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Posts posted by emaralez87

  1. ...


    My thesis: We built a frame around them, a conduit for their affliction.


    So Corpus found a way to alter said conduit. This way, a warframe could be rebuilt to acheive new powers, like Valkyr.


    If this is true, Freya could be a nature frame and Valkyr a berzerk melee frame, since the routing of energy is different.


    Make sense?

    make sense :)


    Freya as Valkyr Prime, but not casual Prime as white/black-with-gold-and-additional-polarity-and-mb-some-stats-impruving version, Prime in meaning "original"

  2. dual heat swords after melee 2.0


    in the quiet lights of the Tower

    the gore is glancing on the wall.

    The trace of blood is full of singing silence

    and blade won’t answer to the call.


    it slept so long without a battle

    it slept in deepest slot

    my hand is holding just a whisper

    of memories what I have not


    sry it has wrong size 

  3. ...I assure you the forum moderators aren't that strict and they certainly aren't robotic fun-stompers...I'm not even sure why thread locking was even mentioned. D: I mean, the fan art section is where we discuss art and the artists too. Don't worry about it. If by some weird reason it does get locked, I'll have to give a firm finger waggling to Letter13 or Silverbones or any of the other lovely mods.


    Besides, I snoop on Yandere's and Yui's threads all the time... and by golly do they go off topic in beautiful ways. I'm usually too scared to post though... I guess I should grow a spine.


    ...And thank you again for the compliments. :D


    Thank you I'm feeling better :) I wish long life to your thread and more awesome arts!


    Its not the mod's fault, its the vigilantes who cant stand to see us having fun. Remember what happened to YandereSamanthas audioclip thread?

    thought this ... some organic substation ... happens mostly with Sam's topics and this is problem with her fans 


    Derailment has gone too far, I'm reporting to a mod



    lol :D

  4. ...

    Aren't we getting off topic?


    It would be childish to bring another Guys vs Girls argment to the community...



    ... some of them may be found in topics like "thank you for watching devstream #XX" and I glad what ZeroJackdaw was noticed again! :)

    ok once again:

    I'm glad what ZeroJackdaw was noticed by DE in PrimeTime.

    ZeroJackdaw, I'm glad what you was noticed in PrimeTime.

    Ban me if this is offtopic XD


    why I can't even write warm words to good artist in this artist's thread and not to be warned about locking/cleaning/offtopic/advertisement/etc *head to the wall, crying*

  5. Also, Polymelodic is a good artist too, give da guy some credit mon


    Poly is a woman girl :)


    He might not post as much but Artwarren is pretty damn good




    btw there a lot of other awesome artists (and yes, most of them female) just index not too friendly to find them but some of them may be found in topics like "thank you for watching devstream #XX" and I glad what ZeroJackdaw was noticed again! :)

  6. added note about farming this frame. are you missed Xini defenses for warframe parts? Do you have infinite amount of nanospores? - you'd like it! :) 

    “Quest” starts after killing Lephantis. 
    “Tenno, I found something old, abandoned. This Warframe was made once, for some… narrow purpose, but it can be useful with your skilled usage. You will find all necessary components on the Xini, as in good old days.” - Lotus message.
    So, Helmet, Chassis and Systems are given as rewards on Xini and all required resources may be farmed at Eris. Lot of Nanospores...
  7. q0R36DV.png

    This makeshift exoskeleton made from MOA parts and scrap metal utilizes osprey's fuel cells as energy source. The osprey itself is still operational, it recharges and reinforces shields of nearby allies while also alerting the "host" to threats from behind. 

    With added physical power, the user can wield heavy weapons like Supra. Due to rarity and relatively low mobility, only used in large open engagements.

    *drooool* awwwwwwwwsmmmmmm

    why didn't you add your awesome arts for this thread into your artshowcase topic?


    The Siege Map sound fun. It remind me instantly of good ol Quake Arena. Oh man gibs and frags. Those were the days.

    yeah thought this stuff would be good :D idea - what about to try apply some unreal tournament mechanics there?


    Added 'Siege' under Possible Game play Implementation, maybe will make a little diagram for it later.

    khm-khm, what about my "multy-room" implementation? :)

    Repel an attack on mothership raid alert

    so one of the Corpus Board members planned and prepared his attack on mothership. What you should do to help Safos:
    1) exterminate all Corpus on the outer area of the mothership (extermination mission with drain shield), find hatch what will lead you into motership, where you should to
    2) reach room with reserve powercore in survival mod, then you should
    3) defence reserve powercore, then you should
    4) convoy powercore to the engine room (hijack mission type) where you should 
    5) install powercore  (mobile defence mission type)
    as reward - new type kubrow imprint. you know, like Vauban can be gathered only on Alerts this new type of kubrow might to be alert-only. 


    I know I'm annoying as teacher XD

  8. Well, here's my take on the corpus rebels. Some concept sketches. More to come.

    Generic rebel in light outfit.


    Hard hat, cloth mask, sidearm, comm/hacking tool (think sth like a modified portable computer with holographic interface)


    Heavier soldier.


    The muscle of the rebellion so to say, mostly people with military experience, former law enforcement or those with fitting physique and access to proper combat gear.

    Face plate can have various decals, for example:


    wow awesome!

    what the "leafs" on the face of light unit?

  9. my rework of conceptart added


    Community, what variation of the Web ability you like more? When Arachne covers herself with a protecting layer of web or when Arachne creates cube of web?

  10. Ch7.4. Last preparing. 


    *Rebellion base. Later.*


    - Jump, run! Do you feel comfortable? - Cantis asked.

    - We are totally OK. - Borrok answered.

    - Shuttle, communicators? - Cantis was looking to Olteco.

    - Charged. - Olteko nodded.

    - OK no food before mission ends. Now time to sleep.


    *Rebellion base. Little later.*


    - Can’t sleep? - Borrok asked.

    - Yes, nervous… - Laino answered.

    - Try this. Don’t look at me so. You wouldn’t have emphysema from one thing.

    - But you have. Breathing support system is not in my life plans.

    - Don’t mess cause and effect. Breath support systems destroyed* my lungs before this stuff. 

    - But this is amoral.

    - Moral Corpus? Are YOU joking me?

    - Calm down… I’ll try this if you sure I’ll be OK tomorrow. Else this would be your fault.

    - I’m pretty sure.

    Laino made a whiff. 

    - Eww… sweet as… meh… sometimes I think what if to “scratch off” all this masculine behavior from you, boys, your true inner world would look like marshmallow island with  trees of chocolate, rivers of honey and… oh! This thing took me! 


    *it means what Corpus Soldiers' spacesuits have breath support systems as default part of life support system of the suit, but other side of medal is what system, what supports life functions in difficult environment, destroys basic life functions and makes them impossible without life support system

  11. @HappyApathy


    thought after Dark Sector and Darkness II DE can do such deep and Socratic themes well and we saw it while Gradivus Dilemma here. though they just need more time to do this rebellious stuff well :) 

    also I'm interested in how this stuff will go on 'cause I believe DE could make it cynic and deep.


    ... and again - rebellions do not broke on the branches. every rebellion is a union of several independent branches, frequently with several aims, origins and methods and your conception have it all and this is awesome. just do not brake rebellion to branches - unite rebellion from branches

  12. What do you two think would help?

    a2, a3 too OP need reduction

    a4 thought this is something similar to Rhino's roar but for frameuser only

    also I think you can change by places a3 and a4. a3 is more look like ultimate IMO :) 


    also IMO random elemental effect is kinda not very handy. I support random buffs idea in this concept and suggest to change random elemental effects on debuffs or fixed elemental effects

  13. I think 4 interactions then 3 would be enough. to "buy" loyalty? - I support this idea. we have dna stabilizers on the market for kubrow's health thought we may have some kind of kubrow food or kubrow toys for restoring their loyalty 

  14. This is certainly interesting..or is funny the right word? Either way, Mirage is already our trickster and a damage dealing frame just isn't viable; not like this. High damage abilities would just make early game way easy and still fall out of viability in only a couple levels on an endless mission. I like the general attunement idea and emphasis on procs, but I'm not sure it would work out well, and its a bit quirky, even for warframe (but thats just this one man's opinion). 

    agree. idea is good but needs some rebalance

  15. It's only a bump if you have nothing to add. If you say something meaningful to the conversation that's fine.

    thought no. when I see how members of the forum avoiding links... lot of cases when members do not post links to another similar threads where are answers to questions in newborn topic, they just give word description of this threads. first time at the forum I thought what people who post this kind of posts are rude and lazy as they don't want to give someone a direct link to topic with answer, but now I understand what  this people just don't want to make an advertisement of someone's topic.

    UPD: at least I often see posts like "meh another concept of blahblahblah ://" or "did you take it from blahblahblah ?://" and this is near impossible to find this "blahblahblah" only by words without direct link, what members do not posting for reasons

  16. You don't create a thread advertising another thread that's falling down on the list. That should be simple. A lot of players attempt to disguise threads like these as legitimate topics.


    creating threads to link/promote other threads)


    Topic Bumping

    (replying to a topic with the sole intention of moving it to the top of the page.)


    so it is about topics what contain only one link? 

    what about topics like "some stuff reworked" what starts from words "there was my old stuff (link), now topic is closed 'cause it was started in 2013 so here is reworked stuff of this stuff"? 

  17. ...moving up the feedback forums seems to have helped a little bit.

    I think this could work. also there always would be misplaced topics. as it sad "if you can't fight against something make it legal" (ok I don't know how this quote sounds in English) - mb there may be very moderateable "express questions" forum somewhere on the top?


    also, most of posts about where should be topic when it not at place a re so... rude. some members just do not report moderators about wrongplaced topic but very angry about it.

  18. "Minor Infractions (30 Day Warning Points):


    (purposefully posting the same message multiple times, posting off-topic images/text, creating threads to link/promote other threads)"


    "posting off-topic images/text" - what if topic-starter encourages such behavior but moderator received report from not-topic-starter? 


    "creating threads to link/promote other threads" - ??? I don't understand. 

    1) members of the forum gain no money from amount of views and likes. what kind of promotion can be here?

    2) is link in this post "promotional" link? what difference between "promotional" link and ... allowed link?


    also, this is not very handy to search the stuff on the forum. for example when you want to find did anyone asked question you want to ask before (ok moderators work good here), or you have fanconcept and want to watch similar concepts before posting (this is nearly impossible if you are not sitting on the forum every day watching through concepts). OK you don’t want to allow members to make their own indexes of stuff (so… member couldn’t even make index of his own stuff and stuff he participating… ?), but, then, there should be more moderatable and more userfriendly structure not only for posting stuff but for searching too IMO. Is restructure of forums in the plan?

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