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Posts posted by Efro_D_Siac

  1. This is all GREAT news! Minus how slow it is. I'm sure I'll like it regardless though, since I love bows in general. Thanks all. 

    I agree, I too love all the bows and in my opinion it looks like this was designed to be a more unique addition to the arsenal for people who use the bows, more so then an all around go-to primary

  2. A single arrow from Paris Prime does 20 times more damage than a round from Boltor Prime.  >_>


    It's just requires a lot more skill to use so it's not as popular 


  3. Davestream?...welll ...sounds kinda like Devstream :3


    little tip for your links: you should link to the exact time where the bow concept was shown ;)

    ( around the 26min)



    And to make it a little bit easier about what concept this thread is:



    I like 6 and 5. (5 because some sweet bow-melee combos would be nice xD, and 6 because...welll...just looks awesome^^)



    I'm a bow-fanatic as well, I'm hoping for either 5 or 7 we need more recurves! and the crit chance better be serious

  4. Well, what do you expect. 


    I mean, we have all those God-Tier weapons and frames. If you dont use them, play solo.

    What frame do you use? Not rhino prime or nova, you say? Please die.

    Whats your primary? Not a Boltor Prime? Get out.

    And your secondary? Not a Brakk or Marelok? Gtfo.

    Your melee? HAH! Scrub, ninjas dont melee. Ever.


    What I said above is the mindset of those who need to be slapped in the face.

    Multiple times.

    With a fish.

    thank you, it is not seen often but some people really do get riled up when you don't use a certain weapons and frames in a game that has a lot of options when it comes to load outs. with the passive aggressive comments like "gee Ive never seen that used in a serious (insert game mode) before" like calm it down sir and take notes you might be surprised.

  5. if you love finishers, you gotta love ash teleport instafinishing moves on enemy, love doing it with zorens and dualsdaggers

    we will have new finishers with the new upcoming weapons, but i highly doubt more finishers with weapons cuz it takes lots of work and memory consumption(?)


  6. i swear people just desperately need to at least feel like they're on a pedestal to point out others and say "they're useless" or "people shouldn't play like that" uhm excuse me unless you work for Digital extremes you saying that is pointless 


    EVERY FRAME has thier strengths and weaknesses even though they may not be perfect 


    THERE ARE other ways of playing then the common four player "team play" style and just because that player is better at fighting by themselves does not make them "terrible" like the keyboard courage is astonishing here and if someone is playing solo then ASH or RHINO is a very good choice for them  

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