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  1. Pretty much what it says on the tin. I adore the Entrati aesthetic and I really want to deck out my orbiter, but the decorations are painful to farm for between the constantly changing prices and daily rotation. Sometimes I need to buy decorations in bulk to build something elaborate, but progress grinds to a halt because the specific decoration I need isn't available, or costs something I don't have enough of. This problem is especially egregious in the case of Grandmother, who sells her decorations for a certain family member's reputation tokens each go-around. Depending on the family member, I might only be able to acquire two or three of something and then I have to wait another nebulous amount of time to cross my fingers and see what the price is. Being able to buy these decorations on the market for platinum would save a lot of time and worry when it comes to dripping out orbiters and clan dojos with expensive faction decorations. If that's too much, at least take them off the daily rotation system and swap them to reputation costs instead of materials. That way you wouldn't be burning anyone's hard-earned plat, and there could still be a nice grind to do without becoming tedious.
  2. The blue orb that hangs over the kneeling pad by the window of the Personal Quarters seems to have taken up permanent residence there. I think it was originally there to start the Apostasy prologue mission, but even after it's served its purpose it doesn't seem to want to leave. I'd love to put some decorations in that empty little corner of the room, but that annoying ball of blue particles would ruin any attempt at decoration I could try that didn't account for it. Is this a bug, or is it supposed to be there?
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