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Posts posted by Gregio

  1. Stealth isn't difficult though.
    They need to make it more responsive and more difficult in general (at least in the sense that Ash and Loki can't insta-win) before they add a stealth mission type.

    Which is what they said they would do, by the way.
    They will not add stealth rewards to all mission types because you think being stealth is the superior way to play.
    They said they'll add a stealth mission, which I assume won't have better rewards than Nightmare mode missions or something.

    That last part is just my opinion, though.

  2. I'm really sorry if this offends you, but this has got to be the worst reply I've gotten all day. You just stated the obvious lol. Obviously, being fustrated doesn't mean being right..


    But as was stated above by someone else. Some of us had to spend the weekend with our family, friends or doing other social events. 100 people (or more) were able to get the ENTIRE weekend off to farm this mod. The rest of us who happened to be busy, didn't have a chance to obtain this (I wont say overpowered) but hella awesome mod. I assume, that the DE thought they could compensate for the exclusive mod, by giving us a weaker one, and props for that. But it's useless. It'll make your warframe weaker just thinking about using it on a weapon.


    So, in essence.. The reward was exclusive, only 100 people got to get one, the event didnt allow everyone to participate, which is outragerous considering what was at stake, and the weaker version that should make us less butthurt, felt like a giant spit in the face considering how bad it was.


    Am I right? Yes, I'm stating facts here, those above, is EXACTLY how it is. Does that mean the DE has to do anything about it? Hmm no, we don't decide, they do. Does it mean I get to be fustrated? Yes it does.

    I didn't get the mod either and I'm not frustrated, so all your worries are not FACTS, except for you being frustrated.

    The mod isn't overpowered or even useful for most people. It is currently a fad because the Snipetron Vandal is a great weapon. DE gave you a mod which does the same so you can get a feel for it. 40% extra damage on my snipetron means a LOT of extra damage, so if I like the mod, I will simply try to be one of the top 100 in the next event, or whatever the requirements for the next event are.

    The mod is not useless, 40% of the approximately 500dmg my Snipetron does on non-crits is 200 dmg. That's a lot. The event mod is just better.

    Yes, in essence the reward was exclusive, only 100 people got it. However, the event was for the Snipetron Vandal. Primed Chamber was an extra, not the main event reward, everyone who could spend 2 hours in the event during the weekend got the actual reward.

    It boils down to you considering Charged Chamber useless. It isn't. It's just weaker than Primed Chamber. Being weaker than a special item doesn't make something weak, just less strong when compared to that item.

    There's no facts here, other than your frustration, everything else is your opinion.

  3. It's a giant kick in the crotch that they give us a 40% for 9 slots after the 100 people that had every second of the weekend to play gets 100% for 7 slots.

    Why? Forget the event mod. What you have is a mod that gives 40% extra damage on the first shot of a magazine, with arguably high costs.


    I will admit, that those 100 players deserves something good for going through what they did.

    Good, they really do.

    but as it is right now, it feels more like the DE are mocking the rest of us by throwing such a useless mod in our face to silence us, and stop us from complaining about exclusive mods.

    If it's useless, don't use it, equip some elemental mod instead which deals more DPS in general and move on with your life.


    Edit: And yes, I am fustrated about this. I'm highly against exclusive items overall.

    And I am highly in favor of exclusive items. If I had the time to be at the weekend event and get an item that was distributed to the top 100 best players and you got the same item in a mission because RNG was feeling generous, what worth was my time? Why did I spend the whole weekend killing informers? (I didn't actually, killed like 30 and got bored, but anyways)

    My direct replies in bold in the quote.


    You being frustrated about something doesn't mean you're right. It means your point of view causes this frustration, many people agree with you, many disagree, DE disagrees and has chosen to keep the mod event exclusive.

  4. No, quit whining. You don't have to use Charged Chamber.
    It IS fair that the top scorers in the event get a better mod. They did better, they spent more time on it. It's not your fault or theirs that they had/have more free time, though it was on a weekend, so many people can't say they were working.
    Regardless, DE has said it'll be event exclusive. I doubt it'll be available in the same TYPE of event. Next time they have an event, it might be distributed to a larger number of people, or under different circumstances. Be patient and don't be greedy.

  5. Veteran players generally are less likely to pay more than an influx of new players. Its word of mouth that can make or break a new game, especially something that markets its self as a f2p game. Catering more to veteran players who aren't as likely to pay large amounts a second time will hurt the game as it drives new players and new wallets away. Just look at the recent changes in U8 and 9. The market changes drove many, many new players away and the upped difficulty has made the starting areas abysmal for any new players unable to get a group. Those who do go online most likely just get rushed through by over levelled players farming, which can kill interest in a game just as fast as anything else.

    DE ignoring new players to cater to the older ones is probably going to come back to bite them in the &#!, especially with the up and coming PS4 launch.

    The new players haven't really seen much change though.

    Nightmare mode won't affect any new players until they finish their first planet. Mercury's difficulty hasn't been upped otherwise, except for the Vor buff. And that their first boss encounter is a difficult one is a good thing. It'll require DE to improve the other bosses to match up to Vor. A boss should be a team effort as it is for new players in all levels. Not someone you go kill to get drops X, Y and Z.

    I haven't really seen many new players driven off or anything. Once or twice, a new players stops by and says "DISRUPTORS ARE TOO OP, PLEASE NERF", or "I GOT SLASHED BY SOME GRINEER WARFRAME WHO FLICKERED LIGHTS", but mostly the community is helpful and if the player "lived" enough to come to the forums address their concerns, he'll probably make some friends, get a squad and keep playing.

  6. Tell him to log out and log him.
    I just had the same problem. I could also see the new sub forum DE made for the new under 3 mission players that they're calling Pupils.
    When I relogged on the forums, it fixed itself.

  7. I'm not sure how to put this.... DE has been doing everything you've just listed.  There are way more than 2 tile sets (there's Corpus ships, Grineer ships, the Dojo, Corpus outposts, Orokin towers, and more).  DE has also stated they are working on a new faction (and have been for some time).  Voice acting is added every major patch (if not more).  And a new batch of skins (alternate helms) was just released with Update 9.  Last but not least, several key members of the dev team are currently working on the stamina and melee systems.  Quite frankly, I'm amazed at the amount of content this company is consistently putting out. 


    The only thing DE is not doing well is polish.  Ironically, you are asking for more and less polish at the same time (more polish, but less balancing).  Unfortunately, the developers do not seem to have any intention of slowing down content updates for more quality assurance testing, which may very well lead to unhappy fans in the long run.  The game needs more balance testing, not less (2/3rds of all melee weapons are terrible, multiple warframes are underpowered or glitchy, etc.). 

    You don't keep veteran players happy with only bugfixes though. If you don't flush out new content and balancing and fixes at the same time, you lose players. While I would like more, I think DE has been doing their best, and I'm not generally speaking unsatisfied. Quick fixes on Raptor and Vor, all the new prime stuff on the new modes, we're still researching stuff in our dojo.

  8. Also, 2 tilesets? What the F doe.

    We have 4 tile sets. Corpus Ships. Corpus outposts. Grineer asteroid bases. Grineer galeons. There are two faction structure-types plus infested "reskins". Plus the Orokin void. And the Dojo stuff.

    In fact, just about the only thing I approve of in  your post is Warframe Characterization.

    They have mentioned the Warframes are the "characters" of the game, much like the Medic in TF2 or Zoey in L4D.
    Yet with the way we can have all warframes, people think of them as mere armors. There needs to be mechanics and stories in place so people think of them as characters, you can still play them your way, but give the "canon" frames a personality, for example. They already sort of have one from their descriptions, make it more visual and more constructed.

  9. Things they've talked about, specially regarding weapon updates.

    There's one team working on weapon and models. This team works on weapons. The team that makes maps is different. The team that makes sounds gets screwed by everyone else.

    They are introducing a new big tile set, and they're always adding new things.

    Nightmare mode IS a new mechanic. New dojo rooms have been mentioned, watch the livestreams, yea? We just got a new obstacle course room.

    Skins and models aren't very important to me, but there's the clan emblems and the dangly bit helmets and more stuff to come they said.

    Making brand new features takes time. And a lot of people. Adding a new sword takes much less time and people who WOULD NOT, either way, be working on the new features.

  10. Slash dash is powerful.
    Stalker's isn't particularly different.

    He is supposed to make you "Oh S#&$, Stalker" though, there's nothing wrong with that. When you see the flickering lights, freak out, try to find an advantageous position and as with every enemy in the game, do what you should do, try not to get it.

  11. People are complaining the game is too difficult at the moment, however. Implementing this system and making higher level content even MORE difficult, though just a bit, is what should happen were this idea implemented.


    I am against this idea coz "HOLY S*** THAT'S BADASS" feeling is awesome :P

    I understand, though I don't agree, but that's what opinions are all about.Thanks for your input.

  12. You always need to adapt to change.
    If you don't have many maxed mods and you're playing on Pluto with a rank 15 Rhino as you could before, yes, you're gonna die.

    But I haven't had any problems soloing anything on any of my Frames, Rhino being one of them.
    I solo'd from Raptor to the Mobile Defense Infested alert on Rhino (my Rhino's just supercharged, no Forma), and it's still very easy to solo anything on my thrice forma'd Nyx.

    The "learning curve" of the game got higher, you can't be in Jupiter, Eris, Ceres as early as you could before, you're gonna get wrecked, but it's still perfectly possible to solo stuff around your level, i.e. if you have low rank gear with rank 3 redirection, you should be in Saturn, not Pluto.

  13. No more stacking, increased 'Aura' effects.


    This will lead to more solo and less teamplay. And it defeats the purpose of naming them 'Auras'

    Could you explain your logic please?

    Yes, solo play would become a little stronger. But the Auras would still affect your team mates, so I think the naming is very adequate.

    The only change would be non-repeating Auras, which, imagine, if it makes solo play stronger, will make squad play much stronger. If one player alone can have ~75% of the effect of what is currently Quad Siphon, another uses Rifle Amp, another Steel Charge and someone else has that anti-armor mod, you could DEVASTATE Grineer, completely.

    Implementing this system would, of course, require some elevated difficulty, I think the initiative with Nightmare mode would be a good instance for this. There could also be an extra difficulty slider (a tiny one) based on how many maxed auras are in a squad.

  14. Hello, my name's Gregio. and this is Jackass.

    I was reading a couple threads on things like, how Infested Impedance doesn't make enough of a difference on it's own, unless more than one squad members uses it, same going for the anti-armor and anti-shield auras, as well as other Auras, like Rifle Amp, for example.

    Between that and most players at the moment either a) farming the new content in the void and b) just repeating endless defense endlessly, most squads simply find Quad Siphon to be the be all end all of the game. I highly doubt this is an intended feature for the game.

    So, my suggestion would be to double or triple the effect of all Auras, yes, you heard right, but keep on reading.
    Increase the effect of all Auras, so equipping a maxed version of that Aura actually makes a difference, even if you have only one Infested Impedance, Infested will move 35 to 50% slower. That's a big interference, right?

    "But if it moves 35% slower and we have 4 of them, are the infested gonna move IN NEGATIVE SPEED? OH MY GOD."
    No. Why? Because the core of my suggestion is that you no longer be able to stack artifacts/aura mods. Yes, no more quad siphon or quad anything, really.

    Many of the Auras in the game have great potential, but for the playstyle of most players, that usefulness is overshadowed by the "HOLY S#&$ THAT'S BADASS" feeling you get from maxed Quad Siphon and spamming ultimates or they are not as effective as Siphon.

    To do this, some things would be necessary. In the squad view, that atm works only on the Online tab or whenever it wants, we would need an aura mod icon, like the old artifact cards, so a squad knows what each other are taking and so no one takes duplicate auras which would be useless or the game would not allow the squad to proceed with duplicate auras.
    (I think making them just not stack would be better, because what if two persons only have that one aura mod and they need it because of the energy improvements?)

    For this to be effective, the stats of things would have to be adjusted. Quad Siphon has been nerfed in the Aura system, so, I'd say giving the renewed Aura system that I'm suggesting the capacity to recharge energy at 1 per second or 1.5 per second on a maxed mod would be good enough considering every other Aura would be buffed and a squad could form some devastating combos.

    Other stats would be something like this:
    - Steel Charge and Rifle Amp : Would increase their respective items between 30-40% at max
    - Enemy Radar : Could have a bit of an increased range.
    - The Scavenger mods are okay, I suppose, it would need some weapon synergy between team mates, like, everyone's using shotguns and snipers, or at least the Pistol Scavenger one would be very useful, they just don't have much utility in the current setup when compared to Quad Siphon

    And that's the sum of it, that's my idea.
    If you support it or not, say why in this thread and upvote it, share it to your Warframe playing buddies and bring more diversity and different playstyles to our beloved game.

  15. Not to rain on your parade but Shiffty_Shuffler already answerd you. You can only reaserch on thing at a time because some reasearch needs something else researched first before you can research it(Yo dawg).


    Like with Tech lab, First you have to research Fieldron, Then Prova and then Dera (I think). On at a time.

    You are wrong. Please step out the thread before spreading misinformation, thank you.

    This information is exactly what I'm trying to determine in this thread&now in my dojo, if you don't know, do not give wrong information.

    You can research at least two items in each interval.

    After researching Fieldron, you unlock Prova. After Prova, you unlock Dera and Supra. And after Dera, all other researches are available.

  16. Said energy weapons are mostly my concern.

    There's currently two weapons you can build at once in the energy labs, Prova and Dera, then Lanka, Supra and Spectra.
    I just want to spend 3 days to get at least 2 weapons, not only one.

  17. Anyone? Please?
    I really want to know this before the first research is done so I don't possibly waste resources. Come on, no one has more than one lab of the same kind in their dojo to test this out?

    Ask your friends, help me out if you can.

  18. Simple deduction you can take from the Aura mod system.

    Aura system now adds X mod points, up to 14.
    This is more than enough to fulfill the needs of most players, save for those with maxed Redirection, Vitality and Steel Fiber on a single frame.

    Developers obviously know this, thus we can guess that there are new mods coming which will have greater costs, otherwise, polarizing would become unecessary for many builds and Forma gives DE money, so, they wouldn't want that.

  19. My clan is currently building our first set of labs.
    Got Bio and Energy researching Mutagen and Fieldron, which'll take three days, which's fine.

    The Energy lab however, can take on multiple researches after fieldron, and each of them takes three days.

    If I were to build more energy labs, could each one tackle a different research, or are the researches clan-based?

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