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Posts posted by The_Raall

  1. That's because Heavy Impact is momentum-based, not air height- or air time-based. Melee slamming raises your downwards momentum.

    with some weapons this doesn't work since weapon touches the ground before you do and reduces you momentum by doing so.

  2. try spy missions or even better try Law of Retribution for G3. corpus spy missions seems to have pretty nice chance of spawning zanuka and on LoR G3 comes always. for stalker it doesn't matter what you do... as long you wear only one weapon :/ just joking I don't know what makes stalker to come more often. I have seen him a lot lately like every 50th mission.

  3. I would think, maybe the lotus has a giant room in there?


    Or it's the room where a trading update is going to be, as they said something about trading being in relays in devstream.

    but they added the new relay that is made only for trading.(called maroo's bazaar)

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