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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. Honestly, just removing dumb cheese would dramatically ramp up a lot of warframe difficulty. Take away, limit, or put a hard check on invisibility - then see how many people level cap. Take away, limit, or put a hard check on shield gate abuse, rolling guard, revenant and the like - then see how many people level cap. Take away, limit, or put a check on absurd cc abilities - then see how many people level cap. Do something smart about damage scaling - then see how many people level cap. These unchecked cheeses are bad design and make enemies that would otherwise be potent trivial. The only fun I actually have in warframe these days is solo melee armor tanking SP because it feels real, is not busted, and is really hard to scale upward so you hit the true limits of your kit without having to level cap or anything, and when you are in that zone it feels pretty amazing. Disruption is also pretty fun because it makes you think about how to build and is very active without being non-stop (like a lot of newer game modes). Sitting in a hallway invisible nuking everything that comes through does not feel amazing. It's boring, sorry. I'm just not built to enjoy that, it feels lame. I suppose the counter argument to this would be: why not just leave these exploits all in, and let the cheesers cheese and the warriors war? Who does it harm? And that would be great, except that you need content, and content can only cater to one of those things. When it comes to content, warriors lose, cheesers win. And that's WF.
  2. Ah yeah or just ask around - someone might tell you the code, xD I went ahead and tried "SummerYuko" and "hunhow" - those didn't work - not sure if the redeem section supports chinese characters. ALSO - are they on the asia server? That could make a difference, i'm not sure if asia is on a totally separate instance or not, or if they have a different store network.
  3. Unfortunately, the creator can easily claim that they tried to contact you and that you never responded. From my experience in support, you won't ever get to anyone higher up who has the power to do anything. At this point, you can either go on a crusade or cover it in roses. The only way to swing the tide in your favor that I can see is to get a good chunk of others who have also been actively denied - subscribers, as I assume you are, the creator can deny all lottery winner claims - and pester either the creator or DE or both until somebody finally listens, as a group if possible. If there's 10 or 20 of you who have all 'never responded' that's pretty damning evidence against the creator. Getting them to all commit to a petition will carry weight, you can wave that around in DE's reddit. If you can find the original image (I see an artist signature in it, I'm guessing the creator didn't make it themselves?). If they didn't make it and you can find out who did via image search, that's a little extra ammunition although it's a bit of a ... nasty tactic, and you will certainly never get the glyph that way lol, but it's some good overkill vengeance. If they contact you via email, make you check your spam folder and all that. If you haven't already, I'd still recommend reaching out to the creator first if you can, although 3 weeks is a long time. It's good to check everything twice and do everything in your power before taking it to any extremes. If the creator is on WF and has a clan, reaching out that way is probably a fantastic idea, especially if the clan has some other senior leadership you can appeal to. Likewise, if the clan has a discord, that can be a very fast way to get direct attention. Personally, all that's too much work and I'd put it in the grave instead, say a prayer, make the sign of the cross, and walk away. Some battles just aren't worth fighting, but I understand if it's important to you and you want to chase it.
  4. I would try to reach out to the creator first, they may have made a mistake or dropped the ball. If they don't respond, try to ask around and see if anyone else experienced the same thing. If you get a few others in the same boat, you can try to take it up with DE in the form of a little mini-petition > there might not be any contract, but ultimate control of glyphs in the game rests with DE I'm pretty sure, so they may either gift it to you or take it up with the creator.
  5. The main reason the player base dislikes conclave is because they are denied all their mods and abilities. Another important reason is the mobility makes it very hard to hit anything. Another reason is that the few people who do play conclave regularly are skilled in the art, and there's a skill gap, a knowledge gap, and a bit of an elitism. Another reason is that the conclave-only mods available can't be used in regular play. Another reason is that there is only 1 reward that's exclusive and *cool* (celestia syadana). Another reason is that players are pretty spoiled from other very polished PvP games and have high expectations and feel let down at the simple nature of the matches. While your suggestions are all actually very good - especially the visibility, they don't fix any of these core problems, and so would not likely attract much interest. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big proponent of PvP in WF, I just happen to agree with all of those reasons.
  6. Yeah I've always despised this behavior, but I understand it. People are exploiting the lich mechanics for their own benefit, and could care less about their teammates. It's disgusting but well, people are disgusting. They should definitely fix it. I run all my liches solo because of it. Sisters charge so fast that it's still worth it for me to go pub on those, at least for the first planet or two, but yeah, liches are a solo affair for me, any efficiency loss is paid for in peace of mind.
  7. Just a note on gloom, the pulse they send out has limited range. If you have enough ability range on your gloom, you can just hover outside their range and slow them. Ideally, you want a ton of power behind it too, so that it basically stops them in their tracks and you don't have to worry so much about walking into the pulse zone. Gloom's slow scales with ability power, so try to get as close to 95% as you can (the max). Gloom does not do damage - I've never even heard that, but the lifesteal is great. If you're just venting, fine, but it does give lifesteal on every bit of damage you do, even ability damage. There is no better tool in all of warframe than gloom for disruption, imo. Every other cc - except maybe gara's wall - fades or gets cancelled by the pulse. Gloom just runs continually unless you walk into the pulse, get nullified or run out of energy. Just build power & range, stay out of their range, and they won't move. Shoot them from a distance. I even run it on Titania in disruption. Killing them is another story, but this should help you stop them.
  8. It's the dream man, we support it, we're actually with you, you're preaching to the choir. We're just not the majority, and the majority pays the bills. We've been asking for years for difficulty spikes. We got SP, we got eximus overhaul, we got archons, we got undercroft -- all steps in the right direction, but we also got an avalanche of new power creep that rendered it all meaningless. As if we weren't boosted enough, here comes warframe overguard. They're too scared of alienating the majority. Just look at all the backlash still happening for eximus. The warframe playerbase is mindless and pathetic, and there's nothing I can think of that we can do about that.
  9. Gotta admit when I saw disruption I was a little worried. But I had no problems. If you struggle with killing demolysts, you haven't played enough disruption. Eventually, you figure them out. Like everyone else is saying, armor strip + cc ^^ this man know's what's up. Gloom Banshee is the perfect demolyst killing machine, the only thing she doesn't have is super speed.
  10. +1 a huge percentage of the WF playerbase is right there with you, we'd love for them to keep expanding RJ
  11. For those of you who are finding the incarnon mode on this weapon lackluster I highly recommend building for status and not crit. Some youtubers are trashing it while trying to build crit, but DE obviously intended it as a status weapon. You can see this because they didn't add impact to the incarnon like they do for other incarnons - thus no hemorrhage thus no slash - and they offer a built in CO in the 4th evolution. Stack it with galvanized shot, secondary encumber, heat, viral - it melts fairly spectacularly by itself and very well with any warframe buff of your choice. It does still struggle with armor without having access to slash, but it gets the job done with heat and CO. It's rapidly escalating to my top half dozen or so secondary weapon choices.
  12. Woah woah woah - Sevagoth is great and so is Banshee. Just because they aren't meta doesn't make them bad. I regularly take Banshee into SP. Sevagoth mostly suffers from not having anywhere to shine - the circuit is actually where he seems to find his best home currently, I use him there a lot and he's a monster. Nyx is also SO close to being good, but she still needs work. I support the FOV / camera adjustment 100% though, I can barely see what I'm shooting with some frames.
  13. Hmmm, update on this Incarnon note - it oddly does not seem to work for all incarnons. It does for some, but not all. Also, I'm here after running Circuit with her. I don't have the patience or the knowledge to level cap in the circuit, I tend to tap out when they hit lvl 1300 or so, for context. But running my Erosion Anchor build worked well. It was safer than I anticipated, and rather than survival issues I ran into energy issues. IDK my turrets are 2-shotting thrax though, so that's nice. I'd post my build, but I know people would just make fun of it :) The forums kinda suck.
  14. Yeah I agree with you, I want smart, dangerous, challenging enemies, not boring pushovers. Unfortunately, I think the majority of the WF population prefers dumb, easy enemies, and even more unfortunately, so do the devs, and so do 99% of youtubers who say that if something doesn't melt a room in one click it's trash. We are quite obviously not the target audience of WF, as cool as we find it's other systems and aesthetics. I think the only way it might work in WF is if they coached it. Set it up. Like "heads up, you're about to be wrecked, git gud scrubs, because we don't think any of you can actually do this". I think it would go over ok that way. People wouldn't have dumb expectations, think they could jump into at MR11 and Revenant to victory. Put it behind some walls, make it a specialty extra, that one mission set you do at the very end. It's hard with all our power, but it can be done, even still, with a little imagination. People who say it can't be done just can't imagine it being done, but it can be.
  15. Buzlok: yes. Dera/Dera Vandal: yes. Azima: YES Castana varieties: yes All these melee weapons.... eh... melee incarnons still suck. A little number bump wouldn't hurt, especially terribad things like ether daggers. A lot of the ones you list are very strong. Broken War and Vitrica will shred. But I wish they'd make better melee incarnons first - they basically do nothing, the only reason to get them outside of meme niches is for the base number ++ Like the guy said, they're more than likely in the pipeline as we speak, you'll get them. Props to DE for FINALLY doing something for these poor, poor weapons.
  16. Idk half the time I thought it wasn't charging it was just because I couldn't see where I had the ultra-thin beam pointed over the shoulder. Once I was actually hitting faces it seemed to ring home fine.
  17. I'm back after playing a lot of it. So my average-joe Protea build looks a like the one the other guy posted, balancing range, duration and strength as much as possible. With the augment though, I just ended up going full strength and duration and squeezed just a little range in but not much. It's very strong, it melts everything even eximus, and it's a terrific alternative playstyle for her. I kinda love it no lie. A couple downsides: Due to lack of mod room, to make it really work I had to sacrifice something, and that was survivability, so it's a weird sort of fragile. Alone, it's not great, you can get caught between energy lows, anchor reversals, and overshield drops sometimes, and then you can insta-die. With any kind of a team mate (or specter) it just rolls and rolls and melts everything though. No lie, in a group, I think I would actually run this version, especially if I can figure out a way to sneak in just a smidge of survivability for her in there. Kinda need a 3rd arcane. Hm. Really hate to drop the one range mod but maybe that's the price. Is it better than roar? Honestly, idk, maybe not - but it's very good. Protea's kit is very active even normally. Temporal Anchor is likewise built for ability spam. That's pretty fun, but after awhile, you get tired of spamming. I have the same issue with Hildryn. Even tho Hildryn's very strong, the amount of spam needed to sustain her gets to me to the point where I actually refuse to pick her. This Anchor build is even worse, because you aren't just sustaining, you're trying to cram as many ability casts as possible into every anchor. That's fine for like a mobile defense or a 15 wave defense even, but doing that in a long survival actually made my hands hurt like no other frame. Because of this, I don't know that it will be my default build, but it's still a ton of fun. Fun little note: she refunds expended ammo in her Anchor right - and that applies to Incarnons too - IF you don't exit incarnon mode you get the whole incarnon mag back. What this means is that you never need to leave incarnon mode :) Just thought I'd throw that out there. EDIT: I guess I should specify that I'm not trying to level cap or anything, I'm just running around killing everything in the upper SP. If I can get her in the circuit I'll see what that's like, but the survivability sacrifice did hurt a little already.
  18. The headshots aren't as bad as they sound, it seems a little "fuzzy" about what counts compared to things like the Dread, and like a few other incarnons trying to get a full charge on this is a complete waste of time, just hit a couple and then switch over, take the lower mag hit. Update: even a full charge is extremely easy to get. The incarnon itself is interesting. It really seems to struggle against beefy opponents but it's very early yet, still a lot of testing to do. Definitely better at long range than close, easy to miss at close. Incarnon requires some actual aiming, which I kinda like. Also, it FeelsGood™
  19. I noticed this while trying to use the Dread Incarnon in Corpus missions. Bows are not set up to rapid fire. Many have benefits for holding the shot longer. They're more difficult to aim. Sometimes, the nullifier completely recharges in between shots (low fire rate), making it impossible to kill them if all you took was that bow (as was the case with me - thus nearly soft-locking the exterminate). Consider too multiple nullifiers crowding in and overlapping their bubbles.... This would also help incentivize bow use even if it's a little niche. Lastly, from a IRL physics POV, arrows seem like they would go through things like that with their long shafts making them immune to hypermagnetism or whatever, so there's a handy reason behind it to boot.
  20. Gonna be honest I had a little trouble following this. I got: Remove reactant (I'm actually totally onboard with this even by itself, or at least share it) Remove relic refinement (and void traces) Make it so players can crack any relic they want on any mission they want(?) All missions can be fissures (?) Award relics on (all?) missions but automatically refine those relics for the player based on the mission type. The harder the mission, the better the refinement Condense relics to reduce bloat Let me know if I got something wrong or missed something. If this is a good summary then I like a lot of what you have going on here, but I see a potential problem where the only way to get radiant relics is to play SP. While I think the warframe population should be pushed into the SP, this feels a little unjust for new players, and for people playing nothing but SP they would have radiant overload, and you don't always want radiant. I feel like it might be smoother to award progressively better refined relics based on waves in endless missions or something, so if you stay for 20 waves in a defense you get an intact, a flawless, an exceptional and a radiant, for example - or at least the chance for them, with the type of relic based on the mission reward pool like it already is (?) I especially like the suggestion to let players crack any relic they want, I've often had the thought that there should be a fissure that accepts any relic type, and players can just jump into it and do whatever, and this is along those lines but broader it sounds like.
  21. Temporal Anchor is great. IDK how you guys are using it, but the way I use it is that I am constantly 100% in her 4, just throwing out damage, shields, dispensaries as I please, then I reverse back and immediately restart it. There's no point at which I'm not using it. It's great fun. Unique playstyle. Very energy hungry even with the receipts. The only downside is that it's not great for sprint-to-the-end missions, but we have enough frames for that. I use black energy on my anchor build to reduce the visual overload. I especially love temporal anchor when acolytes show up - i can get up in their face and they can't kill me. I had a blast using it for the gas city secret labs and it's generally great for exploring secret rooms and then zooping back to right where I left off. The fact that you can return to start anytime you want or cancel altogether makes it a fantastic ability. I really don't understand the hate - is this because some youtuber pooped all over it? As for the augment, it's ok. The main issue is that her builds are tight and it's really hard to make room for an augment, and that kinda sucks. She needs a lot of mods to succeed, and the augment isn't quite good enough to make me toss any of them. To build the her the way I wish I could I'd need like 2 more mod slots. The fact that the augment scales with ability power is great though, and between the turrets and the grenades there's significant stripping happening if you build with enough power/duration. You can fully strip enemies quite easily, but it's a little directional.
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