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Posts posted by holdenagincourt

  1. It might be too strong, but I honestly don't care at this specific moment in time. In non-endless missions focus is superlative because of how strong we are against reasonably leveled enemies. Even subpar and middle of the road loadouts make you feel like a demigod. As for endless missions, every enemy faction has been getting steadily buffed for more than a year now, while at the same time more and more content requires grinding those endless missions. Nullifier Crewmen, Corrupted Nullifiers and Corrupted Bombards are cheap and annoying and need to have more meaningful weaknesses before I'll want an advantageous strategy to be hit with the nerf stick. Recent changes moved in the wrong direction, such as the removal of the Torid's ability to kill nullifiers without depleting their shields through skillful placement of gas grenades, so I am even more chary of removing strategies.


    I feel similarly about Radial Disarm, Molecular Prime, Prism etc., which have always been overly strong. It feels strange for me to evince this position, because I've always been in favor of toning down things like this in order to bring more balance to the arms race between players and environment and allow for a redistribution of power to other  areas. However, I wish we (DE and the community, but mainly the former) could find a way to combat no-effort farming without causing collateral damage to unintended targets and to the holistic experience of playing Warframe.

  2. I don't see why three pages of explanation are necessary. If you simply look at the history of major balance changes in Warframe, it's clear that dev has chopped down the dominant strategies for what is basically afk farming whenever it has become too out of control.


    This is clear even in the case of very old nerfs that almost no one who's here was around for, like the nerf/rework to Banshee's Sound Quake in spring 2013. People farmed the Corpus spaceship defense map on Xini and other places with that power and basically killed the entire wave at spawn on the entire map because of its broken damage and range.


    In a separate but related vein, why do you suppose Trinity has been nerfed/changed so many times? Is it because she is, on her own, an oppressively powerful frame? The obvious reason is that she is extremely problematic from a game balance/game economy perspective because she is the enabler for a variety of strategies that trivialize game content. When Blessing made the entire cell permanently invulnerable with no cast range limitation, this was even more acute.


    Just because something in isolation is working as dev had tested and released it does not mean that in its interactions with the rest of the game, which can only become known in the fullness of living in the wild of public release, it is working as dev intends.

  3. lower Level Missions will make for much easier to deal with Death Squads. your low Level Weapons can also Kill the normal Enemies that spawn in that lower Level Mission too, so it's a win-win.


    This is incorrect. Mercury appearances of a platoon-level death squad result in about ten level 35 Ancient Healer eximus, which is not anywhere close to Mercury's scaled difficulty.


    I'm necroing this thread because I just got attacked by max-rank New Loka death squad in a Mercury level 3 exterminate immediately upon returning to the game after a couple months to try out new Excalibur. Doesn't really make sense to me that these squads don't scale to the planet on which they appear. I was prepared to duel a appropriately-leveled Stalker, but when Pluto-level eximus enemies that give AOE damage resistance to their allies and produce constant AOE poison and flame explosions randomly appear on Mercury it's a bit off-putting.

  4. Personally I want corpus city for Nef Anyo next. Currently we're either fighting in a military base or in a space ship. It is getting a little bit boring. A civilized city is definitely a breath of fresh air.  Also a city tileset fits Nef Anyo's personality and his role as a cult leader pretty well.


    I agree. I have wanted Neptune to become a Corpus Metropolis tileset for the longest time, arriving packaged with Stealth 2.0. Creeping through the air ducts above Corpus society parties, looking out through glass walls at sweeping Gothamesque vistas, lifting supply caches from Neptunian banks for personal gain. All as Ash Prime, of course.

  5. Primed Streamline was probably going to happen, then pre-emptive nerf herders were crying hard about it even before it got released.


    First of all, preemptive doesn't make a difference in this context because anyone can do math to see what the effect of Primed Streamline would be on various builds. It's not like talking about a frame that hasn't been released yet with which no one has experience. It would only affect numbers and breaking points.


    Second of all, if "nerf herders" had such an effect on DE's decisions, a lot of stuff would never have been released or been strongly scaled back after the fact in the last year. Instead, Warframe is in its most power creeped state ever. But forums are always oversensitive about the smallest reductions in the power level which has gained a vested interest, with nerfs receiving disproportionate attention compared to the always more numerous buffs. If you'd like to contest this point, please read through the patch notes for the last two or so major update cycles. Go ahead, I'm waiting.


    Comments like yours are needlessly divisive and stir up resentment within the player population that is based in speculation and faulty reasoning rather than established facts. You should reconsider your inflammatory and factually inaccurate statement.

  6. This wouldn't be an issue if he came by more often. Two weeks is too long as it's apparent that we're never going back to the days of getting 3-4 pieces of new content every fortnight.


    A single cosmetic or a single new mod/weapon with everything else repeats...that is an every week thing.


    Plus I just find Baro being in relays more enjoyable and interesting. It's a reason to actually visit them and the only times they are actually populated. They're ghost towns otherwise.

  7. The balkanized solar map, with hundreds of discrete nodes over a score of planets and special areas, has needlessly hamstrung matchmaking since...ever. Since closed beta, even. This needed to be fixed yesterday. When the Void came out it appeared to ameliorate, but in fact compounded, this odd quirk of Warframe's matchmaking system.


    When I started playing I wondered why I couldn't just quick match into an available match within a certain level range (ME3 does four difficulties, Warframe could do the same with Bronze=levels 1-15, Silver=levels 16-30, Gold=levels 31-45, Platinum 46+), regardless of mission type and planet. A lot of times I wanted to play something, anything, but the deserted solar map sapped my will to play. Luckily I had a group of friends going into it, but new people who start without that support network don't have the same cushion.


    I really liked Steve's point about there always being something to do on the solar map when you log in and dynamic events around the system as you're playing. Warframe's matchmaking is strongest on high value invasions for Orokin Catalysts or Forma (or the Suspicious Shipments event, which was amazing).

  8. and frankly the only real challenge in game 




    Every faction uses some cheese to give us a taste of our own medicine. Knockdown, body blocking, energy drain from behind a wall and stacking damage resist auras are the same "challenge" as infinitely scaling armor, homing missiles, MLG Ballista and stupidly broken puncture + bleed procs, The other two factions have Nullifiers and start spamming them after level 30 or so. Meanwhile we spam powers and take mostly the same guns and always the same mods to every non-joke mission. Cheese meets cheese.

  9. Lolno.  DE has been powercreeping the game like crazy over the past year and has made enemies much harder (higher level Grineer, bandaid enemies liek Nullifiers and Corrupted Bombards, increased enemy accuracy and fire rate) in response to the powercreeped options, which in turn has left our defensive capabilities behind even in mid-level content.  As a result the game has become increasingly about powerspam and overtuned weapons to the exclusion of all else.  


    I agree with this.


    At the present time, Warframe is going through a transition and having some issues with its identity relating to its main combat conditions. The horde mode for which it is known, and for which it was balanced, rested on the cornerstone that enemies were very weak, and Warframes were incredibly, superhumanly strong.


    But additions to the game that increased our power threw off the balance and made it way too easy for people to cheese through content and brute force RNG into giving them what they want. This created a whole host of problems that DE has been trying to address with changes to the game that, I feel, have fundamentally altered its identity in a way that polarizes player opinion. Eventually this identity crisis will have to be resolved.


    That's not going to work. Spending more time to balance existing content means they have to sacrifice something else for it, and that sacrifice is most likely going to be new content. And in case you haven't noticed, every time DE doesn't release new content (e.g. Nikana sheaths, Baro Ki'Teer), the community goes ballistic.


    The same devs don't work on the same things. Do you think that, in the middle of designing the next frame, Mynki will put down his stylus, walk over to Scott and Steve's office, and say "well I hear the damage numbers on the Flux Rifle should be tweaked. I'll just do that now instead of my actual job I'm paid to do."


    Why people on forums never fail to parrot this fallacy is beyond me.

  10. Mastery reflects acquisition of and advancement through the game's content (you neglected to mention star chart). I don't think anyone seriously argues that it is determinative of skill.


    There is also no either/or choice between leveling new content and releveling already-finished content. I suspect the telemetry data might show that Warframe has a hard core of maybe 10% of its players who acquire and max most of the content, and these same people also constantly forma their equipment. The excess leisure time and/or disposable income is correlated with both outcomes.


    Any externally devised system for "prestige," as the mastery system is, and as the one you propose would be, necessarily has limited cognitive value. The only way to accurately know the skill of a player and the quality of their setup is by playing with them in a variety of settings over a period of time. No number will substitute for experience.

  11. I am really looking forward to the tilesets for the "populated" Corpus planets like Pluto and Neptune. I hope Neptune becomes a Corpus metropolis, with a cyberpunk/infiltration feel. Pluto could be a top secret Corpus research area like Noveria in the Mass Effect universe, and the reveal of the tileset could take place when the Sentients return through the Outer Terminus solar rail!

  12. The masses have pedestrian taste as always...Limbo is glorious.


    Chroma isn't my favorite design. The silhouette is unattractive and the texture of the pelt is overly busy with no respite for the eyes or visual hooks. When the pelt is shed, he has this distracting hump on his back (and front) and his chicken legs and general top-heaviness are bothersome.

  13. I'm just glad the insta-energy draining is gone.

    Now that was annoying.

    I think they're still around , just happen less frequently. (? need confirmation ) I just got sucked dry in yesterday 's run.


    This is correct. Ancient Disruptor still has a chance to use its magnetic proc; it's just no longer a better than 90% chance on the second arm swing anymore.

  14. That's the thing, Most people DO endless runs and defense missions over captures and exterminate missions, this is where the problem comes from.


    If you push your argument a bit further, it becomes apparent that the problem ultimately comes from the distribution of rewards in the Void.


    A lot of parts only come from those endless missions, and it's typical for each piece of content to have at least one component that drops at a "rare" level (<5%) in the most challenging rotation of these missions, requiring significant time investment and entailing non-trivial difficulty.


    Tower IV Defense, rotation C has seven drops. But if you ever want to play Loki Prime, you or someone else will have to grind that mission at least 20 times on average to find the part that's held there. This is one of the hardest missions in the whole game. At what point do we start to question whether the money vs. time balance for this content is still equitable?


    Assassins, nullifiers, and manics are supposed to be a difference in kinds that change the flow of missions. this is why the stalker needs a rework, either he is overpowered like a regular enemy, or you lose a revive.


    Fair point with respect to assassins, Stalker and the Grineer Manic, but a strange argument when applied to the Nullifier. Consider what the fundamental difference between the first three and the Nullifier is.  T4 Defense starts to spawn 7-10 Nullifiers a wave around wave 15, before you even get a chance at 50% of the key's rewards, which are locked in rotation C. It only goes up from there.


    That isn't a difference in the flow of missions. That IS the flow of missions.


    Most of the negative feedback is from people who don't understand how the shield works... they spam the thing with ammo uselessly while it's just shrinking at cap shrink speed and didn't actually need to be hit anymore.


    Do you have quantitative evidence to support your argument that the majority of feedback is from people who don't understand how the shield works? Or is this just an attempt to discredit those who don't agree with you by suggesting they're incompetent?

  15. I think you just proved OP's point just a bit.


    One person's opinion doesn't "prove" a general trend on the part of the player population as a whole as asserted in the OP.


    The problem here is that there isn't really any evidence. I find it amusing and disconcerting that someone can say something like "the player base has been growing in bad behavior" and then offer no data or really even make an argument as to why this is true (or, for that matter, why it's a problem). Especially since the climax of the topic is a call for DE to reveal their plan to address it.


    I also find it interesting that the TC quotes and basically reduplicates a topic that was closed by a CM for having inappropriate subject matter for the forums.

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