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Posts posted by Teadude

  1. 6 minutes ago, zornyan said:

    You’re probably talking about processlasso, again core parking is not a thing since windows 10, cores don’t get stuck idle or “parked”


    the system will will use as many cores as necessary for each application, so if you’re sat on the desktop it will idle all the cores, or just one app only one core may be used etc

    hmmm ever used Battle Encoder Shirase?

  2. Heavier feel and movement similar to that of gears of war or mass effect. Less but more varied enemies that prove a challenge regardless of level. Implementation of tactics and cover. Overall just an overhaul of the game because i hate the movement system. You can cheese through levels and never spend time to appreciate the copypaste detail put into tilesets.

    Less grind. Just because the game is free doesn't justify the immense amount of grinding. Make the game fun, not tedious. It's so repetitive that we, or i, completely ignore the level detail.

    But DE will never read this. They're very nice and shiny upfront in streams, but if you spend time to see through them. it's different.

    Remember that thread that called out against the devs a couple of days ago? It went hot, 6pages+, and now its erased from the website completely.

  3. I've thought of a mech boss for corpus for desert/sand tilesets. I painted it up in photoshop trying to stick close to corpus design but i think i've strayed off somewhat.

    This mech is used to takeover grineer bases on desert planets. Maybe, as an invasion event, the grineer seeks the tenno for help and we face this mech as a boss battle.

    It's main weapons are blade, gun and feet.

    Blade can sweep the floor, and strike down causing an AoE effect. Melee attacks similar to that of Lephantis.

    Gun is a concentrated laser beam that has little splash damage but can tear through armor. It is a continuous beam, but when this fires, players have the chance to cause damage at the barrel of the gun, damaging the hand.

    It's feet can stomp, causing an AoE similar to that of the MOAs, and a direct hit can tear shields and kill if HP is low enough.

    Artwork (drawn and painted by me)



    I've thought more on the boss battle sequences. The player can fight this enemy in stages, often within the desert ruins/clay cities. The boss will move alot and is very agile.

    I'll think of the stages later

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