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Posts posted by The_Raall

  1. you get 100k per raid right? and raids have limit per day? + it's stressful to coordinate with pubs, we need credits for the masses that play on public, not everyone has an active/big clan.

    you get at least 100k often 150k if there was booster on the way or you already had one on it goes to 300k. you can get only 1 arcane per raid per day but you can get unlimited amount of credits. yes it can get stressful but then again everything can be stressful if ppl are like that that they are in raid... (never seen so many headless chickens in one area.)There are some rly fast runs too and raids are part of this game... it seems waste to not to do those

  2. Huh? If I was going to role-play then there is only one option.


    Roleplay as my single Tenno, we all only get one Tenno, the Warframe they're wearing doesn't matter, it's just a suit regardless of shape.


    If you're viewing the Warframes as separate people that's headcanon, and contrary to good RP, I mean how would you explain the Stalker suddenly going after your Fictional-Tenno-welded-into-a-Rhino-Warframe when it was your Fictional-Tenno-welded-into-a-Trinity-Warframe that ticked him off by killing Phorid? How do you RP the fact that all the Fictional-Tenno-Welded-into-Warframes all have identical relationships to syndicates and that relationship changes in the same way regardless which one does the mission?


    So yeah, I'll be RPing my Tenno, who was woken by the Lotus, escaped Vor, Killed him only to see him rise again. Wandered through the Origin system collecting Weapon and Warframes, like-what-the-story-says.

    WOW some1 not getting what he asked you. as there is going to be cinematic or two, warframe that you choose will be shown on those and you want it to look bad &#! as possible. I bet you gonna go there with your tenno and leave your warframe behind

  3. but what about the fact that exposition is needed at the end of the natah quest?

    I mean she doesn't talk about what have happened in few years and so on... she only talks about what happened rly long time ago and sometimes she comment on you what you just did but never about things that have happened within the time you have been with her

  4. hysteria was changed so now that you deactivate it you take certain % of dmg you would have taken if you wouldn't had hysteria on if there is enemy close enough. If you can understand any of what i said.(hard time to understand myself what I'm talking)


    EDIT: reason why you critted so low was because there was ancient healer around that makes every1 else around them almost immune to dmg and completely immune to CC

  5. - Every Nitain alert gives you a guaranteed Nitain Extract, meaning there is absolutely 0 RNG, and the best;

    It's RNG when and how many alerts there will be... remember that since it's new material it's frequent ATM but in future I don't think there will be more than 1 alert per week

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