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Posts posted by (PSN)Birdnestbaby

  1. I too miss some of the previous lore elements that were once present in Nightwave. I found them okay for what they were.

    So if its too lore heavy, resources may be pulled away from bigger updates. But if there isn't much there, whats the point?

    I feel that there is definitely some sort of middle ground in there somewhere that DE surely could figure out. Assuming they haven't completely just given up on Nightwave altogether... which unfortunately already seems very likely.

    I think Series 2: Emissary had a good balance of all 3 series. Lore, but nothing too flashy. Maybe instead of making completely new assests for every series, just reuse assets that already exist within the game. But use them in a creative way for story telling. That alone eliminates a lot of time. Reuse existing bosses, I mean DE already doing that anyways ie Jackal in Duviri etc. I'd actually like to have Sergeant as a near immortal boss, would be hilarious! 😆 Then just reuse the Emissary cutscene style where characters are just frozen in place and camera rotates around scene with narration in the background. No need for new over the top gimmicky gameplay, like the tedious Glassmaker murder mystery aspect. Simple, effective. Lore heads get their fix. Min maxers don't waste too much time getting currency for shop.

    But thats just me. I ain't a game designer, I don't know what devs deem acceptable. Im just a rando playing a game I love. 🤙

    • Like 4
  2. On 2023-07-11 at 4:51 PM, TheFaclux96 said:

    i didn't recieve the noggles on the second drop, i recieved the first five community display with one noggle of lotus but the other noggles from the second drop are missing, i claimed the riven cipher without problems


    16 hours ago, Myscho said:

    We should get bag of 5 noggles and i only received 1 noggle

    You are only supposed to get 1 noggle from the "First 5 Noggle Grab Bag". It's a miscommunication on DE's part and also an unfortunate naming convention that's causing this confusion. Grab Bags usually mean that you have a CHANCE to receive/grab 1 RANDOM item from that bag. You do NOT receive all the items in that bag. Hopefully this clarifies everything.

    • Like 3
  3. 45 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    Drops used to be 30 mins apart, then 45 mins, now a whole hour?
    Oh, I have to watch each previous hour to get the "next" and "best" thing?
    Now I'm glad I'm losing interest in these time traps.
    There is no reason in you wanting more and more of my time.
    Money, sure, you're a business, but my time? 3 hours, for a useless souvenir?

    It's not that deep bruv. Just open a random streamer from the Warframe Twitch directory and let it run in the back, then go about your day. You don't have to "watch" anything. If you happen to remember and perhaps have few seconds to spare, claim, let the stream continue, then go about your day once again. Stop gatekeeping your own time from yourself!

    But if you generally don't like the drops, then just wait for a new week with drops that you think is worth "your time". Simple.

    • Like 3
  4. Since the New War update, almost all the known bugs that came with it have been addressed or at least clearly stated some progression in fixing them. I've heard zero anything in regards to this fur bug. I know that its a visual bug that's not a top priority, but a mere mention of a fix in progress would certainly be nice.

    • Like 2
  5. I started... but then got really busy during the month with language week, constitution and vaccination drives. Just thought I'd post what little I have done 😂

    Day 1 - Night



    Day 2 - Orbiter



    Day 3 - Crew



    Day 4 - Sister



    Day 5 - Plague



    And my last entry is actually a submission I made for the Halloween Contest on the Warframe Kubrow & Kavat Breeders on Discord. I spent a lot of my time these past few days working on it so thought I'd post it here also.

    Day 31 - Naberus




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    The Orbital Haunt Contest, PS4 submission.

    Welcome to 'The Dread Zone'.
    Try not to make any sudden movements.




    Trick or Dare...





    Beware 'The Executioner'....



    The Deity of Nightmares!




    A creature made entirely of pure Argon crystals. Guards the entrance to the Prince's chamber.




    The Prince of Hallows Eve




    Offerings to the Prince of Darkness...



    The Torture Chamber

    Tortured victims are fed to the Devour Spore, a flesh eating monster.




    Happy Halloween Everyone!  🙂

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