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Posts posted by The_Raall

  1. 2 things: 


    1) Make the rockets that Razorback fires a bit more visible. Maybe a trail of smoke or something? I'd like to see what kills me. Many times have they suddenly killed me, with me being clueless as to what happened. (and then there's one time where they looped around as I was hacking a bursa and hit me square in the head... what?)


    2) Perhaps change Bursa AI to not slide under the razorback and fire at the its underbelly, doing nothing at all? They'll shoot, shoot, shoot and then die without doing anything.


    These 2 things would make the event a lot less rage inducing.

    actually those rockets are visible some times having smoke coming from them(have seen some rockets without smoke too).



  2. also you should have said about stealth scans(how scanning enemy that haven't seen you yet gives 2x scans) and simaris scanner and that scanners gadgets.


    Edit: also you don't need to key-bind gears, you just can press "Q"(pc) and select what you want(way to make emotes too).


    If you don't want to use scanners or make helios you can use atlas and his new augment mod for "Petrify" that scans enemies and has chance to make those enemies to drop extra loot.

  3. If I may ask, what weapon?  And what did you replace to add them to your build?


    Not trying to be rude or anything, I'm genuinely curious.

    It's because I don't use critical delay or metal auger/shred. and weapon i was able to fit those both was rakta cernos.

  4. Any idea when next pack of these "arcane" mods(argon scope, body count. ETC.) come out and is there possibility that there will be these type of mods for warframes too? and because many of the weapons can now go over 200% crit chance will there be new crit or will it always be capped at red crits.

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