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Everything posted by NinjaSyao

  1. I'm not a fan of Brozime's ideas and builds myself, for example the Mesa green shard build is so pointless it hurts, but he's got a point on this one. Every outside source of DR sofar has had hefty requirements attached to it: Null Star helminth: the frame needs 300% duration for full effect, is inconsistent at best, despises any build with range... which is most frame builds out there AND only works on health Arcane Double Back: only 75% DR, requires different movements to activate and thus forcing you into a certain way of playing and has really crappy duration ^ Only needing 180% power strength (which is peanuts, considering how many sources of power strength we now have) for an ability that's basically a good Null Star AND a Roar competitor at the same time? Pfft! Please, DE is not gonna do that. They were already talking about nerfing the values of the Helminth version if the toggle became a thing. I'd much rather have them make it a good ability with very, very high requirements (328% power strength requirement for full strip never stopped Pillage from being popular, lol), then them getting scared and nerf the buffs into the ground.
  2. A tap/hold toggle like everyone's saying here and has been saying for literal years! I agree with Brozime's suggestion of substantially lowering the base damage boost for the Helminth version to like 70%-ish, while giving the DR portion its 95% cap back, BUT! Lowering the starting point to 30%, so a frame wanting to use that damage reduction or damage boost would have to invest very heavily into Strength.
  3. I've managed to get gyro working, but at the expense of the right stick becoming very stiff/unresponsive with camera control. Quite frankly it feels very bad to play and I'm still working on getting this sorted out, but man! This game needs proper ingame support for gyro on PC. Check for my template (NinjaSyao) saying "Warframe low sensitivity gyro controls. Work in progress, has issues with right analogue stick." It's an improved version of the official template (which for some reason doesn't have gyro enabled? >.>). It's far from perfect and I'd love input from more knowledgeable people (it's my first time making a butten layout template) on how to improve this.
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