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Posts posted by holdenagincourt

  1. I want to save the relays as much as the average player (and much more than the "destroy everything" trolls that populate these forums), but my enthusiasm for playing against Pluto-level Archwing enemies is difficult to raise above one run if I'm being perfectly honest.


    I find the attitude here toward the community effort odious, but I still recognize that the incentives are negligible and that that is all that people respond to in almost all cases.

  2. I thought it was odd that they removed the arcane helmets to stop people from being pigeonholed into a certain aesthetic if you wanted an optimized build, and then began giving prime frames inate buffs.


    Personally, i like the tradeoff idea, and think DE should also consider doing it for not only the prime frames, but the Prime weapons and alternate versions of already existing weapons like the syndicate weapons and the mara detron.


    With that being said, I may just be bitter, because I keep spending a lot of time and effort potatoing and formaing a weapon, just to have a slightly better version of it come out.


    This captures my sentiments exactly.

  3. People actually stack duration on Ash still? Duration only affects one ability in Ash's Arsenal, and quite possibly the worst ability at that.


    Lol no. That would be Teleport, by quite a long way.


    Don't even try to tell me that Teleport is better than 400% melee damage, aggro shed, untargetability, risk-free revive...please.

  4. First, please learn what punctuation is.


    Second, the game should not be balanced around an endless difficulty. Even normal Soma is perfectly capable of dispatching every non-endless enemy on the star chart and in special locations without too much trouble. And even normal Soma is perfectly good (even too good) for the first 20 minutes of a T4 survival or the first 15 waves of T4 defense, after which the costs start to outweigh the benefits and, if you stay, you should understand that you're staying to challenge yourself.


    Third, not everything in the game should be like Boltor Prime. You even mentioned that it does a different type of damage than Soma, which helps it not drop off as much as some other weapons against armored enemies. But Boltor Prime has always been known as an OP weapon, ever since it came out. So if you want to trivialize everything in the game with your Boltor Prime, go ahead, because apparently DE agrees with you that in no way should it be balanced relative to the game's other weapons. That doesn't mean that every single prime weapon that comes out has to be better than it.


    Fourth, the buffs to the Soma Prime over the normal Soma are considerable. You're really complaining about nothing.

  5. People don't have to "care" about the relays. They just have to get something they value for completing the community objective, which is reducing each Fomorian's health to zero before the timer runs out.


    It's not even an issue with Archwing vs. normal gameplay, because I am willing to venture that a large number of non-Archwing players would hold their nose and grind Archwing if the reward for reaching a certain score on a given Fomorian were an Orokin Catalyst. In fact, most of the angst here would be about how the Fomorians are dying too quickly and there's no chance to do the mission because it's over in an hour.


    People don't have to be forced to "care" about relays, nor do they have to "care" about Archwing. They just need to desire the reward dangled in front of them enough; that will make them jump through any hoops.

  6. This event should probably have occurred after the addition of clan spaces to relays, so that some people had a reason to defend them. Force a few of the medium to large clans to defend their material investment and abject vanity and it'll get done. Tenno have already revealed again and again that little more matters to them.

  7. and honestly, this is a good thing. if pluto loses it's relay that's one less place for the void trader to go, meaning he'll be forced down to lower level relays, allowing more new players to see him. even if they can't get items from him, they can see more content and learn more about it. and it will encourage them to ask questions about him at the relay, sparking debates and learning opportunities for those new players.


    TL:DR; get 15score, let pluto burn, new players benefit.


    Void Trader sells a small number of exclusive items in exchange for dozens of discarded prime parts. New players are so far removed from being in a position to realistically engage with him that agitating for relays to be destroyed on their behalf seems like bald rhetoric to me.


    You say "new players benefit," but your explanation for that is nebulous at best and offers no evidence. Not everything in the game needs to be shoved in new players' faces in the first hour after the tutorial; I would argue that such an inundation is actually counterproductive to your stated goal.



    You can say this all you want and yet it won't make any difference in the end, we  are going to end up forced to use these if we want to continue as "end game players".


    The exact same point of discussion you are putting forwards was used when the Corrupted mods were added. Guess what? The difficulty curve was adjusted to take into consideration the fact that "endgame players" would have, max many and be using those corrupted mods. If you didn't want to use them, didn't want to have them as part of your gear and still be effective in the top end maps you could just jog on.


    You can be sure as hell that the same thing will ultimately happen with these new "legendary mods".  Honestly they are even worse than the inception of the corrupted mods in terms of grind for access (credits/mods/time/void), and I do not want to have any part in a warframe where these things become the new "endgame standard". I already lived through that mess when corrupted mods were added, Legendaries are going to be worse because they can literally do it to every single mod in the game. 


    I'm not sure where I stand on the topic, but this point is incontrovertible. No one can seriously argue that future enemy balance passes will ignore the existence of these mods,  not least owing to the braying of those who find the game not enough of a challenge anymore once they have them, or the ire of those who believe that the balance of the game has been thrown off and advocate changing enemies rather than addressing the true source, which will be precious to too many vested interests by that point.

  9. I was as passionate a critic of Viver nerfs as there was (without being uncouth obviously), because the reputation system was broken back then and way too slow.


    But now I think people are complaining with very little justification. You don't even need to grind anymore. We got everything we asked for when it comes to syndicate rep gain. Cerberus is supposed to be one of the most difficult interceptions in the game, and now that reputation gain is so fast, you don't need to do missions like it to make reasonable progress toward your syndicate goals.


    Capture target is literally invulnerable from all damage(except Jat Kittag slam :3) when he's got those three ospreys with him.


    No, he still takes damage from procs. One died to toxin/slash procs from my Burston Prime while standing under his ospreys. I smiled at them while harvesting his soul.


    In response to the OP, I don't agree with you that this should be the formula for capture missions in general. Not only would such a change be unfair to a large portion of the player base without top-notch gear, but the capture target's mechanics are just ersatz difficulty that at bottom incentivize bringing the strongest possible weapon and left-clicking as fast as possible. Specters of Liberty was an incredible event that was worthy of Rescue 2.0 because it encouraged the use of tactics and coordination and permitted players several divergent paths to success. It also "felt" more Tenno, more ninja; Cold Revenge is little more than a DPS benchmark test. This tactical alert doesn't have similar good additions to the game that SoL did.


    I often feel game balance discussions that take place here are out of touch with the vast majority of the player base, which is overwhelmingly casual.

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