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Posts posted by CaptainEras

  1. 19 hours ago, Schizoid-Man said:

    Like you, I'm grateful to DE for years of gaming fun, but its hard to keep playing when 90 percent of our fellow end-game buddies are moving on to other games. Needed this quest to take the MR23 test (just a few XPS points short) but being stuck in the final battle cause keybinding glitches in new void powers -- after an ordeal controlling the Golden Maw with a phantom "S" key (what I had to do was use Zoom + number 5 after remapping default keybindings). Bottom line, as my Unopened support ticket (14 hours+) rots in the support que, cause I cant "Esc" the quest to play my previously favorite game, may indeed be, as you suggest, a signal to "esc" to another new game ? 

    I'm a bloody-minded Cornishman so 'defeat' wasn't sitting too well. Took 24 hours off, regrouped and beat the little bugger.

    I was so caught up in remapping a good keyboard layout that I totally forgot I was using a G700 mouse. Unfortunately, the game blocks timed macros but by mapping just 'ctrl' to a side button I gained that fraction of a second I needed for ctrl/space for the dash. It was fumbling over 'ctrl' which was costing me too much time.

    I had already swapped around the R with 5, and 5 with R, which meant I had E and R(5) together and could now keep my 'pinky' on 'shift' at all times for the sprint and use my left index finger for E and R.

    My routine was: First, get my frame into one of the back alcoves. Hit R(previously 5) to extract the operator (always keep the frame hidden and if he is found move him to the alcoves on the opposite side . . .only use the operator for the whole event). Move my index finger over E, pinky on shift, thumb over space,middle finger on W, right thumb (mouse) over side button. If he zaps me I just quickly hit R (5) to release the operator again.


    I had already worked out that using the void beam after the dash is the way for a quick kill [the first time it will only take some points, the second time should kill it if you keep the beam running and on target].

    I also discovered is that if you zap him with E but don't get away far enough to turn and dash, run around him [he can't dash you if you are too close] and your E power will build for another zap. If you see him raise his weapon run around the back of him.

    My big mistake was taking off the moment my dash failed and then having to start creeping again. I also made too many frontal attacks, better to be patient and creep around behind him.

    I'm having no problems mapping so your problem could be the game. I hardly ever 'verify files' as it's hit and miss on working. Years of gaming has taught me that when you have a game which is frequently updated you have a hell of a lot of fragments trying to fit together and many a time I have sorted this with a clean install.

    I'm not trying to teach you how to suck eggs but I got to victory by extracting details from YT videos and a whole load of posts on here. A lot of people helped not by what they said thinking it would be helpful but by another remark within their post . . . this is why I'm detailing my routine, something there might click with what you do and a modification on your part might be helpful.

    I'm chasing MR21 [not far to go] and as I recall when we started this adventure MR30 was the figure being bandied around so some way to go over the next 3-4 years, lol.

    If I look at it realistically I'm not addicted in the sense of playing for a ridiculous amount of hours a day, but that this game really suits me, it's all about the enjoyment level. Any conflict I have is called: Skyrim, ACC Rogue, ACC Syndicate, GTA V, Dirt Rally, Mafia III, Metal Gear Solid V, Project Cars, Sleeping Dogs, The Crew, NFS Most Wanted, all of which - except GTA V - I never seem to get any time for . . and those are just the loaded games, lol.

  2. 5 hours ago, JHarlequin said:

     To the point, you are right, The war within is definitely a commitment mission.  You can not get passed that warning and then ever back out.  You must finish it.  There are several parts that are not exactly friendly to any player.  Some things are difficult and even annoying with the control scheme.  But the option to reset your progress to get out of it when you have trouble isn't necessary.  It may be difficult but if you are having trouble, you take a break and come back and will probably be able to handle it better on the second try.

     Perhaps their warning should include a few more details.  Instead of just saying "You can not turn back after this point"  They should say "From here on in, you are dealing with many new features that might be overwhelming, and there is no turning back.  You will be in this mission even if you quit the game before completing and come back tomorrow."

    24 hour break worked wonders.

    Love it or hate it, DE gave us an ongoing highly detailed game with myriad challenges just within the core game, never mind the mini games, or fillers (which aren't for me), and their Aug. chat made it clear they are strategizing the directions for the next 3 - 4 years so it looks more and more like escape is not an option.

    There is a lot of passion floating around this highly original game so anything which is seen as an obstacle creates magnified emotions and objections, something I see as a big plus for DE in creating something which can be so stimulating.

    You are right, of course, walk away and come back later. Hellish frustration is just part of the acceptance process before trying again . . . and again, until the little bugger is tamed.

    At least now I can get back into the game and see what the new coat on Frost looks like.


  3. 8 hours ago, Schizoid-Man said:

    You betcha Tess!  Clearly, our fellow gamer post a request for technical support to the community, but instead get dragged thru the coals by most every poster (or troll) above about his game skills.    

    **Moderator**, how have the above posts been helpful to the client and the promotion of good will to the community?   Lock or removal of this topic may be best? 

     Don't feel bad erxeso, I have also been playing warfare for years (like you), have completed every item, frame, and quest in the game (MR22), and had never had to have a quest removed until this quest.

    Just put in a support ticket to DE to remove the quest for you.  Don't feel bad erxeso, I have also been playing warfare for years (like you), have completed every item, frame, and quest in the game (MR22), and I had to have the quest removed also. 

    A support ticket for quest removal had crossed my mind but DE backing me into a corner has given me the push to dump something which had become somewhat addictive. Maybe all of us 20MR+ who can't finish this quest should take a look at how addicted we are to the game and use this to escape, lol . . .

  4. 9 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Thought Specters were from rescue missions?   As to why they are not used much, thier AI is, lets be nice and call it special.    The AI on them needs some work.   Mine tend to get stuck more than Kubrow and Kavat.   I enjoy loading up on Specters, Tenno, Clem and Syndicate, grabbing Nekros with a Synoid Heliocor and have my own minion army.   Bit smarter AI and would use them more aside from for fun or as damage sponges..  

    You sure they are getting stuck ?

    If they are close to you when you press X to open something it will signal them to 'hold position'.

    Many a time I've had to retrace my way back to get them to 'follow' again :)

  5. 13 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

    The problem is, as it stands there's really no reason to use your operator, aside from destroying siphons. Before DE goes adjusting the operators' power level, they need to figure out what operators are for.

    But overall, yeah, I'd like to see them be a little more useful. Maybe just buff the amount of energy they have available, so they can stealth for more than 10-15 yards or void leap more than 3x in a row.

    When the operator first appeared a lot of people didn't like the idea and it seems that DE still have no real direction for this innovation. Many, myself included, didn't and still don't like our Warframes to be downgraded to just shells.

    I have yet to, if ever, finish the War Within Quest, so don't know the new position of gameplay, as in, can we just carry on with our frames and leave the operator out of it ?

  6. 1 hour ago, Ignignokt34 said:

    I have found no way to quit my game once the "bone cave" has started. Many people find this part easy but not so much for this Tenno and it seems I have to look forward to more endless looping fun. My real concern is the only way I have been able to quit game and give up for the night is to Kill the Warframe through task manger. Aside from shots to my shinny metal arse how else can I end part of TWW I can not finish in one sitting?

    I kept referring to this video. It shows the paths to take to get across and where to bullet sprint.


  7. On 17/11/2016 at 4:55 AM, JawnHenry said:

    Yes all good points and thanks for the input. 

    But, there is still the issue of being stuck and no way to get out of it.  That is just bad design plain and simple. 

    I don't have "elite" ninja skills, my parkour skils suck and I rarely if ever use melee weapons.  I have been stuck on MR 16 for over 6 months because I can;t get past it.  I appreciate the suggestions, but its not going to do me much good. I know my limitations and this fight its not going to happen for me.

    Totally agree, I'm in the same boat as you although sheer bloodymindedness has got me to MR20.

    I've lost count of the amount of times I have tried to beat this end game but after getting one piece of good info have come close. That info was to zap with the beam after doing the dash which stuns and disarms them, get the timing right and you will finish a guard.

    I got as far as fighting the queen, alt/tabbed out to check the method and when I went back in the game had reset so have to do it all again.

    However, this works.

    Put your frame into one of the alcoves and only move around with the operator. When the operator gets zapped hit 5 [or do what I have done and remap it to R for convenience, it means you can keep your 'pinky' on shift for sprinting, finger on W and index finger free to hit R and E]. If the frame gets zapped sprint to the alcove section on the other side and leave it there . . .you do not want to be dragging the frame around with you..

    Patience is the key so stay in the outer ring. If you see a guard heading in your direction don't risk stunning him face on as 9 times out of 10 he will get you. Use the doors to go in and out until you get behind him or trail all the back the opposite way.

    When you get the chance stun him with E.

    Now here we have a problem because the distance from him to stun is too close for the bullet dash so have to run away a few feet, turn back, and hope he is still stunned. If he is not you will know because the operator just leaps into the air when you hit ctrl/space. If you are in time dash through him [this will disarm him], but instead of trying to dash again zap him with the beam . . .there is every chance that you will kill him at this point. If not leg it out of there and keep 'patience' in mind as you slink around again.

    After killing the first single guard go to the center and zap 2 of the umbilical cords. This needs to be done after killing the first pair of guards and again after killing the 2nd pair, with the final 3 umblical cords being zapped to start the queen battle.

    When it comes to the both sets of 2 at a time - yes, that was a surprise but those guards on the podiums will come alive - keep slinking around, use the doors a bit to go in and out of the circular corridor, and after a while you will notice that the guards, in their frustration have split up and if you get it right will have their back to you so you can take them on one at a time.

    Remember, the real killer is in using the beam on a stunned guard . . .but it will go wrong more times than it will go right so be ready to quickly leg it, you don't want to use up all your revives too soon.


  8. 45 minutes ago, Coaa said:

    So I hadn't realized I would be gridlocked into a melee weapon during a certain point of that mission and blindly equipped an unmodded level 0 weapon to level it on the side.


    I could not beat the fat ladies. I could get the 1 down, but once multiple came at me it was nearly impossible to do it. After a good 30 failed attempts I force quit the game to see if I could go back and equip something else....appears force quitting the game beats the fat ladies because it progressed my quest like I beat it.

    When you say you force quit the game do you mean alt/F4 ? because that didn't work for me.

  9. Just 2 points.

    1/  I never saw any warning about being locked in. I'm not saying it didn't appear, just that if it did I didn't see it. However, had I seen it I would still have continued because at that point I didn't know that I wouldn't have the skill to finish it. If this can happen to me it can also happen to many others. Not having an option to quit at a point where you can get no further is saying that all of us must be clairvoyant [able to see the future], now is that fair ?

    2/  I know that some people have gotten to MR20 and spending virtually nothing, but they are very few and far between. Maybe someone has done it without spending anything, which would make that the only 'free' game.

    So, I do wish people would stop making this comment about a 'free' game. Long ago some bright sparks said that the future of gaming was to give away the games and make the money on microtransactions. This has now proved to be true.

    I, and many others, have spent far more on this game than if we had bought it and the updates over 3 years . . .such is the value of microtransactions.

    As the saying goes; "you get nothing for nothing", and saying; " ah! . . .but you have a choice whether or not you spend money so it is free". Semantics, just semantics.

    The psychology of this kind of process gives a very, very high probability of spending money so inductive logic would suggest that the game is not free.


  10. 12 hours ago, Noamuth said:

    I don't know what to tell you.  When I did it, I had to do Void E, Void Dash, Void Handbeam to get anywhere.

    I even remapped 5 to R so that my 'pinky' could stay on 'shift' for the sprint but I've watched guys on YT and it doesn't matter what I try there are some areas which I watch way beyond me, must be how my brain is wired.

    The game is probably on cloud save otherwise I'd try and find the file in Steam to delete.

    I can only hope that DE do something for me and the others in the same boat.

    Until then I'm a new entry into GTA V where I'm having a ball . . .


    You had given me the answer in your routine when you put 'void hand beam' at the end. I tried this and that is when all the points get knocked off, get it right and you can take out one of the guards there and then.

    I got rid of them all and was fighting the queen. Decided to quickly check how that is done by alt/tab out and when I went back in the game had reset to the start of the end game so I'll take another look in a few days.

    This dash needs fixing because you need to be close in to stun them but further out to get the dash to work. Too close and all you get is leaping in the air . . .giving them time to recover so most times it fails.

  11. 1 hour ago, Noamuth said:

    You have to use the Void Dash to disarm them.  It's not optional.  Otherwise, their Kuva infused weapons protect them and you can't do damage.

    Your gear doesn't matter in this fight because it's your operator doing the fighting with Void energy.

    I watched one video of a guy stunning with E and then not dashing but zapping, and a whole load of points came off.

    I have bullet dashed and bullet dashed, killing the single guy sometimes and other times can go through all 5 lives without leaving so much as a scratch on him, judging by his meter . . . even though I hit him every time. With the 2 guys I hardly scratch the surface before it's mission over. I can't even play the long game because there is a timer on.

    Also, no matter what anyone thinks of us useless players [no-one gave me MR20, and we all have areas of weakness] the fact remains that for a lot of us the game is over. We cannot complete the quest so we cannot get back into the game, it ain't complicated, the game has beaten us.

  12. 7 hours ago, Metalman007 said:

    Sure, the fight with the guardians may not be hard if you have Life Strike on your melee weapons and took a frame that has high hp, but try it without Life Strike and with a Loki!!! WTF?!?!  And couple that with having to sit through the cut scene over and over with no way to skip it after the 10th time.  Getting one shotted constantly over and over again is seriously frustrating and I have no way of changing my frame or weapons or mods.....

    I understand the idea behind locking in the quest but with no idea what is going to happen how can you possibly prepare for it?  It sure does not seem like the devs considered what would happen to the difficulty level with certain frames.  I mean I'm good with my Loki, and went into it with the understanding that any frame should be capable of completing the quest because after all, "it's not hard"  well, it is.  I've been stuck in this guardian fight now for a couple days on and off and I'm getting pretty damn sick of it.

    I'm with you brother . . . lost count of how many times I've tried but with the gear I have there is no way I'll ever finish it.

    What is particularly frustrating is I can't even ditch the whole thing and forget about it. I'd be perfectly happy living without the quest rewards.

    The whole thing is very misleading because so many - who went in well equipped - post how easy it was. No warnings about frames having their powers stripped for the final fight or that you need some good kit . . . so being locked into that means only one thing, GAME OVER.


    I'm in the same boat as the OP.

    It's all very well people saying how easy it is if, like guys in the YT videos, you are getting points when you zap the fat guys, but I'm not.

    I can bring them to their knees with E but get zero when I zap them.

    This bullet dash attack might come naturally to many but not to me.

    In many games the end boss section gets easier once the game picks up that you keep failing, but not in this one.

    I missed the 'lock in' bit - which means that as there is nothing unique about me many others will have also missed it - but had I seen it I still would have done the quest.

    I cannot finish this quest so DE not putting in any means to escape has ended my time in the game.

    MR20, 3+ years, founder member, £700+ spent even though 90% of stuff forged, and it all comes to an end like this . . . on one big bum note, which sort of diminishes the whole experience.

  13. 4 hours ago, SinergyX said:

    So came back after a while, to find out all my junctions have been reset.

    10 sentiens again, MR5 weapon (I own kinda every weapon ingame), really thanks... been fun for 5 minutes, see you like next year again.

    I was the person who did the missing ones again and still get no quest.

  14. As a 3 years + player I was hoping for some new planets with new tilesets and challenges.

    As it is what we have got  I can't even play, although I have met every requirement.

    Looks like it's back to GTA V.

  15. I know this is offtopic but I've searched and can't find a suitable answer.

    I noticed some troopers were red and was told it was 'enemy sense' for kavats. I can find 'enemy sense' for the exilus but is this mod they are talking about another one which I have to find for the kavat ?


    Enemy sense for the exilus only shows enemy in red on the mini map, I'm talking about the actual grineer appear as red.

  16. 13 hours ago, ObviousLee said:

    there are these things called bugs. you must have experienced one. because i always, always get all my normal tornadoes. 

    Bugs ? . . . could be a bit of a difficult one. Can certain computer configurations causing specific abnormal behaviour be called a 'bug' ?

    I suppose it could if all abnormal behaviour is classified as a 'bug'. Thing is, programmers have to try and accommodate myriad configurations . .can't be easy.

    When I went back to Zephyr after a few months away I noticed that there were only 2, maybe sometimes 3, twisters . . .and they were wandering all over the place, even dodging the enemy. I put on 'Stretch' as part of my mod change and I then only got 2 massive twisters which didn't wander quite so much, although 'stretch' would suggest a wider wander.

    Taking 'Stretch' off resulted in getting 4 twisters.

    However, in a totally unscientifc way, at the same time I was messing with strength and duration where I should have altered things one at a time.

    It was a pleasant surprise to suddenly see 4 twisters all going more-or-less where I wanted them to go.

  17. On 21/07/2016 at 3:31 PM, Thaylien said:

    Glad to hear we helped(?) on the issue you were having, I'm really surprised that it was the modding influencing your number of Twisters as there's nothing about that in the Wiki or when I was trying different builds a while back.

    And as for the Mastery = Mod points, ikr? It's awesome to be able to take most weapons into higher level runs immediately and not have that internal debate of 'do I go rank it a bit first, or do I jump in and hope it passively levels?'.

    I didn't do any controlled tests so it might have been mission specific.

    However, previous to my experimenting with mods I only ever got one or two twisters, I now get four every time with all of them more-or-less on target.

    I should have said that I'm only talking about the mods I put on the frame. 

    Your (?) . . . an answer to any problem hasn't got to be direct, certain comments can lead the asker in a certain direction from where an answer is found.  :)

  18. Well, feedback has been very useful, thnx.

    My Zephyr now has 4 strong twisters going in the direction of launch.

    Remarks about Mag produced work with that one and I now have it modded so that I can halt a crowd from multi directions using ability 2 - bubbes all over the place - or grab bunch after bunch with ability 1, powered and stretched  - and with aug, greedy pull - so that from a great distance they come flying through the air, killing most but making those not killed easy targets.

    When I have had some more practice I'll take this one solo in Tower survival to see if she can compete with other frames.

    Finally managed to get MR20 so now for the long slog to the next one . . . I do like this new routine of getting polly points equal to ones MR rank. With the double I start with 40 points which almost fills my mod card so no more having to get over that hump of vulnerability at the start of the polly.

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