way. I've asked multiple times for the ephemeras to simply show like the weapons do, so you know if you're wasting your time or not. It's enough work going through the process as it is,s tacking RNG on top of that is so bad. Thank god they've finally given players a modicum of pity here and there, like with the archon shards, but pity systems should exist everywhere RNG does, from relics to ephemera to part drops. RNG is simply miserable. It only works in your favor when you don't care, which is a terrible system. You should reward players for caring and chasing things, not punish them.
  10. I do agree that melee builds are the most overcrowded of all. You need so many things to make them work, even more than warframes who demand augments, which are also painfully tight. I almost always come down to a choice of sacrificing attack speed vs weeping wounds. I'm completely miserable without attack speed for most every melee, so wounds is usually the loser. All the other slots are taken by mods that are simply too important to sacrifice, unless you have a riven that does the work of 2 mods or a specialty weapon that has an appropriate innate elemental.
  11. Well I definitely remembered you, all you did was insult me last time despite me being excessively patient with you, and here you go again.
  12. You raise a good point here about damage just being the better solution more times than not. The problem with counters certainly is interconnected with our damage problems. There are some case studies that I think are worth talking about: Arbitration Drones Nullifiers Prosecutors Kuva Guardians All of these are targeted at countering our raw damage, but all except prosecutors are also immune to our abilities. I'll submit that they are all good enemy types, even if they can be annoying sometimes. Kuva Guardians are probably the best of these simply because they require some special mechanics. I would say that the main problem with all of these though is none of them are threats, they are only delaying tactics. If Kuva Guardians could actually kill you, they'd be much more interesting. But compare them to Thrax Nox Nox are unfortunately just too weak and melt to bulldozer damage, but unlike arbitration drones which also require gun accuracy, the Nox have a healthy attack, although it's also too weak to be truly threatening, but the idea behind Nox is solid and honestly as far as enemies go I think the Nox are in theory the best enemy in WF. It's a good design it just needs better numbers, and we need more like them. The Thrax on the other hand have no real weakness, but is a beautiful enemy type because they aren't immune and are one of the few enemies that do real damage. The Thrax in the Zariman are much better than the Circuit Thrax because of their added operator mechanics, which makes them a sort of Kuva Guardian style enemy - a good and interesting mechanic especially since it threatens resurrection. The thing is, there's a difference between interesting and well designed enemies and real counters. The Thrax don't actually counter anything, despite being great enemies. Same for the Nox. All of the types in the first list counter raw damage, but none of them actually counter warframes either, they just invalidate them while countering damage. I think the ideal counter is a good combination of danger and weakness, and that weakness has to be something other than raw damage. This makes it hard, because if raw damage doesn't work, then what do you have? This highlights the failure of the elemental damage system, because the easiest and most obvious solution is to make enemies that are weak against cold, or heat, or corrosive or gas. Yes, this was attempted, but we end up in a scenario where brute force is just better, one-size-fits-all, which circles back to our damage problem. A Damage Solution Could be to create dangerous enemies that are so hard to kill without the correct element that it's actually better to just bring the correct element to which they die fast, and then expand the tenno arsenal so they can bring 3-4 secondaries or 3-4 melee or something. This way, you'd have to mod secondaries or melee for specific elements "just in case" and bring them as tools for dealing with those enemies. This is because you obviously can't mod on the fly, and if right now in our current system enemies like this existed we just would have no way of dealing with them because we couldn't adapt. It doesn't feel like a perfect solution, but it would be the best way to bring meaning to damage types that I can think of. A Warframe Solution Then in addition to that idea, I would make those same dangerous enemies actually counter warframes in addition to being dangerous. So if a Saryn is detected, a special enemy is spawned that is is quite obviously (visually) weak to one element like cold and that heals for all toxin damage (and maybe heals friendlies too), or perhaps gains armor stacks for every toxin proc, or cures enemies of status around it and propogates that as an antidote mechanism directly opposed to Saryn's. This enemy is dangerous, is coming for you and will kill you, is countering you, and must be dealt with. Of course, you'd need to build a lot of frame-specific counters like this, but it would be healthy.
  13. You and I apparently have very different definitions of counterplay. Mission modifiers and energy economy are not counterplay. Knockdowns might be considered a very poor parkour counter if you stretch it, but that's honestly not even their design purpose. A counter is when you have a character that is strong in certain areas but weak in others, and you have enemies that are then strong against their weaknesses. A classic gaming example is fire mages being weak to ice. A better and more nuanced example is MOBAs that balance characters against each other, so everyone is strong situationally but you can get "hard countered" by a character that is especially powerful just because of how the abilities match up.
  14. No, they've been invalidating warframes for 8 years. Every single boss: invalidation, not countering. There's not a single counter to any warframe in the game, there's only game modes that are suited for certain frames more than others because they murder faster in that scenario. What counters Saryn? What counters Mesa? What counters Mirage? What counters Volt? Protea? Wisp? etc, etc, etc - there's not a single counter to anything, it's complete free reign. There's no detriment, no reason to worry, no reason to approach anything tactically, no reason not to use abilities as often as energy can possibly allow. ------------------------------------------
  15. Well, like I said in another similar post, melee is under-performing but honestly not by that much. I think the real issue is it just isn't scaling hard enough anymore. 12x combo with CO, Bloodrush, Weeping Wounds, Gladiator Crit & a juicy riven just cannot compete with a phenmor or a laetum or a lot of other guns. The incarnon wave also really inadvertently destroyed melee even more because it widened the gap. Melee incarnon had so much potential and it was completely robbed of it. Giving some power back to CO or Bloodrush could be enough to bring it back up to performance. Alternatively you could do things like allow combo up to 14x but everything after 12x decays almost instantly out of combat (regardless of naramon) to feed more scaling power back in, put it on a curve y'know.
  16. I mean counter warframes instead of invalidating them. Having counterplay is what creates engaging content. Warframes have no counters in the game (except an occasional cleanse on demolysts and a mag proc here and there if that even qualifies) and that's a big reason why we feel unstoppable and bored, and the main reason bosses are so bad in particular - rather than using counterplay they just invalidate warframes (and weapons) as much as possible, and that's just not a great direction to go.
  17. Yeah we all said all this when dormizones released, but it fell on deaf ears. I have no idea what DE's vision for the dormizones is, or was, but apparently it's not as an orbiter replacement or alternative, or they would've implemented all of these things, especially after we practically begged them to. The only way it will ever be useful if they're not going to transfer orbiter systems, navigation, etc is if they one day fill it with so many unique systems that it rivals the orbiter and yet shares none of its systems... so maybe it'll really kick off in about 6 years 😌 IDK, maybe they really are saving it for something, I guess that's more optimistic than totally forgetting about it.
  18. No, you can, you just have to counter them instead of invalidating them. ^^ This right here summarizes everything perfectly. I just don't understand why DE can't focus for 2 seconds on meaningful end-game activities. Newcomers have tons of stuff to do, veterans have nothing.
  19. You could also have the enemy slowly construct a tower (or multiple towers) out on the perimeter, and when complete that tower slowly damages your defense objective, so you have to send someone out to destroy it or stop it from being built.
  20. For someone at MR12, my advice would be just focus on using viral (especially vs grineer). As others have said, almost all the power in WF comes from mods and arcanes. If you want power, focus on that, starting with galvanized and the arcanes that drop in the SP, so try to get to the SP (by clearing every starchart node). Once you do that, you can do arbitrations which will give you a ton of endo to help you max stuff. Use rivens if you have them to drive crit unless the weapon needs status or something weird. For melee in particular try to focus on using condition overload, bloodrush, weeping wounds, gladiator and building combo to activate it all. For secondary and primary the arcanes from SP + galvanized mods is what kicks them off, so if you don't have SP yet, most of your real power will be in melee. Another major roadblock is simply the amount of investment needed, you'll need to sink 4-5 forma into a weapon to max it out (using all the best mods, primed, galvanized, etc). After all the MR fodder you have to go through to get to the SP most people aren't used to sinking that much into weapons, but pick your favorites and invest in them (once you have the mods). Also, Kuva and Sister weapons are universally excellent (with only 1 or 2 misses) and definitely worth chasing on your way to the SP. If you're struggling to get to the SP, I'd divert to get a few of those. The Phenmor, Felarx and Laetum from the Zariman are an entire league above everything else in WF (except maybe a few other incarnon contenders), and should be at the top of everyone's must-have list, but that's a later thing.
  21. RNGesus is the devil, it's one of the main detractions of WF imo.
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