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Posts posted by Vit0Corleone

  1. 1 hour ago, [DE]Dudley said:

    What feedback is most beneficial to Warframe for this test?
    For players who participate in the test, we would love to hear from you, and there are a couple of things you can do that would be greatly appreciated. When submitting your feedback, please:

    • Include the platform you are playing on
    • Add screenshots/videos of any issues encountered during the test
    • For PC, send your EE.log, which can be found by clicking on the “Get Logs” option under the Diagnostics section of the Settings in the launcher
      • Please attach EE.Log in a Support Ticket with the title “CROSS PLATFORM PLAY BUG” 
    • For PC, detail what happened before any crash occurred when submitting a ticket using Warframe’s crash report tool (it will generate a WAR number)

    @[DE]Dudley for future reference, is there a way to know if we played with people using a different platform?

    Or in other words, if we find a issue, how do we know it's related to cross platform and should be reported as such "CROSS PLATFORM PLAY BUG"?

    Or should we just report anything and everything and you guys sort it out?

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, wizardeiges said:

    So I had 60k MR from the previous trees and kept the 60k MR after the update and can now put my intrinsics into command.

    Command gives me absolutely nothing by spending intrinsics on it right away.
    So i'm assuming we're forced to level up all previous trees before we can obtain the new MR from the new command tree?
    That's absolutely hilarious and ridiculous considering the final gunnery skill does more harm than good and I do not want it because of its downgrade to overheat which makes heat buildup 20% faster.
    I don't want your downgrade,why should I have to grind to lose something just to get MR? I'd rather never lose DPS by not getting the skill.

    Everything else though is fine in regards to intrinsics in my opinion.

    IIRC, the MR comes from the intrinsic points, not from how you allocate them.

    You could have 0 allocated points on all and it wouldn't affect your MR at all.

    If you haven't capped the intrinsic points, you can keep grinding and that *should* allow you to milk a bit more MR until you max it out.

    ( this is how it's supposed to work, unless something changed that I'm not aware - I've been away for ~9 months )

  3. Sadly, DE added MR to the Steel Path, which means we are going to hear from the usual loud casual voices here on the forums, Reddit and whatnot about how "annoying" and "a slog" it is and not fun and etc. etc. until DE nerfs it to the ground to please them as usual.

    From what I've seen so far, Steel Path looks pretty cool, but I doubt it will remain as it is for long.


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  4. 1) A more fleshed out over arching New War across the whole star chart that we have to rescue, instead of just point in time events, including activities crossing Railjack with Squad link and epic boss fights. Mission types that are able to get casual squads and more "hardcore" squads working together using Squad Link towards the same goal. Tell a story, and let us influence it.

    2) A progressive game mode like Triburos suggested in his Tower Heist idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3m8OZqshuM

    3) Expansion of Railjack in general to include other creative game modes better oriented towards co-op, as well as continuation of progress by adding difficulty/challenge and new loot/intrinsics/focus/whatever to go with it.

    4) Aspirational content in general, such as actual Raids and/or Dungeons ( Hello 3rd Orb?).

    5) Less popular I know, but I would like to see DE exploring ideas around competitive PvE, similar to Destiny 2 Gambit but without the pvp part. Also, Dark Sectors style but without the pvp could be fun.



  5. 18 minutes ago, NigglesAU said:

    What happened to the AI crew that was promised post rj launch?

    The AI crew is postponed until there's content that actually justifies it, since currently it's so easy to solo that there's no reason for them to exist.


  6. Lots of people are being banned for doing "long" survivals.

    Apparently the system flags you for getting more rewards than what should be the usual.

    I've heard that if you stay under 90 minutes you should be ok.

    Yeah, it's dumb, and no idea why they haven't fixed this yet, but rest assured that you're not alone.

    • Like 2
  7. 16 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    straight off the bat there’s been an increase in fighters (probably that increased fighters at all alert levels mentioned in the patch notes). Before I was facing probably 4 - 8(?) at a time, and while they took about 10 hits to kill, I tended to know where they were and could clear them out without too much fuss.

    Interesting. I hadn't thought about that. They did change how the spawns work too, which could make it harder if you get swarmed, since they spawn faster and closer to us.

    Not sure why are you taking 10 hits to kill them. Maybe out of range? Or missing shots? I just did a quick test ( video below 1m15s-2m40s ) and it took me anywhere between 3-5 hits depending on distance etc. Obviously not factoring in my bad aim.

    16 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    The bigger ships were the problem

    They always are. Which is why you should, if you can, either keep distance or use big space rocks as cover.

    16 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I don’t know what those on the PTS were doing

    Sounds like you drawn in way too much to handle.

    What they did ( and I just replicated to be sure - video below 0m45s-1m12s ) was to stay on the same spot and let them come and shoot at you.


    15 hours ago, Nichivo said:

    It's a shame you are not on pc I would gladly take you to Gian point in this epic ship with only tether for an avionic, notice the health and shields lol. 

    You can definitely do it, although if you do have friends to run with, it's much better and way more fun.

    Video below was taken a few minutes ago, and is my attempt at simulating your current situation. Base weapons/components, no avionics.


    - beginning of the video: the loadout

    - 0m45s-1m12s ( video sped up ). Example of staying on the same spot while being attacked, and barely taking any damage ( the scenario I was talking about done on the PTS )

    - 1m15s-2m40s: Testing single shots to see how many were needed to kill a ship. As you can see, and ignoring my bad aim, it certainly doesn't take 10 shots

    - 2m45s : Time to kill test, takes about 1-3 seconds to kill a ship

    - 3m15s: Using space rocks to cover from crew ship while taking out fighters

    - 4m00s: Fighter cover eliminated, only leftovers left

    - 4m44s: Missed the crew ship by my left, which managed to drop my health to 0 resulting on a breach

    From here on, I basically took care of the remaining fodder while trying to keep my distance from the crew ships, which I boarded at the end.

    Worth noting that they didn't send any ramsleds. If they had, they would be priority taking down ( fairly easy to do ),

    The run overall was pretty clumsy, as I sort of lost the habit on how to be careful now that with my fully kitted Railjack everything is so easy. Took about 8 minutes to finish, not counting picking up resources which ofc is always advised when you're starting. Usually it should take way less time than this, since I was testing a bunch of things including staying still and let them shoot at me etc.



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  8. 5 hours ago, --DSP--Jetstream said:

    Like D2 corridors? you dont even have to participate, just wait until someone no life it and you just enter the codes at the end for some glyph.

    and the "mystery reward" is that bastion gun thats given away for everyone else in the end, so much for "community" effort..

    Hope wf dont see that as an example though.

    You can argue that it's not your cup of tea, and the rewards at the end weren't exactly stellar.

    But hard to argue with the sheer amount of publicity and free marketing that brought to the game.

    Similar effect each time they release a new raid.

  9. They are on your inventory. You have to upgrade them and install them again.

    Check the patch notes:


    Avionics Changes:

    • When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management.
    • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors. What this means is that there won’t be 3x variants of the same Avionic.
    • Consolidated Avionics have had their Avionic Capacity Drain altered so that on average the Integrated Avionics now consume 20% less. This ensures players can more comfortably fit the builds they want in the new consolidated system based on Feedback from the Public Test Cluster.
    • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.
    • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of its Type.
    • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
    • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.


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  10. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Miciobestia said:

    Am just waiting for some video of "how it's done by pros" now that's so easy (ofc with 10 on all intrinsic, all maxed avionic/grid and best gear, pretty sure will still be fun see how it go a void solo, even better with base/galleon, now some enemys can spawn AFTER you killed all the required fighters/crewships, counters are gone and map is empty).

    I'm not a "pro", but I don't think that's even possible now. How would you even replicate the "old" railjack to do something like that? Or were you thinking about some other scenario? ( I wouldn't mind giving it a go if it sounds fun ).

    I do have a few videos of my solo runs on the Veil before revised, if that helps. But it's fully geared.

  11. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Miciobestia said:

    Oh and i defo hope Seeker Volley isnt among 1 of the 3 you mentioned cuz no way you can solo anything in void with this without some kind of energy flux glitch, same for dome charges, tried it in veil and rofled, needed 3 shots for 1 ship).

    Can't speak for others, but when I first arrived at Veil, all I had was Particle Ram, so it was very much using RJ guns only and the occasional ramming.

    Eventually I got Void Hole, and Munitions Vortex later on when I was pretty much done already with the progression.

    Worth mentioning that at the time ( I don't know if this is still the case or not ), each time you gained an intrinsics point, you would get full energy/flux. This allowed using Void Hole way more than we can now (I think?) - keep in mind that this for me was before the reworking of the reactors RNG, so my reactor wasn't very good.

    IIRC, at the time the only battle avio that dropped early on Earth was Seeker Voley, but that wouldn't even be enough to one shot enemies in Saturn. Seeker Voley did, however, help quite a bit because it allowed farming Earth very efficiently for Titanium, etc. resources that I needed to start building House weapons/components.

    One thing to consider here, is that I didn't rush. That is to say, my transition from Earth to Saturn to Veil took its time, gaining experience, collecting avios, build stuff ( I built all House MK1-2-3 along the way, since Sigma wasn't yet available, used 3x repair drones in the process so I wouldn't have to wait the build time ). I only jumped to a new zone when I felt comfortable enough, and even with that, I remember distinctly trying Veil the first time and going back to Saturn thinking "Ok, I'm not ready yet, need to work a bit more on the build"

    As for crew ships, I'm pretty sure I just boarded them, as at the time I didn't even have forward artillery avio, and solo would be a PITA to keep crafting dome charges.

    14 minutes ago, (PS4)Miciobestia said:

    Basically what that the rework did is "fix the exploits old pro's used to max everything".(no more infinite crewships for sleepvara's, "no more" hiding RJ, void hole nerfed, even more funny if you loiter around too much even if all ships are dead you get some kind of autodefeat seem).

    Again, can't speak for others, but in my case I tried the sleep Ivara method / abort farm, and got bored of it pretty fast. Much more fun ( to me ) just to play the real thing.

    I'd argue that at least part of the people that more "abused" this method, are the ones who didn't really enjoy Railjack and just wanted to milk the MR out of the intrinsics.

    Also, IIRC that "fix" came a long time ago, way before this last revisited update.


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  12. Just now, SneakyErvin said:

    No idea since I'm still trying to get the rifts to spawn. Which there is zero clarification on regarding where they can spawn. Been running a mix of syndicate missions, kuva siphons/flood, kuva fortress survival/fissure, been in orb valis and it has only spawned once with no glass corrupted mobs, and that was during a syndicate mission.

    Do we really need to run trivial S#&$ for these things to spawn?

    I managed to spawn them fairly easy, but no idea if it's the most efficient way.

    This is what I did:

    Went to Orb Vallis, enrichment labs. Stayed there for a while, letting the alert raise, so enemies kept spawning.

    Some time after, the "thing" shows up and starts turning enemies into glass. Since the alert is high on the Vallies, enemies keep coming in and getting turned into glass.

    My first time I got 7 resonance , second I got 6.

    When you turn 10 of them is when you get to the next phase that has the labyrinth.

    Each attempt at going through the labyrinth, you have 60 seconds and it will consume 10 resonance.

  13. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)DoctorWho_90250 said:

    Not necessarily. I haven't played Destiny 2. At the same time, this doesn't feel akin to a community event as much as it's for all players independently. It would be a community event, in my opinion, if it involved players gathering a set number of stuff to progress the story and unravel the puzzle on their respective consoles (or platforms [e.g., xbox one, ps4, switch, pc]). Glassmaker isn't that. 

    Maybe I should have explained what I meant, since of course not everyone knows what I'm talking about.

    I'll edit the OP

  14. 6 minutes ago, Annnoth said:

    Seems extremely self contained to me. The game straight tells you to come back till you have enough material to progress and the material has little rhyme to it spawning, its just whever it feels like. Unless theres something later on, its probably going to continue with the trend of "we give you a base scenario. Come back later to pay for the rest of it" for all 5 episodes.

    It also doesnt seem to even take that long to get overall.

    Edit: guess i stand corrected give some things ive heard. Ill have to wait and see for myself.

    Sounds like you haven't reached the labyrinth yet.

  15. Not going into details not to spoil anything, but I'm getting from Glassmaker vibes of "corridors of time" event that D2 did recently.

    As in, we have a labyrinth, that will take a long time to solve, unless we .. lift together?  🤔🤔

    Or maybe not. Thoughts? 😄 


    Should have explained better what I meant.

    Not long ago, Destiny 2 had a sort of a event/quest that they added ("corridors of time"), that turned out to be a huge labyrinth that people had to solve.

    This labyrinth was so complex, that it would take a person forever to solve it. So the community banded together and coordinated with multiple groups of players working together to solve it. Essentially each player would map small sections of the labyrinth, and the organizers would put everything together.

    This went on for some time ( I think maybe a week or so? ), and you would see very organized groups leading the effort and streaming online so everyone would follow the progress ( including maps, spreadsheets, whatnot ).

    I didn't participate myself, but I followed it on the news/streamers/youtubers/etc. It was quite impressive and drawn dozens of thousands of twitch viewers during that period.

    I remember at the time thinking "would be cool if Warframe did something similar". And now we have Glassmaker with a "labyrinth" to solve, which is why I got vibes from "corridors of time".

    ( if anyone has better knowledge about how "corridors of time" went, feel free to correct me/fill the gaps, I was only a spectator )

  16. 2 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Thanks for the tips 👍 I’ll keep them in mind.

     🤔 You sound quite confident in this quoted statement. If everything is easy, have attempts been made to make it hard? Looking forward to testing it out to see what it takes myself; I’m quite curious to see from a starting player’s perspective what all the hubbub’s about

    Not sure what you mean with attempts to make it hard.

    It was hard, that's the version you're currently running. Hard didn't appeal to the general player base, so they made it considerably easier with the Railjack revised update that you will be getting in a few hours.

    How easy is it going to be? I can't tell for sure, since I can't exactly compare myself. But you can, I'd be curious to read your feedback.

    I do remember seeing some players stream testing on the PTS environment, and they were able to basically sit on Earth with a bare bones Railjack and not really taking much damage, to the point one of them even alt+tabbed and went to play another game for a couple minutes while waiting to see what happened. Nothing happened.

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  17. 2 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Mostly it’s been about how overwhelmed I get 🤔 I’m curious as to what you mean by “Think tactically”. I can shoot straight and fly right while playing keep-away, but eventually the fight makes its way to me, and once those ramsleds start hitting me and decompression looms, things start going sideways. Makes me look forward to when my partner comes on board and can help deal with things

    By tactically, I mean planing how to engage a spawn for example. What to prioritize, how to time your actions, how to avoid vulnerable positions etc.

    You know, as opposed to regular Warframe, where we are so used to be demigods that we just rush in to the middle of the action and press 4.

    Playing keep away when starting helps a ton, which seems to be what you are already doing, having your enemies moving at you in a straight line really helps.

    So does using the terrain to your advantage.

    Fighter enemies aren't very smart and will crash into rocks if you lure them there. Using big space rocks to shield yourself against crew ships is also pretty important early on.

    Keeping tabs on your revolite and resources, so you can optimize runs to the forge when necessarily, and never run out of fixing glue. Remember, if you're not fighting you're not getting resources.

    Always prioritize ramsleds, as they will slow you down considerably early on. If there's a crew ship, wait a bit to see if they launch a ramsled before engaging.

    Timing when to take down a crew ship, like for example making use of your invulnerability phase when you fix a breach, so you can gain more time when going in.

    Making sure to prioritize Outriders if they are anywhere close, as they can cause a lot of damage fast. One missile will typically do the trick.

    When boarding, be fast at it, quick in, blow reactor, back out. There's a good chance that while you're doing this, you will have a critical breach. Don't panic, when you get used to this, there's plenty of time to go in and out and back again to fix it.

    But most of all, it's ultimately about gaining experience. The more you do it, the more you develop your player skills, and a lot of this just becomes second nature, and you don't really think about it.

    I'm sure there's a lot more that I'm forgetting, since I've done this when Railjack launched, and it's been a while.

    Needless to say, as soon as you start picking up some avionics and build Sigma series weapons/components from your Dojo, everything becomes way easier. And if you feel you can't handle this kind of "stressful" environment that we had at early stages of RJ, you can always get a team to help you out.

    .... but again, maybe you shouldn't really be wasting your time at this point, since in about 4 hours the revised update hits consoles, and everything will be easy.

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  18. 41 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I’m struggling to make it through the first Earth node with my brand new un-upgraded Railjack

    My Railjack got blown up the first times I tried it.

    Needless to say, I had no idea what I was doing. Little knowledge, zero experience. I suspect maybe that's the case there?

    I would tell you to think a bit more tactically instead of going balls in, and to keep trying, because soon you would build up your player skills and your muscle memory would trigger in and from that point it becomes considerably easier.

    Of course I'm saying "would", because at this point may as well wait a bit and in 7 hours it will become trivial.

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  19. I don't think the issues you are identifying are issues at all, tbh.

    Let's not forget the reason why they are giving this: A way for players who like to test their gear against higher level enemies without having to use Simulacrum or spending hours in endless missions before they show up.

    This isn't intended to be "new content!", "new challenges!", it's just a quick way for the devs to give us quick access to high level baddies, which is something players have been requesting for years. Nothing more. All the arguments/discussions that come up around this new hard mode seem to forget about the original reason behind this.

    Now, they did mention adding cosmetics as rewards to completing hard/ultra hard content. These are a nice icing on the cake, it's a reward you get for completing either each planet or the full star chart in hard/ultra mode. It makes sense to be a one off reward, as its purpose is to give you a "I did it!" reward to pursuit. It's not more than that.


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  20. This would cause an issue that I think DE is trying to prevent: Segregation of the player base.

    That is to say, essentially splinting the community between those that are able to run hard mode and those that aren't.

    This isn't an issue for regular star chart modes ( which is what they are doing for now), since experienced players don't really have a reason to play normal nodes in the star chart abd therefore the impact is pretty much non existent, but for popular activities where there's a healthy mix of high/low level players, such as cracking relics, it could indeed become an issue.

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  21. Just to be clear, are you talking about players queuing up at Cetus for the bounties offered by Konzu there? As in, "I want this bounty but I don't want to do it so let others do it"

    Or is this a different situation, like for example queuing up for open roam on the Plains and then someone starts a bounty from one of the tents over there? As in, "I'm here to fish, you started a bounty but I don't want to do it"

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