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Posts posted by HappyPlecostomus

  1. Took me weeks to get Equinox just for that ONE part. 1 out of 7 chance sooo i'm not expecting anything. 

    And for Harrow, got the hardest part on the first try, woop de doop.

    And then there's Khora with the SAME parts dropping every time. You don't have to rush the game content btw

  2. Didn't read the other answers. If you are on PC, we could go for index together. You can find me in-game. I'm MR15 and I haven't touched Eidolon, other focus school, and most of the late game content (Lich, Railjack) Of course I haven't gotten my rattleguts too. I saved up few millions of credit so it was easy for me to get to the second last rank. 

    Go index only when you are on 2x credit. You will have a chance of getting that from the login reward. Did you join a clan? I'm sure most of them are happy to bring you.

  3. 4 hours ago, 3rdpig said:

    If you think they're the most annoying enemies in video game history then either you're exaggerating wildly, or you haven't played many video games.

    I don't even have to look further than Warframe for an example. I'd like you to meet my lich with the Tonkor who could one shot entire teams while hopping around like a demented bunny rabbit, dropping grenades like turds, occasionally turning invisible and constantly dropping insults that belong in Bollywood gangster movies.

    I am interested to know more about the insults dropped by Bollywood gangster movies

  4. 3 hours ago, (XB1)Leafrider8 said:

    I thought he already did that. He does that for me usually. I'm listening to the music and then it quiets a little and then I hear it say the thing and I'm like oh no and turn around and see him looking like a psychopath/edgey ninja teen 

    I usually mute my game lul, didn't know he will do that. I want it to twist the pitch of the music! 

    willem dafoe smile GIF

  5. 8 hours ago, hendrix923 said:

    Most players can’t come up with 3K ducats in 2 days. It was rereleased to get players to buy the Tennocon pack, just a ploy to drum up business. 

    Saw this mod being released in Baro and me going "Isn't this mod very glorious and worshiped by all Tennos?", decided to sell 70% of my primed parts stored till this date...

    ..to realize that I don't have enough mod slot to fit into my vectis unless I have a Riven. 

    Off to some relic farming for the rest of the year lul Lesson learnt: Don't blindly follow the trend

  6. InB4 most of the players dont even give a shet about That man in the wall or walk past him without knowing. Sad void guy is sad. 

    Oh yeah, if you don't want to get startled by it, just turn on the music when you play Warframe. 

    Things will be fun if The man in the wall can twist your in-game music playing in your orbiter when it appears 

  7. I encounter way more leechers in Asia region than NA. I have been playing in NA region since then even with 300ms. I don't care. In places like SO, I would encounter at least one 0-1% damage dealth leechers who just hide under the ladder while waiting for us to kill. We would never go past 4 zone. Players in NA are different. Everyone is eagerly contributing to the mission. Might have something to do with having more experienced players in NA. 

    I only join pub if the mission isn't that difficult, that I know what to do without depending on anyone. You should try joining a clan or getting a good group before heading to missions like arbitration. You never know what kind of people you will get from pub. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Viges said:

    They don't even bother to host their own servers, that's how much they want to save on money. Somehow GGG can afford dedicated servers with small team and all that, but not DE while making much more money.

    I will have what they are doing now, P2P instead of a dedicated server thank you very much. I have very bad connection in my area and Warframe is a game that I do not need to worry about disconnecting halfway while solo (Even playing offline for a while until I get my internet back up). And they are clever for not needing to maintain a dedicated server due to its cost. I can play with low ping with my nearby friends as well.

    Me happy, DE happy. 

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  9. Did plenty of PoE content, so far none spawned even with the highest level bounty. Seen none in syndicate so far. Just avoiding Grineer lvl20+ NORMAL MISSION nodes will do imo. But that sounds ridiculous ahhaha. You can still access these maps but best to play it solo to avoid your mates killing that Larva thing

  10. Was really excited for the Kuva Lich update, went in the game and activated one. 

    Then regretted my decision as I just don't have the time to grind the mods. Perks of not reading the notes! 

    Now I avoid the content altogether. But eventually I will have to face it due to sorties ending up in these influenced nodes yea? Maybeeee next time bro. 

    Some long time players I know are enjoying this content, but I don't feel the same as someone who just joined the game for a few months, still trying to learn about the game. I feel punished just by playing Wf now. 


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