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Posts posted by Gelos.Prime

  1. I think Deep Archimedea has made this a more pressing issue and one that should be addressed.

    The main complaint I've seen about Deep Archimedea is from players who need to upgrade warframe and weapon configurations to assemble a decent loadout.  In my experience to-date, this can take anywhere from 3 to 5 Forma, and that's just to beef up a single warframe and weapon.

    In the case above, the current 23-hour build for Forma means a player without Forma on-hand will then need to wait 3 to 5 days to even generate and level up what they need to run the series of missions.

    To put it another way, a player who doesn't have time to make 3 to 5 Forma will simply hope for a carry on a Deep Archimedea run, thereby increasing the load and difficulty (and possibility of failure) for the rest of the team on that run.

    DE introduced the difficulty level and limited gear options of Deep Archimedea and DE can help address those by reducing the time needed to craft Forma.  And I'm not kidding when I say they should reduce its crafting time from 23 hours to 1 minute.  I'm serious.

    • Like 1
  2. Void Relic Packs which award 3 random Void Relics are offered from several in-game vendors, typically costing reputation, but Steel Essence in Teshin's case.  Could these packs please be added as a regular offering costing Ducats from Baro Ki'Teer every time he appears?

    I realize there's a sort of chicken-and-egg ramification here, since spare Prime parts players don't need can be sold for Ducats, which, if this is implemented, will then allow players to purchase Void Relics which will then produce more Prime parts they don't need to be sold for more Ducats.

    I don't know how many other players have this issue, but the problem I would like addressed here is my case, where I have a lot of Ducats with nothing to spend them on because I literally have one of everything Baro currently sells.  I'm not bragging here, just stating a fact.  So, when another new Prime warframe with its related weapons is released, I would like to have another source of purchasing random Void Relics for farming them.

    As for the cost, considering that 3 Void Relics could potentially earn a maximum of 300 Ducats, perhaps set the purchase value at 400 or 500 Ducats for a Void Relic pack?  That would at least guarantee a Ducat loss for players as a clear penalty for continually flipping Void Relic rewards for Ducats.

    DE, thank you in advance for your consideration.

    • Like 2
  3. I cannot say for sure this will solve your problem, but try going into Options and on the System tab setting your Matchmaking Ping Limit to 100 (the lowest setting).  While that setting will limit the availability of the groups you join, the ones you do join will have a much more reliable connection.

    I used to get very frustrated with host migration issues and ever since I was advised to and set that value to 100 my group connection reliability was far better and I really haven't noticed any significant time change when queuing for groups.

    A second option is after you start a mission and no one joins after 20-30 seconds, exit the mission, literally count to 10 and then re-queue.  I can't tell you how many times that's worked for me, but it does.  I'll start a mission during prime time that I figure lots of people will be running and no one joins my group.  I then exit, count to 10, re-queue and end up joining a full group.  It happens to me so often that I'm sure there's a problem with DE's queuing logic, but since I can't reliably reproduce it, I can't submit a bug report.  But the workaround of exiting then re-entering the queue is not terrible so it's probably why DE hasn't had enough people complaining about the issue to properly fix it.

    Hope this helps!

    • Like 1
  4. I have had a good experience with Deep Archimedea, but would like to see a form of squad filling implemented in the future.  To summarize my PUG experience:

    Week 1:  Successfully ran normal DA

    Week 2:  Group fell apart in the first mission.  Second group successfully ran everything and I qualified for Elite

    Week 3:  Ran Elite DA and we pretty much blew through all 3 missions without any issues

    Each run, the lingering uneasiness in my mind was thinking how if any group failed or otherwise fell apart in missions 2 or 3 that I would have to start all over again from scratch in mission 1 with a new group.  Due to the difficulty level involved, each mission takes a fair amount of time to complete and I really didn't look forward to a possible fail in mission 3 and have to then spend the time involved to re-run missions 1 and 2 with a new group.

    My suggestion is to implement a squad filling capability where, say, if I had completed mission 1 with a previous group that then fell apart, that when I entered the queue to re-run the series that I would be matched up with a group of less than 4 members who had completed mission 1 but were then moving to start mission 2.  And likewise for having completed mission 2, moving to mission 3.

    This functionality would greatly diminish the potential angst and wasted time of successfully completing the first 2 missions only to have the group fall apart in mission 3 and then have to run missions 1 and 2 all over again.

    • Like 3
  5. Respectfully, DA is not flawed.  It just requires patience.

    Last week my choices for warframe and weapons kind of sucked.  So I just went for a Gold run and got it.

    This week one of my warframe choices is Wukong.  Given that, I don't really care about the weapon choices.  I haven't run it yet, but I'm expecting with high confidence to complete a Diamond run.

    Next week?  Who knows?  If my gear choices suck, I'll just go for another Gold run.  If not, Diamond it is.

    The DA options are not going to allow a Diamond run every week, or at least will make that goal very difficult (except for the top 1% of all players).  I, for one, plan to be patient and run Diamond when I can and Gold when I can't.  I'm happy with that.  

    • Like 3
  6. I sympathize with players who don't like the Deep Archimedea loadout randomizer.  We all have carefully configured warframe and weapon loadouts optimized for high-level play and want to use those in high-level content.

    But I must respectfully disagree with players who want to get rid of the loadout randomizer entirely.  I think the underlying problem lies in player expectations.

    It appears that some players want to max out all Research Points every week, whether running normal or Elite Archimedea, but I (again, respectfully) think those expectations are too high.  Yes, there are the elite 1% of all Warframe players who could do that.  To be clear, I am not one of them.

    Keep in mind that the choices offered by the loadout randomizer will change each week.  If one week the stars align and the choices are optimal for any given player, then that player can pick their optimized loadout and go for Diamond or higher awards that week.  But in weeks where only non-optimal choices are offered, players can then just pick the best they can and possibly try for Gold awards.  To me, this is quite reasonable.

    The compromise I would offer is to increase the number of choices in the loadout randomizer for both warframes and weapons from 3 to 4 (or even 5) choices.  That, at least, would give players a better chance of successfully earning more Resource Point awards on any given week.

    • Like 7
  7. For someone asking that question, I recommend a Rhino Prime.

    Use mods that maximize Strength, Health and Armor, while keeping Duration, Efficiency and Range at least 100% each.  Keep Rhino Armor (Ability 2) up at all times and you'll survive pretty much any and all missions.

    After you have grown used to using it along with its other abilities, then start branching out by building and exploring other Prime warframes and learn how different mod combinations can improve their abilities.  But the simplicity and toughness of a basic Rhino Prime build is hard to beat.

    • Like 1
  8. I would like the ability to rearrange the order of the Archon Shards I've placed on a warframe.

    There are currently 5 Archon Shard slots on a warframe.  All I want to do is be able to drag-and-drop an existing Archon Shard I've placed on a warframe from one slot to another.  If the target slot is empty, then the Archon Shard would move to that slot.  If the target slot already has an Achon Shard in it, then the 2 shards would switch places.

    This does not involve adding a new Archon Shard to the warframe nor removing one.  It would simply add the ability using drag-and-drop to move a shard already on the warframe from one slot to another slot.

    Could this functionality please be added?

    Thank you in advance.

    • Like 4
  9. Is the Recovery Timer Reduction cumulative for the Momentous Bond mod?

    For example, with a Rank 5 mod, killing an Eximus enemy reduces the companion's recovery timer by 18 seconds. Will killing 2 Eximus enemies reduce the companion's recovery timer by 36 seconds (and so on)?

    Also, does the Recovery Timer Reduction only apply during the 30-second bonus Elemental Damage phase, or will it last after the phase has ended?

  10. Thank you to those of you who have responded in a thoughtful, constructive manner.

    It is true I am only a single user.  But it is also true Host Migration issues affect all of us, platinum buyers and non-buyers alike, whether we're on a PC or console platform.

    Yes, "demand" is a strong term, but in regard to continuing Host Migration issues I, for one, have moved on from the "Hey, could you pretty-please fix this issue?" approach.

    I agree DE probably cannot completely re-write their entire network and group-based architecture.  But I also assert they can do a lot more to make it better and more reliable.

    I'm sure everyone remembers the first couple of months running Duviri, where we were all praying not to get a Host Migration before getting to the Orowyrm fight at the end because that would mean losing all our progress to that point.  Yes, DE fixed that issue, but the solution was really just putting another band-aid on the problem.

    While it may be true my current approach is overly aggressive, I would encourage everyone to speak up in whatever manner they deem best so DE takes notice and fixes, once and for all, these continuing, chronic Host Migration issues.

    • Like 3
  11. 11 hours ago, Pakaku said:

    If your game froze after you loaded into a mission, that sounds like it could be an issue on your end

    I do not play many online games, but the few I do are major titles.  Warframe is the ONLY game where when I join and start a group activity that at some point the game is interrupted and I'm suddenly solo in that activity.  That has never happened with any the other games and only happens for me in Warframe, so no, it's not an issue on my end.

    Or to put it another way:  The other major games I play don't have this issue in my normal Windows 10 environment on my normal fast, wired internet connection.  Warframe shouldn't either


    11 hours ago, NinthAria said:

    Something tells me you aren't in a position to demand anything of anyone at DE.

    Something tells me that as a regular platinum buyer who therefore helps pay salaries and the electric bill at DE (among other things) that, actually, I am in exactly that position

    • Like 8
  12. I am sick of getting Host Migration issues and am growing more angry each time they happen

    Tonight I was trying to run Steel Path Incursion missions.  Three times I joined a full group, we landed, started moving, and after 2-3 seconds my screen froze for anywhere from 20 to maybe 45 seconds, I received the Host Migration message and was left alone at the start of the mission

    Host Migration issues continue to be a problem release after release after release and I am sick of it

    DE, this is not a request, but a demand:  Fix the Host Migration issues once and for all, in every case they may happen, in every mission type possible, whether happening at start, mid-mission or at the end.  Stop development on all new warframes, weapons and other game features, put as many developers on it as are needed and fix these issues in a reliable manner NOW

    • Like 8
    • TYPE: Affinity Booster Intrinsics Award
    • DESCRIPTION: I currently have a 30-Day Affinity Booster in effect.  Today I received a 13-hour Affinity Booster as my Daily Tribute.  Yesterday I ran 2 Scarlet Spear Murex missions as a host pilot and we successfully completed 5 waves on both missions.  I was awarded 55 Intrinisics points.  After I received the 13-hour Affinity Booster today, I ran 2 Scarlet Spear Murex missions as a host pilot and we successfully completed 5 waves on both missions but I was only awarded 28 Intrinisics points.  It appears the Daily Affinity Booster has somehow cancelled or affected the 30-day booster and I was only awarded the normal, non-boosted amount of Intrinsics points for both missions
    • VISUAL: None
    • REPRODUCTION: I don't know how to replicate this other than to have a test account have a 30-Day Affinity Booster, then receive a single 13-hour Affinity Booster as a Daily Tribute reward, then pilot 2 Scarlet Spear Murex missions successfully completing 5 waves
    • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have received approximately 55-56 Intrinsics points total for both missions
    • OBSERVED RESULT: I only received 28 Intrinsics points total for both missions
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: I believe this has happened to me in the past but I do not have hard data examples to back that up
  13. Good catch on the "Start In" folder path.  Thank you!  That addressed it for me.

    I love the game.  But with the minor annoying breakages like this issue and the number of bugs that typically pop up in new functionality I sometimes wonder if DE even *has* a QA team.  I'm sure they do, but... like... <sigh>

  14. This appears to be a cross-platform bug that has still not been fixed.  OP, correct me if I'm wrong but you're playing on an XBox using keyboard and mouse and can't bring up the Tactical screen by hitting the L key on the keyboard.  I play on a Windows computer using an XBox One controller and can't bring up the Tactical screen by hitting RB+Left D-Pad (which is how the XBox One platform and controller is supposed to be able to do it).  Also, when I go into the Customize Controller screen and select Railjack, there is no entry for assigning a controller key to opening the Tactical screen.  But when I open the Railjack keyboard options the entry is there.

  15. I currently have an active Affinity Booster.  When I run railjack missions, I keep getting an odd number of Intrinsics in my mission reward screen.  Not "odd" in terms of unusual but "odd" in terms of literally odd numbers.  This should not be possible with an Affinity Booster, which should be doubling all Intrinsics rewards.  All awards should be even numbers.

    For example, in my last 3 railjack missions with an active Affinity Booster I received 7, 5 and 9 Intrinsics, which are odd numbers.  It is my understanding that Affinity Boosters should be doubling the amount of Intrinsics earned, so there is no way the Intrinsics earned should be odd numbers.  As I understand it, those values should have been 14, 10 and 18.


  16. I run Warframe on a Windows computer using an XBox One controller.

    In the Railjack Components and Armaments screens, the controls using the XBox One controller were broken somewhere in the 27.0.11 to patches.

    Before the 27.0.11 set of patches, after selecting Components at the top of the screen using the "A" button on my controller I would then select the Shield Array, Engines or Reactor symbols with the "A" button and would then see the list of available components which I could then repair, scrap, etc.

    The 27.0.11 set of patches broke this functionality.  Now when I try to select the Shield Array, Engines or Reactor symbols with the "A" button the background screen changes but the list of components to be repaired, scrapped, etc. does not appear.  Nothing shows at all.

    When I switch to my computer's mouse to select these symbols I instantly get the correct Components maintenance repair, scrap, etc. screen.

    On the Armaments screen when I do this now it prompts me whether or not I want to uninstall that weapon (it did not prompt me before the 27.0.11 patches) but then does correctly show the list of options to use or scrap the various armaments.

    When I switch to my computer's mouse to select these symbols I instantly get the correct Armaments maintenance repair, scrap, etc. screen but without the prompt to uninstall the weapon.


  17. My configuration is I run Warframe on Windows but use an XBox One controller connected to my machine via Bluetooth.

    According to the XBox One Empyrean Update 27.0.5 notes, while in my railjack on a mission I should be able to bring up the Tactical Menu by holding down the Ability key (Right Button by default) and then pressing the left D-Pad.  This does not work.  Nothing happens.  I am, however able to bring up the Tactical Menu by hitting the "L" key on my keyboard.

    All other XBox One controller functions appear to work correctly, as mapped out in the customization screen.  I have not changed any of the default settings.

    When I check the customization options for my controller the Tactical Menu is not in the list of options so there is no way I can attempt to set or reset this option.


  18. I run Warframe on a Windows PC but use an XBox One controller connected to my machine via Bluetooth.  Currently my Intrinsic Pilot rank is 5.

    On the Intrinsics screen, hover over Piloting and then hit the Details button.  There are 2 issues in the descriptions for how to perform Pilot maneuvers:

    (1) For Ranks 1 and 2 the description of how to enter and exit Boost and Vector Maneuver is not correct.  Holding down the Left Stick (LS) on an XBox One controller acts the same as a tap.  Whether you tap or hold the Left Stick (LS), you enter Vector Maneuver.  Tapping or holding the Left Stick (LS) then exits Vector Maneuver.  There is no difference in behavior between a Left Stick (LS) tap or hold.

    (2) For Rank 5 the button specified for entering a Drift Maneuver is not correct.  For an XBox One controller the description specifies pressing and holding the Left Stick (LS) to charge and then launch.  However, either pressing or holding the Left Stick (LS) simply toggles you out of your Vector Maneuver (see above).  It does not initiate a Drift Maneuver.  What DOES initiate a Drift Maneuver is double-tapping the controller's Left Button (LB).

    Thank you in advance for addressing this issue by editing the Piloting help description to reflect the proper set of controller buttons to press (and how to press them) along with the resulting ship behavior.

  19. On 2019-12-13 at 5:54 AM, Stonehenge said:

    Okay, i will be quick.

    Like a large amount of players, i'm alone in my clan, after being the only active player.

    The basic upgrades (for turrets, reactor, etc) are designed to be absolutely necessary past the 4 or 5 first skirmish.

    And, did you even realize what you are demanding from players in terms of grind ?

    I mean, really. Did you even try ? Look at those numbers, it's completely insane.


    I wont even bother to upgrade anything at this stage, and as a result, i wont be able to play this in higher levels until some day you make a reasonnable ressource-gated system. Well, somehow that's a relief. See you next year.

    With all due respect, I would recommend joining another clan with only a few members.  My clan has less than 10 members.  On my own I have been able to supply all the resources for all the research needed to build the MK I and II weapons for everyone.  I anticipate being able to do so as well for the MK III versions.  Being in a small clan has distinct advantages when it comes to research.

  20. One issue my railjack team has is our turret gunners may spot something around the ship or in the distance that we need to address but they have no way of being able to give directions to the pilot about where the "thing" is in relation to the ship.  The gunners have 360-degree views but the pilot can only view what's directly in front of the ship.

    I wanted to suggest adding an arrow indicator (or some other meaningful icon) on the turret gunner's view that shows where the front of the ship is pointing in relation to their 360-degree view.  That way they can better guide a pilot to turn the ship in whatever direction is desired.  For example, if a gunner has a "ship-facing" arrow in the far upper-left of their view and they spot a target in their center view they can tell the pilot the target is "down and to the right" and the pilot can turn the ship accordingly.

    This would greatly aid the teamwork involved in many of the missions we have completed to-date.


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