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Posts posted by holdenagincourt

  1. Akbolto is the old reliable of Warframe. It's been strong (if not always out in front of the power creep) as long as I can remember.


    Also, it's a big middle finger to the Grineer, which I appreciate because high level Grineer piss me off.


    If you join Arbiters of Hexis, you can also get their syndicate weapon, Telos Akbolto.

  2. I think you are doing something wrong. I went solo on a T3E yesterday with a limbo and weps around level 20 (no formas on any of them, just a potato on limbo) and i just had to make some kind of strategy (since i do not have a natural Talent mod on limbo) to avoid the rockets and dispose of him with finisher damages, even with the nullifiers close to the bombard, it add some kind of challenge. They pose (almost) no threat if u play safe and don't rush on them, just saying.


    I thought it was obvious that the TC was referring to how Bombards affect missions with infinite respawns like Survival and Defense. Exterminate isn't really problematic because you have no external pressure forcing you to act, and can basically do anything you want.


    Also...using a Limbo solo exterminate as an example against nerfing Corrupted Bombards is pretty unconvincing. Limbo is invincible most of the time, and can on-demand bait out Radial Blast, use unavoidable CC, then do astronomical damage that ignores armor and shields. In fact, Limbo is one of, if not the best anti-Bombard character in the game.

  3. So I'm ancient and remember an era lost to the sands of time when Warframes didn't gain health and shields upon leveling up. You just had base survivability like 100 health/100 shields from levels 1-30 and that was that.


    This was at the inception of the new mods system and drop rates were also bugged, so every mod, regardless of rarity, was dropping from mobs like candy. While it might sound nice to get 10 copies of Hell's Chamber every day now, that also had the effect of making Redirection and Vitality extremely difficult to get to drop for a lot of players (the former more important than the latter because shield-ignoring damage was much rarer than it is now, another problematic trend in the game's design). Strife and anger filled these forums, as people claimed it was impossible to go past Mercury (then the first planet) without Redirection (which wasn't true by a long shot, but hyperbole does have a rhetorical purpose).


    DE did fix the drop tables without too much of a delay, but the Redirection/Vitality thing remained a hot topic, because they were "required" mods to access higher level content. People didn't like that, some because their progression was stuck due to the mod not dropping, others because the notion of required mods in a build was repugnant to them. (Also, this was when Corpus laser doors did massive damage to your health as well as shields, so you could be one-shotted and forced to revive just because a rusher was in your game.) After some agitation, Steve confirmed on a devstream that Warframes would be receiving shields and health per level. Redirection and Vitality were no longer the gatekeepers.


    Everyone rejoiced, and what followed was a long period of enemies being extremely weak in comparison to players, because most people just kept Redirection on anyway. There were a lot fewer mods then to compete for slots, and we also had more slots than we do now because power cards were still in the game. Plus having extra shields or health is just universally good. Over the next year and a half, enemies got harder and stronger, with the enemy accuracy tweaks being the most significant change. Fundamentally, enemies were buffed to be deadly and challenging on mid-high level planets for players with Redirection and/or Vitality on. The intention of making those mods non-essential for high level content was forgotten.


    Of course the heroes of the Warframe forums will here blurt out that they equip no survivability mods and solo T4 Defense with an unranked Excalibur and Lato and no consumables. It's immaterial what an individual person's experience is though, as I'm all but certain that the telemetry data will indicate that an overwhelming proportion of players past a certain point of progression put at least one or more of these mods on every frame, notwithstanding exceptions like Limbo or Loki. The point is that enemies are not supposed to be difficult as they are on Ceres. Redirection and Vitality were supposed to be options for tank frames, not the entry fee. But that has been forgotten (and perhaps the whole concept was unsustainable). The game gets rebalanced to respond to emergent facts. I would also like staple mods to be overhauled and/or removed, but the precedent here does not inspire confidence.

  4. I think it's obvious at this point that it's a fait accompli and the game will only go further in the direction of integration. The implacable anti-Archwing crowd will have to either adapt to this or further retreat from the game as a whole.

  5. So I can get trolled by Mag Prime and Paris Prime parts in minute 45 as well as 20 and 40?


    Also, this change would totally screw anyone who wanted to play solo Void endless missions (we do exist).


    We just need the Void overhaul to happen. And sooner rather than later. And Mag Prime needs to go in the vault and never see daylight again.

  6. I think we just need one augment slot for Warframes, full stop. I don't think you're meant to just have an augment for every one of your abilities equipped in every mission while also taking no slot penalty. That's just the equivalent of Scott buffing every frame's abilities to be stronger, no decision making involved.

  7. My problem is not people taxiing low level players to alerts and events. It's people who take rank 0/1/2/3 players to things like Sechura or rep farms and go "Do this for xp." That, or people that tell low rank players to ask for taxis to those xp farms, but then don't take them so that they ask on recruiting chat.

    "Can someone taxi me to Sechura?" MR[1]

    How about no.

    That's just ruining the game for yourself.


    I loled.



  8. The only viable method is trading, unless you want to wait months and/or wake at 3am.


    The point is that the game does not reward progression even though it's one of the foundations of the game.


    It does reward progression even in this single example, because the progression takes place over a long span of time in which the stochastic distribution of rewards evens out for all but the most minuscule number of players.


    In the case of alert rewards like Corrosive Projection, even if it shows up at a time that a given player can't obtain it one time, it will continue to reappear over and over at randomly distributed times...forever. At some point, the average player will be able to play the event, and obtain the reward.


    Corrosive Projection is actually a good example of a reward that is not problematic for player satisfaction despite being tied to random alert rewards, because it is an important card for only a tiny fraction of the game's content. In the several months it takes the average player to amass and rank up a collection of mods and acquire enough experience to be prepared for endless T4, Corrosive Projection will have appeared in the alert rotation a large number of times. It is also worth noting that the sources of armor sunder in Warframe are legion and only becoming more ubiquitous.

  9. Shortly after it came out, the damage was buffed by a lot and the reload time increased to make it occupy a distinct role as a shotgun. I think there is room in the game's balance to use reload speed as a balance lever, but that Sobek just seems bland now because power creep made its previously impressive sustained DPS less so (and importantly, enemies have become way more dangerous than they were two years ago, so shotgun ideal range engagement is unappealing for many frames).


    Reload across the board needs to be rebalanced; a lot of weapons have unfairly low reload times for their strength, while others are too high and have been left behind. I think Fast Hands and Tactical Pump also need to be buffed by about 50% (so up to 45% faster reload), and perhaps moved along with some other mod types into a utility aura slot for weapons.

  10. My current favorite appearance is a German flag Volt. It uses the default dark grey, the cream color in the top left of the Fire palette, dark red for accents and Prime gold accessories + the Easter gold color. I use the Halikar cloak with it because I think it goes very well here.




  11. He's difficult and scary the first time because you have trash gear and no experience fighting him, thus don't know the correct strategy for the battle. Giving him more gimmicks than he already has, e.g. displacing you out of the current level to his own arena, wouldn't really change this. Stalker is already the biggest tryhard in Warframe, he doesn't need to randomly gain total control over space and time whenever he feels like it. Giving him more special treatment is entering Mary Sue territory.


    Besides, the problem with Stalker being a pushover for late-game players is a function of the overall game's balance, and that's what should be addressed, not this unit in isolation.

  12. so from the description of Neural Sensors

    "Implanted neural-link for controlling augmentations. Grineer design."

    Grineer design.



    yep, sentients are going to drop them


    Totally, that's why Alad V is one of the most known source of Neural Sensors!


    This lore quagmire has a long and illustrious history. The descriptions of Neurodes and Neural Sensors used to be switched, and the boss of Jupiter was an Infested unit who was the predecessor of Lephantis in its commentary. So it kind of made sense for Neural Sensors (recall, Infested) to drop only from Jupiter...except for the fact that "Grineer" Neurodes dropped from Eris, an all-Infested planet, but also Earth, the home of the Grineer. Now the three planets are controlled by three different factions, and despite the lore being corrected it still doesn't make much sense.


    People are good at coming up with ad hoc explanations for why things are the way they are, but the whole confusion has more to do with unrelated changes in the game's development than anything in the lore.

  13. I would like to acquire the Secura Dual Cestra, and can offer either Telos Akbolto or Synoid Gammacor in exchange (or four syndicate mods from the same factions if that strikes your fancy instead). Please message me in game at the same name if you can help me out, thanks!

  14. They made this change because people were farming the hell out of the void and nothing but the void just to afford all of the 3-4 new items every week. Honestly I'm glad that I'm no longer in the position of either A: Burn myself out mega farming the void or B: Not things I want that isn't subject to RNG, and thus actually have a realistic chance at getting.


    I agree with this. I personally think it would be outrageous to have to max two new legendary mods every single fortnight as suggested in the OP, that sounds like a lot of mindless farming time for fusion cores, which are now an endangered species after something happened to their drop tables. I'd rather be using my time to play the game.


    Oh, and as a veteran and endgame player myself, but one who prizes cosmetics and customization over mindless power creep like the much-anticipated Primed Streamline, I apppreciated having a Baro Ki'Teer doll for my Liset. Thanks DE!

  15. I kind of wish (and this is part of a larger package of changes I would like to happen when stealth finally gets overhauled) that, upon spawning into the mission, we could walk to the nearest terminal and jam their security systems preemptively, which would then delay all enemy console activation by a really noticeable amount (500% or so). Maybe a sentinel mod that deactivates cameras and traps in a wide radius too.

  16. First of all, the premise is spurious. Mastery gating of weapons is risibly minor, to the point of being inconsequential, and that hasn't changed in as long as I can remember. It could stand to be far more stringent.


    Second, nothing that is lacking about how the mastery system functions would be improved by this proposed change. Mastery would still be of little use other than as an extremely rough cognitive shortcut for players to know who needs help and who's a veteran, in their public games. Almost all of the mastery hurdles are so low right now that any player who can't clear them is justly excluded, due to having a handle on only a pittance of the game as a whole.

  17. One thing that I haven't seen anyone mention is that these annoyances (borrowing the TC's term here) are generally restricted to large tileset, linear missions rather than the endless ones, and most of them don't happen in the Void. In this way they even further disincentivize and reinforce the unpopularity of non-endless, non-Void missions, which is a fundamental problem with the game.


    I personally don't find the "immersion" defense given by several people in this thread convincing, but different people have different criteria. I feel tremendously unimmersed and irritated when I'm moving through a level as normal and a camera on the other side of a closed door sees me before the door's opening animation has even started, instantly triggers the laser gate, and faceplants me. Same with teammates on the other side of the map being seen by a camera and that camera pressing the red nuclear button and lasering every door in the level.

  18. Limbo with Volt shield is overpowered, Limbo without Volt shield is crap. That's technically balanced, but it's a one-trick pony way of being balanced, he's wthout a doubt the most limited frame in the game.


    This is a bit of an oversimplification, but to the extent that I agree I'd say it's a microcosm of his state in the game at large. Uninteractive, borderline gamebreaking power in the few circumstances and synergies in which he excels, frustrating and limiting in most of the others. This particular interaction might have to be changed or removed to get him buffed globally, which I would be fine with.


    He takes way too long to use an ability (stupidely long casting times, even with Natural talent), he needs to chain at least 2 abilities at all times to make the "best" of his kit, which is a drag because of how long it takes to do such "rotations", and costs too much energy for what it's worth. Rift walk is pretty much all I use with him. It's great, but it's basically all he has. Several frames are in that situation, more or less, for different reasons. A shame.


    I agree about the cast times (though I don't personally find energy costs limiting). Since several frames have received animation buffs in recent months, I imagine some of the low-hanging fruit when it comes to Limbo buffs would be speeding up his animations (a la Nekros Terrify).


    Have you actually tried playing with Limbo? You do know that people solo 50 waves of T4 Defense with him, right? Also, I don't understand half of the stuff you wrote; how does damage reduction help 'conquering'? Why have you used him so much if you don't like him?


    Given your needlessly hostile and self-contradictory response, it seems that your lack of understanding of the OP is entirely down to you.

  19. Nova also has to sacrifice a slot for Escape Velocity. On top of that, it's a less flexible than Speed since Nova can't just pop a speed buff like Volt can; allies have to actually run through the portal to get the buff (not to mention the fact that collision detection with Nova's portals is also iffy at times, but that's for another thread).


    Fair points, but the underlying principle is problematic. At bottom, this augment does the same thing as Volt's Speed without the melee buff (the targeting of Wormhole vs. point blank AOE of Speed is in my opinion a minor difference). In the Design Council threads in which we sandbox and submit ideas for augments, we're specifically told to "avoid making Augments that just make abilities work exactly like other abilities." This particular one really toes the line (as well as just being generally lackluster on top of that).

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